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Breed size averages (Breed sizes based on personal experience)

Those sizes look about right. I have had 7 dogs (took my first knot at 16) and most have been shep crosses. The biggest and most active was a rotty/shep mix and the laziest fucker was my last one - he was not a great one for long fucks, but he sooo loved lying on top and emptying himself out. He would stay there until his dick shrank back and then he'd rim for as long as he was allowed.
Didn't ever get the tape out, though. I lost my last dog about three months ago and an thinking about what breed I'll get.
My first was a full sized boxer and I will never forget the shock of the knot. Fortunately I had the house to myself so being tied for 20 minutes was not an issue. But very fortunate and it taught me a valuable lesson - plan it and make the time. I am convinced he seduced me ... over a period of time he would keep nudging me and would give tongue baths ... I was already putting things in my ass so thought ... why not? So i was home alone for a day and Ohh shit! I've been addicted to it ever since.
Has anybody had any experience with a Weimaraner. I’m thinking of getting one. So does anyone have any data about their size? ???
Those sizes look about right. I have had 7 dogs (took my first knot at 16) and most have been shep crosses. The biggest and most active was a rotty/shep mix and the laziest fucker was my last one - he was not a great one for long fucks, but he sooo loved lying on top and emptying himself out. He would stay there until his dick shrank back and then he'd rim for as long as he was allowed.
Didn't ever get the tape out, though. I lost my last dog about three months ago and an thinking about what breed I'll get.
My first was a full sized boxer and I will never forget the shock of the knot. Fortunately I had the house to myself so being tied for 20 minutes was not an issue. But very fortunate and it taught me a valuable lesson - plan it and make the time. I am convinced he seduced me ... over a period of time he would keep nudging me and would give tongue baths ... I was already putting things in my ass so thought ... why not? So i was home alone for a day and Ohh shit! I've been addicted to it ever since.
Have you ever been with a pit bull and if so, how was it ? It’s great reading you
Breed size averages
originally stated by taigantraverser

Breed sizes based on personal experience (I thought this would be help full with people wondering)

I can share from my personal experiences (at least the ones I can remember). I would also say this: there is quite a bit of individual variation, even within breeds. Breeds that have been more in-bred, historically, tend to have fairly similar-looking penises and fairly predictable size...there's always the occasional outlier though. Breeds with a great deal of genetic diversity (Alaskan Malamutes, Mastiffs, Retrievers, etc...basically breeds that have been around a long time and can be found in fairly sizable numbers) have the most variation in the appearance/size of their genitals. I know many of these are a small sample size in a fairly small region of the world, but I will share what I have seen anyway. I have measured many boys and I have enough experience from the ones I have measured to give a pretty accurate recollection of how big the others were that I've had the chance to interact with (at least within a half inch or so)

