7/8th inches all around, head and beard. I look more like a monkey than I do an Arian member! Lol
7/8th inches all around, head and beard. I look more like a monkey than I do an Arian member! Lol
I could trim around my ears if I wanted it to look perfect, but really all I have to do is push my hair behind my ears and it looks fine. I've done the double mirror method in the past, (hand mirror in my hands, bathroom mirror in the back) but that's if I want it to be squared. It's a pain in the ass to do, and my hairline in the back naturally forms a w shape without hair going down my neck. So most of the time I don't even bother.A little tapering is worth like +50 style points, but you have to get someone to do the back for you. Or do some mirror ninjutsu. Equally difficult things.