Yes, if someone has a farm an interest in finding like minded people, I suppose you may have your few animal lovers, then a few for company and to let visitors play.
Still, I think that will get you a bunch of non zoo instead of trustfull people...
I think I would be depressed in no time ?
"making friends" with someone just to get to their partner is also shady as fuck.
Actually, looking for friends does not *necessarily* be shady.
The way you word it, befriending someone for their animals, IS sinister.
But, if someone is looking for like minded friend who happens to have an animal. Well, likely to work.
I usually have a knee jerk reaction when someone I don't know shows sudden interest for my animals out of nowhere. Now, if we talk, become friends and so, by the time I see how he thinks and think he is allright, then I might be ok (or not).
Trick here is, if they already have an animal, I may "talk" to that animal, see the interactions and have a good idea of what to expect. If the person does not have an animal it may take me a very long time or never happen at all.