  • Akita (2): 6 3/4"-7 1/4" x 9"-10" knot girth x 5-5 1/4" shaft girth...one thing to be noted...the two I've seen...also other I've seen in videos...they have the most disproportionate shaft length to knot size ratio I have ever seen on a dog...pretty much all knot...lol!
  • Alaskan Malamute (7, 2 mixes): smallest 6 1/4" long x 7" knot girth x 4 1/2" shaft girth...largest, 2 that are exactly the same dimensions and not related: 8" long x 8 1/2" x 5 1/8"...the girthiest-shafted boy I have seen was 5 1/2".
  • American Bulldog: mix: 8 3/4" x 7 3/4" x 4 3/4".
    • (arcticwolf69): pure 71/2" x 7 1/2" x 4 3/4"
    • (anonymous) 7 1/2" x 7 x
    • (anonymous) 8 1/4" x 7 1/2 x
  • Bloodhound: (3, one mix): 8" long (shortest)-8 3/4" long (longest) x 8 1/2-9" knot girth x 5"-5 3/4" shaft girth
  • Boerboel: 7 1/2" long x 10 1/2" knot girth (girthiest I have seen in any breed) x 5 1/2" shaft girth .. measurement pics posted below
  • Boxer (Renee) 6.5" length from behind knot, 7.5" knot girth, 5"+ shaft girth.
  • Chesapeake Bay Retriever (1): 8 1/4" x 9" x 5 3/8".
  • Cocker Spaniel (knotinterested)(Blonde) Weight Unknown - Size 5" Girth 4 1/2" Knot Girth 5 1/2"
  • Doberman Pincer (knotinterested)(Standard) Weight Unknown - Size 7" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
  • German Shepherd Dog (at least 8, few mixes): shortest was a fixed male who had the smallest cock I have ever seen fixed or not, on a dog that size...literally was a micropenis at about 3" in length.
    • intact GSDs, I've never seen one shorter than 6 1/2" nor one longer than 7 1/2". Least girthy knot about 7", girthiest around 8 1/2", least girthy shaft, a few were under 4 1/2" for sure. The girthiest shafted shep I've seen is barely over 5"...they tend to be longer, rather than girthy...the German lines are a little girthier.
    • (knotinterested) (German Bloodline) Male Dog Weight 125 pounds - Size 8" Girth 5" Knot Girth 8"
    • (American Bloodline) Male Dog Weight 85 pounds - Size 7" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
    • (Furfan)- 3 dogs ... 6.5 inch , 7 inch , 9.75 inch
  • German Short haired Pointer (2): 7"-7 1/4" x 7 1/2"-8" x 4 3/4-5 1/4".
  • Golden Retriever mix: 7" x 8 5/8" x 5 3/8".
  • Great Dane (2):smallest at 7" x 8 3/4" x 5 1/2", largest at 9 1/4" (also the longest I have seen so far in any breed) x 9" knot girth x 5 3/4" shaft girth.
    • (knotinterested)(Black and white) Weight Unknown - Size 9" Girth 6" Knot Girth 9"
    • (underdoge) larger : Total Length 8 long, Shaft 5.18 circumference, Knot, 11 and 1/8-1/4 circumference, 2.6-2.65 long, 3.89 wide, 2.33 - 2.5 tall
      Smaller Great Dane: Total Length 8 long, Shaft 6 inch circumference, Knot 10 circumference
  • Labrador Retriever (at least 6, at least 2 mixes): smallest 6" in length x 6" knot girth x 4 1/4" shaft girth. Largest, 7 1/4" x 8" x 5".
    • (knotinterested)(Chocolate) Weight Unknown - Size 6 1/2" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
    • (furfan) 5.75
  • Mastiff: (5, one mix), smallest 7" in length from tip of the head to the base of the knot,
  • largest 8" in length. The smallest in knot size is the mix at 8" in circumference.
    For a purebred, smallest 8 3/4" in girth.
    Shaft girth smallest (mix) at 4 7/8". purebred 5 3/8". Largest, 6" girth shaft (at thickest point)[girthiest shaft I have seen in any breed
  • Presa Canario (mix): 7 1/2" long x 8 3/4" knot girth x 5" shaft girth.
  • Rottweiler (3): smallest 6 1/2" x 7" x 4 3/4", biggest 8" x 8 3/4 x 5 1/2".
    • (knotinterested)(Standard) Weight Unknown - Size 8" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
    • (underdoge)Rottweiler: Shaft 5 inch circumference, Knot 8 inch circumference
    • (bitchinheat11) length 8" Girth 5.5" Knot Girth 8". 2.5 years old.
  • Siberian Husky (at least 7, not counting early age castrated males), at least 3 mixes): smallest at 6" in length, longest at 8". smallest knot at 6", largest at 8 1/4", least girthy shaft at 4 1/4". Girthiest at 5 1/2". This is one of the most variable breeds I have seen in size.
  • Staffordshire Terrier mixes (at least 10). Smallest one at about 5 1/4" in length. Longest at 7". Smallest knot at about 6", largest at about 8 5/8", least girthy shaft at about 4 1/4" and girthiest at 5 3/8".
  • Saint Bernard:8" long x 9" knot girth x 5 1/2" shaft girth.
    • (fanspaztic) 9" knot girth 10.5" measurement pics posted below
Hope this helps for anyone looking for a scientific answer <3 ...Btw, dogs with 10" cocks are unicorns. I'm sure they exist, but I've never seen one, and I've seen a LOT of dog cock...I can only think of maybe 2 I've ever seen in pictures or videos that probably are over that mark...anyone that tells you they have a dog with that long of a cock, or with a "softball-sized knot"...they're probably exaggerating...just like how guys love to overstate the size of their own penis by a half to one inch all the time (inferiority complex)

Please Post your actual measured sizes of dogs you have known to be added to the list
This is a question that gets asked a lot, lets have an actual compiled list of sizes

added 2 American bull dogs( anonymous) seen measurement pics, thanks a bunch buddie
I have a question.....
Is girth the same as circumference in your measurements?
The terms have different meanings,
but you use them both.

If a Danes knot gets 9" across,
then a softball is actually smaller.

If that means 9" in circumference,
that's aittle .ore reasonable.

I'm just a little confused on your terminology.
If you could clarify that that for me I would greatly appreciate it.
Many thanks....
I have a question.....
Is girth the same as circumference in your measurements?
The terms have different meanings,
but you use them both.

If a Danes knot gets 9" across,
then a softball is actually smaller.

