Honestly, there should just be a "spoilers" cover over the website name or something like that, because acting like it is Lord Voldemort("He Who Must Not Be Named") does not really help anyone or impart knowledge when knowledge could be the difference between freedom and trouble. By that, what I mean is, yeah its good practice to not allow any linkage to a website as far as video links and such, but if its potentially a site that users here go to(unaware of any other kind of content on it) it would be in their best interest and doing them a big favor(potentially) by making them aware. It would also help for anyone that may happen upon it in the future since they would be able to recognize the name and reverse course.
(forgive me for the incoming star wars analogy... lol)
Given that this is a thread specifically listing banned websites, it seems counter-intuitive to name Count Dooku, Darth Maul, and Jabba The Hut(minor bad guys) as the ones to watch out for but neglect to also warn people about Darth Vader(the bad guy). If you just say "Guy from Tatooine, wears a black helmet, 2nd in command of the empire...watch out for him" , Darth Vader himself could come shake their hand, introduce himself, and invite them onto his death star and they wouldn't even realize "its a trap!".
I am aware that a few may take the link and go have a good ole time with it but is withholding from them more valuable than protecting our friends?
Lastly, as someone that uses a couple of ad blockers with some pretty strict parameters I have been to some of these banned sites prior to seeing them on the lists, and due to the ad blockers I was never aware of the adverts responsible for them being banned, and i didnt venture beyond the zoo stuff so I didnt know what other content was on the sites. Now that I have been given the knowledge of those sites hosting such things I dont go to them(not that i supported the ad revenue anyways because of my ad blockers, i just dont want to have any association with sites hosting that stuff). I thank you guys for making me aware in those cases(specifically z***18 and lux**etv i was oblivious too and used to be a visitor of)