It never changes....Especially here. The "He-man Woman Haters Club", AKA "Incels", are here by invitation. Much like many of the other troublemakers of the World. You can't change what you can't see....and most of them are blind.Exactly. Harassed and belittling with shitty comments.
Totally agree with you. @saddlebum66It never changes....Especially here. The "He-man Woman Haters Club", AKA "Incels", are here by invitation. Much like many of the other troublemakers of the World. You can't change what you can't see....and most of them are blind.
It’s not just here it’s literally on all socials. I’m also trying to keep to myself more atm as it causes me to spend less time onlineI'm certainly real. But like most women, I keep a low profile because the moment that I post I'm whapped with spam about how meet want to meet me or chat with me for reasons that have nothing whatever to do with this site.
And also the poor pathetic males who just want to get off while I talk about any experience I might or might not have which is really hardly the point of what a "community" is all about
Or the ones who want to watch me engage with their pets (of which many are just as fictitious IMHO as many of the women but no-one seems to be obsessed with that - I wonder why LOL)) without giving me any kind of convincing reason why it would be of my benefit to do so
You'd be amazed (or maybe you wouldn't) about the number of males who write to me saying "I enjoy hearing about your experiences ..." - in other words, I'm a substitute for an inflatable doll. How flattering is that?
If you have difficulty finding a real woman on this site and want to know why, go and have a long, hard look in the mirror.
And is your wanting to meet a woman from this site anything to do with the point of this forum? What's in it for the woman that she would want to meet you?
ExactlyIt’s not just here it’s literally on all socials. I’m also trying to keep to myself more atm as it causes me to spend less time online
My farmer friends, I met on another now long-gone siteI have met a few on here. And one of them has become one of my best friends.
Indeed it isIt’s not just here it’s literally on all socials.
Hopefully you're still in contact with them even with the site being long-gone.My farmer friends, I met on another now long-gone site
Yes, still in contact. And I'm a regular visitorHonestly it's super nice because we just sorta hit it off and then took our conversations away from just this site. And we can talk about this kind of stuff with another person haha
Hopefully you're still in contact with them even with the site being long-gone.
ExactlyThere are real females here. Quite a lot of them, in the context of a male dominated site.
But, most of the female members you see or chat with are catfish or scammers.
The vast majority of real females here tend to keep low profile because men are dicks far too often. Or more correctly some men who have no idea how social interaction works because they've never actually met a woman who isnt their mom.
ANY Zoos are hard to find irl, Don't worry, some here are fake zoo assholes who just want to get you in trouble, but you'll find real zoos if you're smart about who you trustI can't seem to meet any real women into zoo stuff in my real life
And....................................................As an older guy, I tend to agree with what @Dogdaddy69 and @saddlebum66 have already said.
I have no "game" when it comes to dating. It just happens. I'm not sure why, It's a big mystery to me. I usually try to talk generally to women and don't even talk about sex at all but instead, just lightly flirt with them and see where it goes. I guess that could be called having a game, but it's never the same
I think I'm a little unique, though, because I really can't remember a time I have ever "picked" up a woman, like at a bar or a party. I think because I don't set out as having a goal of getting laid as my endgame, women sense that, and that somehow is more attractive to them than guys with sexy pickup lines with the goal of clearly fucking them and nothing else.
So that's my secret to picking up women: don't even try, and let them come after you. lol, I get messages on here by women usually because of something I have said in a post and get praised for not being a "thirsty asshole." So being a thirsty asshole is the biggest reason women get turned off on here.
I like your thoughts! ThanksI think something else needs to be said here too.
Guys are SUPER SUPER bad about having the concept that anything with a pussy that likes k9 sex is a win. That's just not true. It will work out mostly ok if your ENTIRE goal is to get in there, score and bail. MOSTLY, but also not always. For Hit and Run, yeah, maybe, if you can STAND her long enough to get there, but anything involving more than that, guys gotta raise their standards a bit.
Guys, HERE especially, are WAY WAY to aggressive and way too desperate, and way too fucking thirsty. And the women who are here acting like that, THOSE are men, not women. Are there aggressive women? Yes. But even VERY aggressive women aren't THAT aggressive. So, put that info in your bag and consult it going forward.
Guys here, mostly, but not always, because of the aggressive, desperation generally come accross here in general as having no standards at all.
Now.......I want to be VERY clear here for everyone reading this........NO one is perfect. NO ONE. But too, not everyone is acceptable for everyone else. The men here really really need to stop slobbering over any and every female account they come across. Firstly because it gets them NOWHERE. And secondly because that just leads to more catfish. More flakes. More attention whores. You can't score with any of those types anyway, even the attention whore variety of real female, because she isn't here for that, she's here for internet asspats and empty validation from strangers. And real anything is too real for her, she'll bail on you first chance she gets. If not a ghosting, than a no show. GET THAT IDEA IN YOUR HEAD NOW, it will save you a lot of time and frustration later. Trust me there.
Also, just like everywhere else, you have toxic people here. Men AND women. AVOID people like that.
Because they're people too, you'll run into toxic women. I can name you 7 right off the top of my head, including 1 who actually was in a K9 video. I won't name her because I ain't that guy. But, I did flat out tell her she was toxic as fuck in a thread somewhere on here, because she comes across that way a lot. And she's actually the least toxic of the 7 I have in mind.
I'm not trying to bash women here, on the whole, there are a WHOLE LOT more toxic guys here. I'm just trying to make the point that just being into this doesn't automatically make her someone you should even want to chat with, let alone meet.
I guess the best way to say it so it makes sense is take the k9 out of it and ask yourself would I want to meet this person? If you need k9 in there to get to yes, walk away.
Go to the porn section, look in those threads. READ the comments. This time, maybe ask yourself how you'd feel if someone said that to your mom. And, the next step.......ANY of those comments you wouldn't want directed at your mom, THAT is shit you don't want coming out of YOUR mouth here or anywhere else when talking to women. Odds are, she will BE someones mom, or already is and trust me, most of the time, she doesn't want to hear it either.
I don't know how old you are, but I get the impression you're very young......... (compared to me, everyone but @saddlebum66 is very young though)
So, let me try to save you a lot of frustration in this area of probably already know this, it's commonly known and talked about, but as you get older and more life experienced, it's going to become more and more deeply clear to you that men and women DO NOT think about sex in the same ways. They LIKE sex, I'm not trying to say they don't, but the way it's thought about and processed in the mind is COMPLETELY different. MOST of that is the amount of testosterone running wild in your system, not all, but most, and when you get to be older and that shit dials back a little bit, that concept will make a WHOLE lot more sense to you in a way it never could now, because you're still in the DURING stage, once it does drop off some, you'll then have the AFTER stage of viewing to compare that to and it will make much more sense to you.
For now though, nothing you can do but ride the storm and enjoy the ride while it lasts. BUT, even if it will be years from now before you really truly understand what I just yourself some frustration and some time, and just accept the idea that however YOU think about sex, her process is very very different than yours is do yourself a favor and let her lead you, at HER pace. Once you GET in the door, go fuckin nuts if you want, but you won't be doing much of that if you keep slamming the door in your own face.
I'm new here and I haven't gotten any penises yet, but some male losers with boobs in their avatars are trying to hit on me. Sorry, but it's so weak that I have no mercy.Alot of male profiles are women interested but don't want a bunch of men sending dick pics or harassing them to get involved. Especially women into other women. I was a gamer and that happens online too.