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Breed size averages (Breed sizes based on personal experience)

Never thought about measuring my dog's cock... But I can tell you from the feeling:

German Shepherd Dog: Long slim dick with a flat tip kind of soft so no problem to penetrate me; and a big knot (exactly: seemed two balls left and right from his dick) Never took this knot. He fucked in long hard thrusts (kind of jack hammer)

Boxer: not very long but thick dick. Slim at the tip but huge in the middle. Little smaller at the Knot. The Knot is real big compared with his Penis. Didn't take this knot, too. He fucked in very fast, short thrusts (kind of machine gun;)

With both dogs no problem with the depth of thrusting.
Anyone has personal experience with Australian Shepherd size?
My girl and I love this gorgeous breed and they do well in agility competitions which she loves to do. Have not seen much about them on here tough so we’re curious
my issue is lines like this 7"-7 1/4" x 7 1/2"-8" x 4 3/4-5 1/4". This is a math problem, an equation, not a unit of measurement.
Have you ever seen a centimeter with 10 1/4cm, no because its 10.25cm why the fuck would you...whatever
OMG! How difficult to understand!

Somewhere between 7 and 7 1/4 inches by somewhere between 7 1/2 and 8 inches by somewhere between 4 3/4 and 5 1/4 inches...

Are you *REALLY* that incapable of figuring it out when it's spelled out so clearly that a blind man can see it from half a mile away? Or are you just trying to play the "I want something to bitch about, so I'll invent something, regardless of of how stupid it makes me look" game?
I’m also interested in the avg size of an Australian cattle dog, I just got a puppy who won’t be getting neutered. Curious to know what size he might get to
Knot girth is the size the gland swells too? Also

German Shepherd Dog (German Bloodline) Male Dog Weight 125 pounds - Size 8" Girth 5" Knot Girth 8".. is size the length of him? Then what is the middle number? Ty
Hi all, question out of curiosity... What is the smallest breed female dog, that can take an average human size penis? Example - 5inch men penis...
Breed size averages
originally stated by taigantraverser

Breed sizes based on personal experience (I thought this would be help full with people wondering)

I can share from my personal experiences (at least the ones I can remember). I would also say this: there is quite a bit of individual variation, even within breeds. Breeds that have been more in-bred, historically, tend to have fairly similar-looking penises and fairly predictable size...there's always the occasional outlier though. Breeds with a great deal of genetic diversity (Alaskan Malamutes, Mastiffs, Retrievers, etc...basically breeds that have been around a long time and can be found in fairly sizable numbers) have the most variation in the appearance/size of their genitals. I know many of these are a small sample size in a fairly small region of the world, but I will share what I have seen anyway. I have measured many boys and I have enough experience from the ones I have measured to give a pretty accurate recollection of how big the others were that I've had the chance to interact with (at least within a half inch or so)

  • Akita (2): 6 3/4"-7 1/4" x 9"-10" knot girth x 5-5 1/4" shaft girth...one thing to be noted...the two I've seen...also other I've seen in videos...they have the most disproportionate shaft length to knot size ratio I have ever seen on a dog...pretty much all knot...lol!
  • Alaskan Malamute (7, 2 mixes): smallest 6 1/4" long x 7" knot girth x 4 1/2" shaft girth...largest, 2 that are exactly the same dimensions and not related: 8" long x 8 1/2" x 5 1/8"...the girthiest-shafted boy I have seen was 5 1/2".
  • American Bulldog: mix: 8 3/4" x 7 3/4" x 4 3/4".
    • (arcticwolf69): pure 8 1/2" x 8 3/4" x 4 3/4"
  • Bloodhound: (3, one mix): 8" long (shortest)-8 3/4" long (longest) x 8 1/2-9" knot girth x 5"-5 3/4" shaft girth
  • Boerboel: 7 1/2" long x 10 1/2" knot girth (girthiest I have seen in any breed) x 5 1/2" shaft girth .. measurement pics posted below
  • Boxer (Renee) 6.5" length from behind knot, 7.5" knot girth, 5"+ shaft girth.
  • Chesapeake Bay Retriever (1): 8 1/4" x 9" x 5 3/8".
  • Cocker Spaniel (knotinterested)(Blonde) Weight Unknown - Size 5" Girth 4 1/2" Knot Girth 5 1/2"
  • Doberman Pincer (knotinterested)(Standard) Weight Unknown - Size 7" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
  • German Shepherd Dog (at least 8, few mixes): shortest was a fixed male who had the smallest cock I have ever seen fixed or not, on a dog that size...literally was a micropenis at about 3" in length.
    • intact GSDs, I've never seen one shorter than 6 1/2" nor one longer than 7 1/2". Least girthy knot about 7", girthiest around 8 1/2", least girthy shaft, a few were under 4 1/2" for sure. The girthiest shafted shep I've seen is barely over 5"...they tend to be longer, rather than girthy...the German lines are a little girthier.
    • (knotinterested) (German Bloodline) Male Dog Weight 125 pounds - Size 8" Girth 5" Knot Girth 8"
    • (American Bloodline) Male Dog Weight 85 pounds - Size 7" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
    • (Furfan)- 3 dogs ... 6.5 inch , 7 inch , 9.75 inch
  • German Short haired Pointer (2): 7"-7 1/4" x 7 1/2"-8" x 4 3/4-5 1/4".
  • Golden Retriever mix: 7" x 8 5/8" x 5 3/8".
  • Great Dane (2):smallest at 7" x 8 3/4" x 5 1/2", largest at 9 1/4" (also the longest I have seen so far in any breed) x 9" knot girth x 5 3/4" shaft girth.
    • (knotinterested)(Black and white) Weight Unknown - Size 9" Girth 6" Knot Girth 9"
    • (underdoge) larger : Total Length 8 long, Shaft 5.18 circumference, Knot, 11 and 1/8-1/4 circumference, 2.6-2.65 long, 3.89 wide, 2.33 - 2.5 tall
      Smaller Great Dane: Total Length 8 long, Shaft 6 inch circumference, Knot 10 circumference
  • Labrador Retriever (at least 6, at least 2 mixes): smallest 6" in length x 6" knot girth x 4 1/4" shaft girth. Largest, 7 1/4" x 8" x 5".
    • (knotinterested)(Chocolate) Weight Unknown - Size 6 1/2" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
    • (furfan) 5.75
  • Mastiff: (5, one mix), smallest 7" in length from tip of the head to the base of the knot,
  • largest 8" in length. The smallest in knot size is the mix at 8" in circumference.
    For a purebred, smallest 8 3/4" in girth.
    Shaft girth smallest (mix) at 4 7/8". purebred 5 3/8". Largest, 6" girth shaft (at thickest point)[girthiest shaft I have seen in any breed
  • Presa Canario (mix): 7 1/2" long x 8 3/4" knot girth x 5" shaft girth.
  • Rottweiler (3): smallest 6 1/2" x 7" x 4 3/4", biggest 8" x 8 3/4 x 5 1/2".
    • (knotinterested)(Standard) Weight Unknown - Size 8" Girth 5" Knot Girth 7"
    • (underdoge)Rottweiler: Shaft 5 inch circumference, Knot 8 inch circumference
    • (bitchinheat11) length 8" Girth 5.5" Knot Girth 8". 2.5 years old.
  • Siberian Husky (at least 7, not counting early age castrated males), at least 3 mixes): smallest at 6" in length, longest at 8". smallest knot at 6", largest at 8 1/4", least girthy shaft at 4 1/4". Girthiest at 5 1/2". This is one of the most variable breeds I have seen in size.
  • Staffordshire Terrier mixes (at least 10). Smallest one at about 5 1/4" in length. Longest at 7". Smallest knot at about 6", largest at about 8 5/8", least girthy shaft at about 4 1/4" and girthiest at 5 3/8".
  • Saint Bernard:8" long x 9" knot girth x 5 1/2" shaft girth.
    • (fanspaztic) 9" knot girth 10.5" measurement pics posted below
Hope this helps for anyone looking for a scientific answer <3 ...Btw, dogs with 10" cocks are unicorns. I'm sure they exist, but I've never seen one, and I've seen a LOT of dog cock...I can only think of maybe 2 I've ever seen in pictures or videos that probably are over that mark...anyone that tells you they have a dog with that long of a cock, or with a "softball-sized knot"...they're probably exaggerating...just like how guys love to overstate the size of their own penis by a half to one inch all the time (inferiority complex)