If that means 9" in circumference,
that's aittle .ore reasonable.

I'm just a little confused on your terminology.
If you could clarify that that for me I would greatly appreciate it.
Many thanks....
That would be circumferenceIMG_20190928_220816_848.jpgIMG_20190928_220813_697.jpg
For reference
Jesters Bernard
The amount of variance between breeds is interesting. I have only had personal experience with Pitt mixes, but the numbers seem to match up.
Miller’s ANATOMY of the DOG fourth edition, ISBN: 978-143770812-7, about dog's penis size.

Topographically the penis is composed of three principal divisions: the root (radix penis), the body (corpus penis), and the glans (glans penis). The root of the penis is composed of the two crura and the bulb of the penis. The body is primarily comprised of the two adjacent corpora cavernosa. The glans is subdivided into a bulbus glandis and a pars longa glandis. In the nonerect state the glans penis is entirely withdrawn into the prepuce. The prepuce is attached to the ventral abdominal wall except for its distal open end, which is free. The penis has two primary surfaces, a dorsal (dorsum penis) and a ventral or urethral surface (facies urethralis). Measurements of the nonerect penis in more than 150 mature dogs of assorted breeds show that its length ranges from 6.5 to 24 cm, with an average of 17.9 cm. (p. 376)

You won't find a better source than this. The variation is huge, but be prepared for a large size, above human's average. In particular, the glans (bulb) will be overwhelming.


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Related: The os penis or baculum (the inner bone in the dog's penis) can be large in length, Miller's Anatomy of the Dog says: "In large dogs it is approximately 10 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, and 1 cm thick" (p. 379). The problem with this is that there's no truce even if the penis is flaccid in the phase of "intromission" (to put it in plain language, when his cock has been just introduced). Also, that baculum bone is responsible for the change of the geometry of the dog penis once is in, swelled, and engorged, in particular inside vaginas (because of the pressure to move forward, and having no more room to go). the tip flattens dorsally, which now changes to a form named "corona glandis", and the baculum gets exposed.

I marked the explanation picture to illustrate how women will definitely feel the bone. In red, it's marked the baculum or os penis bone. in blue, the tip of the cock. in the last two pictures, the distance between the tip and the bone. under the right circumstances a women's vagina will trap the dogs cock due to the bulb, or at least put a break, because the bulb will always engorge first, therefore, when the cock is inside, and cannot find more place to go you see a) the tip change of position and b) the distance between the tip of the bone and the flesh is reduced by a lot. that distance in yellow is also the distance between the bone and the vagina walls.

so women, bear in mind you are getting 'boned', literally.


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wow its good to know the sizes! I was hoping to try with a German Shepard i know though i will likely need to work up to him for a while before I can handle him!
wow its good to know the sizes! I was hoping to try with a German Shepard i know though i will likely need to work up to him for a while before I can handle him!
Its always good to be prepared, they arent huge but if your not used to something bigger than a turd back there you need to work on it
Hopefully this thread keeps om rollin'. I am trying to do a chart with all the info that is being filled in this thread and converting all to cm, intstead of inches. These half and quarter inches makes it abit inacurate and fuckes me up abit *Maybe it's only me* ? and well not all is about accuracy. So Keep filling in measurements so i can do a more visual chart.. A dog cock is'nt everything, a dog is also company and a individual *not Only a Tool* ? But dogcocks fascinate me..
It would be great if your still doing such and would love a copy
Very few additions have been added to this thread i am currently going back thru it looking for those i missed to be added to the orginal post
I wish more folks took the time to use a cheap dollar store cloth sewing tape measure and got us more measurements
This type of stuff i find very interesting
the poster T that started the initial post idea is a serious curious measurement taker for most of his life i guess
I never honestly thought about measuring the dozens of dogs i have know over the years
Lot of posts people wondering average sizes of different breeds, many of those are actual zoo's contemplating companions they might get to have an experience with
As soon new measurements comes up in this thread i will fill them in ?
Do you have measurements of dogs i not have, is what i could add
I happily add different dogs in metric
Might at some point do some updates and add metric to the current sizes
like this one 8 5/8" x 5 7/8" x 9 1/4"
could be done 8 5/8" (8.625) inches = 21.91 centimeters x 5 7/8" (5.875) inches = 14.92 centimeters x 9 1/4" (9.25) inches = 23.5 centimeters
For those interested a site i got bookmarked for conversions list usa fractions like i copy pasted
and change to any type of measurement and conversion
Only counts if it has been in real life, internet pics don't count :p

Let me know about it!

Mine was a Huskee, was around 11inches.
IDK If sensitive photos are allowed here but they're welcome if they are. :p