It's been a little over a month since the last nothing account was banned. There's one that I suspect is him, but that username hasn't logged in for awhile now. I believe he's either grown bored of the whole thing, or he's just lurking about and not posting anything.How long has it been since there's been a nothing account Floofy? Haven't seen one myself in awhile.
I make jokes, but I am very bad at it.
Well, now it would be, "Why can't I ban this user! Why can't I ban this user!!! What.... oh..... god dammit, it's just Floofy!"Damnit, keep wanting to smash the report button automatically whenever I see that ?
The mega smut thing?57961
We know you aren't nothing, no way he could keep up the act the way we were going on the other day, not enough grey matter.
Okey. I only knew about blue large text and calling mods out.57962
Ah, I had completely missed that. Normally he'll posts kind of like this. With a bunch of modifications to the text such as italics, centering the text, changing the color, changing the font, and increasing the size of the text.
Like... What an absolute tool! Lol
Anyone who spends an extra minute and a half to "bedazzle" their text is an absolute psychopath by default! LolOkey. I only new about blue large text and calling mods out.
IMO it was a "perfect" Nothing joke as you talked about him.
Goofed around like that several times. Not sure which you mean. But it does not matter either. I just enjoy having fun ?57967
The long drawn out RP we were making up on the fly, it takes skills to do so especially with several people at once, he couldn't hope to do that.
I am a field researcher, I must test the theories.Warned her that we'd all go straight for either the report button or moderator toolbar ?
Did you press it for me?57974
It's a reflex for me now. Maybe even an instinct my hypothetical offspring would be born with lol.