Browser suggestions other than ingonito mode to use to prevent getting door kicked in?

A vpn would be a good start

Browser shouldn't matter much, but your internet provider could theoretically track what sites you've been on.
While I don't know what the situation is where you live, zoo appears to be rather low priority regarding things to get your door kicked in for. Closer to music piracy than domestic terrorism. Most cases I've seen somebody getting arrested (predominantly in the US) was either somebody else tipping them off, or doing something extraordinarily crackhead-like, such as fucking a sheep in public. That said, it never hurts to use online opsec in general, even for "clean" people, considering how draconian big tech companies are with their tracking and censorship measures.
While I don't know what the situation is where you live, zoo appears to be rather low priority regarding things to get your door kicked in for. Closer to music piracy than domestic terrorism. Most cases I've seen somebody getting arrested (predominantly in the US) was either somebody else tipping them off, or doing something extraordinarily crackhead-like, such as fucking a sheep in public. That said, it never hurts to use online opsec in general, even for "clean" people, considering how draconian big tech companies are with their tracking and censorship measures.
*Cough cough* Facebook has more power than our government
If you're really trying to go for the gold, you can always run TAILS from a flash drive, doesn't save anything and forgets everything each time, uses TOR to browse the web.
I use duckduckgo since it doesn't collect any data or cookies, but I recommend you use a VPN with it for some more security