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Biggest Fear?

Suffocation - can get a little claustrophobic at times, even in open spaces, with a fear of not being able to breathe

Which is counterintuitive to being a scuba diver, I know, but it's my way of fighting it :D
Judgment Day is mine. imagine all your life came up for you to read then you probably gotta read it the zillions of humans to ever walked the earth.

but other than that... its needles/sharp things.
Dying before my parents. I refuse to make them lose another child. I will hold on with everything I got to make sure they never have to put me in the ground.
that humans eliminate all wildness, taking up so much space that there is no room for non-food animals
it just doesn't look like people will stop overpopulating
eventually, if the population doesn't stop growing, food animals will become too expensive

i'll be long dead by then, but the vision of the future horrifies me
Not having a legacy. We only live on through the memories of others. One should leave a memory behind, a pleasant, inspirational one.
So you want a library named after you ?

I mean in all probability no one will remember any of us within two generations. Will you make sure your legacy includes your love for zoo?


My biggest fear... is all of "this" will be for nothing. We won't get over ourselves as a species and work together. Just wasting our time here.
death is an inevitability. But the quality of time together could always be better.

My biggest concern personally would be to live a life I was not proud of. That's been the sole purpose for change in my life.
So you want a library named after you ?

I mean in all probability no one will remember any of us within two generations. Will you make sure your legacy includes your love for zoo?


My biggest fear... is all of "this" will be for nothing. We won't get over ourselves as a species and work together. Just wasting our time here.
death is an inevitability. But the quality of time together could always be better.

My biggest concern personally would be to live a life I was not proud of. That's been the sole purpose for change in my life

Libraries are being closed all over the country. Zoo as a legacy? How would you do that? Guinness book of records?
Heights and planes, drowning, car crashes, getting cancer, losing a limb are basic ones I think. but if we're digging deep and big.. I'll go bigger. my biggest fear is Ruining Someone. ever since I was a teeanger i've been scared of pursuing relationships because the way I was would ruin them and make them miserable. its to the point where I act like i'm not interested in people physically or romantically when around people who know me.