Reconscope Supreme Citizen of ZV May 1, 2022 #34,445 34264 I always imagine a "boop" when a random message pops up
son1911 Zooville Settler May 1, 2022 #34,446 34265 I imagine a phone ringing. I hate it when the phone is ringing.
Reconscope Supreme Citizen of ZV May 1, 2022 #34,447 34366. Or when telegram groups send messages you can hear a bubble Pop
Reconscope Supreme Citizen of ZV May 1, 2022 #34,449 34368 The enticing number comes next.... I used telegram to communicate with my group however it has some pretty nice stickers that allow you to express how you exactly feel. Just watch out for the ill advised folk
34368 The enticing number comes next.... I used telegram to communicate with my group however it has some pretty nice stickers that allow you to express how you exactly feel. Just watch out for the ill advised folk
son1911 Zooville Settler May 1, 2022 #34,450 34369 Letters suffice for my communication needs. Spoiler: Work chat
FloofyNewfie The Floofy Administrator Staff member May 1, 2022 #34,464 3 The meaning of life, the universe, and everything 82