Please Post your actual measured sizes of dogs you have known to be added to the list
This is a question that gets asked a lot, lets have an actual compiled list of sizes

added shep and lab thanks to furfan
Thank you for the preem information my friend ?
Love this informativ thread. But i am missing a few not so ordinary dogs cock size.
Hopefully there can be a average size measurement on.

Wachtel dog and Alpenländische dachsbracke.

Alot of thx to those who could help in this matter ❤️
Hopefully this thread keeps om rollin'. I am trying to do a chart with all the info that is being filled in this thread and converting all to cm, intstead of inches. These half and quarter inches makes it abit inacurate and fuckes me up abit *Maybe it's only me* ? and well not all is about accuracy. So Keep filling in measurements so i can do a more visual chart.. A dog cock is'nt everything, a dog is also company and a individual *not Only a Tool* ? But dogcocks fascinate me..


  • IMG_20210212_082813.jpg
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Hopefully this thread keeps om rollin'. I am trying to do a chart with all the info that is being filled in this thread and converting all to cm, intstead of inches. These half and quarter inches makes it abit inacurate and fuckes me up abit *Maybe it's only me* ? and well not all is about accuracy. So Keep filling in measurements so i can do a more visual chart.. A dog cock is'nt everything, a dog is also company and a individual *not Only a Tool* ? But dogcocks fascinate me..
Agree with you. I hope can help u with chart. Dog cocks are really irresistible and beautiful. Perfection

GREAT DANE: Minimum 15 cm Maximum 22 cm
ROTTWEILER: Minimum 13 cm Maximum 20 cm
GERMAN SHEPHERD: Minimum 12 cm Maximum 20 cm
LABRADOR: Minimum 11 cm Maximum 17 cm
DOBERMAN: Minimum 12 cm Maximum 18 cm
MASTIFF: Minimum 14 cm Maximum 21 cm
Привет. Я не очень разбираюсь в этом вопросе. Могу я узнать больше о пенисе Акита-ину. У меня есть щенок этой породы, но из-за того, что собака молодая (всего 2 месяца), я еще не мерил и не трогал. но я хочу знать, какой размер я могу ожидать в будущем. Когда он вырастет, могу лично выложить вам фото замеров как есть. но заранее, если есть опытные участники, жду информации от вас.
Anyone got any measurements for a Central Asian Shepherd or Kangal? I’m looking to get a CAS and wanna know what I’m getting into, or rather what’s getting into me~
Why are most people forgetting about the knot, the most characteristic advantage over a human penis, when talking about measurements?
I also am very interested in the knot. I can easily take a 3" diameter dildo so for me the just right knot would be 3.5 to 4" diameter. The just right length would be no more than 8" total with the knot. I appreciate everyone for sharing this very important information. I have no experience so I'm like a babe in the woods. I wish I could have a long chat with someone who can answer all my questions.