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Bad Dragon Rex, Need Help!


I have been going to a variety of online stores looking for the perfect canine dildo w/cumtube. I settled on buying a Rex from Bad Dragon with the cum tube add on. I received and tested out my toy, and had an issue, the cum tube wasn’t working perfectly. It was difficult to use and did not work as I thought. After contacting support and getting help and trying out different things on the toy, that ended on me getting refund on the toy. That was awesome as I genuinely could not figure out why the cumtube was working so poorly (the syringe was very hard to push and only produced a dribble of cum lube). I bought a silicone adhesive and attempted to glue the tubing into the toy as I thought it wasn’t working because of a pressure difference in the toy due to the tubing popping off the toy itself. That made the problem worse! I cannot figure out how to fix my toy and make it work as intended and would really appreciate some help.
Also for anyone who might be able to help, water used to go through the tubing fine, but cum lube would not. After applying the adhesive myself water will now also not go through the tubing well. The toy has been cleaned and flushed with water multiple times, and I cannot see/feel any deformities in the toy that would cause the cumtube to not work. I am using the same actual tubing and syringe bad dragon sent me and their brand of cum lube. Should I cut away the adhesive and attempt to remove the cumtube? Did I push the cumtube in too far or too little before applying adhesive? Could there be a silicone stopping the flow (either from my adhesive or a defect in the toy itself)? Let me know some things to try and I will see what works.
That honestly sounds like the tube was pinched or had a hole somewhere in the base and when you added the adhesive it might have lost it's airway a least a easy one other than the tip. For a fix I'm sorry I can't help I do love Bad Dragons Rex as I have bought three of them all with different sizes and attachments but never had that happen only time it gets hard to push is when he is knotted and filling me with cum or when I am cleaning him out and trying to push all the cum/water out fast. (Sorry to not help)
I've got a few of their toys with the cumtube feature. They can be a bit finicky and require a bunch of lube to get working right. Sounds like when you glued the tube back in place some of that adhesive most likely either leaked off and plugged the tube or the tube got glued to the toy itself rather than the tubing running through the shaft. Either way if you got a refund I'd just get another one. Cumtube toys are a pain to clean anyway and if you can't flush the tubing running through the shaft it's going to be a breeding ground for bacteria.
I've got a few of their toys with the cumtube feature. They can be a bit finicky and require a bunch of lube to get working right. Sounds like when you glued the tube back in place some of that adhesive most likely either leaked off and plugged the tube or the tube got glued to the toy itself rather than the tubing running through the shaft. Either way if you got a refund I'd just get another one. Cumtube toys are a pain to clean anyway and if you can't flush the tubing running through the shaft it's going to be a breeding ground for bacteria.
Do you know of the proper way to apply adhesive to the cumtube and put it back into the toy? I applied adhesive to the sides of the tube then push it into the tube. Then I applied more to the opening where the cumtube comes out of the base of the toy.
Do you know of the proper way to apply adhesive to the cumtube and put it back into the toy? I applied adhesive to the sides of the tube then push it into the tube. Then I applied more to the opening where the cumtube comes out of the base of the toy.
I can't really think of a good way of doing it that wouldn't result in it getting plugged or it ending up in the wrong place. And even if you get clean tube to tube adhesion you'd still need it to find a way to keep it like that for however long the adhesive takes to cure. Sounds like what happened was that the tubes shifted and got plugged in with adhesive when you put more into the cumtube entrance. You'd likely need to rip the tubing out to even try placing it again which would just cause more problems. I still just say cut your losses and get a new one.
I have been going to a variety of online stores looking for the perfect canine dildo w/cumtube. I settled on buying a Rex from Bad Dragon with the cum tube add on. I received and tested out my toy, and had an issue, the cum tube wasn’t working perfectly. It was difficult to use and did not work as I thought. After contacting support and getting help and trying out different things on the toy, that ended on me getting refund on the toy. That was awesome as I genuinely could not figure out why the cumtube was working so poorly (the syringe was very hard to push and only produced a dribble of cum lube). I bought a silicone adhesive and attempted to glue the tubing into the toy as I thought it wasn’t working because of a pressure difference in the toy due to the tubing popping off the toy itself. That made the problem worse! I cannot figure out how to fix my toy and make it work as intended and would really appreciate some help.
The only explanation for this is that during the casting process, the tube has become pinched to an extent and is only allowing a small amount of flow through the tube.

You got a refund however, so tbh I'd take that as a pretty big win. Those suckers aren't cheap. Its not fixible either, if you try to run something through the tube, you risk piercing the silicone and introducing a tear, which could lead to further splitting when used.
The only explanation for this is that during the casting process, the tube has become pinched to an extent and is only allowing a small amount of flow through the tube.

You got a refund however, so tbh I'd take that as a pretty big win. Those suckers aren't cheap. Its not fixible either, if you try to run something through the tube, you risk piercing the silicone and introducing a tear, which could lead to further splitting when used.
I agree. 100%.

I also agree getting a refund is a BIG win. Chalk up another positive for BD too. Sex toy companies are not known for their positive customer relations in regards to faulty products.

I also don't think the toy is fixable. You're probably going to need to re-order the toy to use it as you originally intended.