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Anyone have hyper sexuality?

Anyone have hyper sexuality?
When I was younger I certainly did (who didn't). I used to masturbate about 3-12 times a day. Now I don't masturbate more than 2-3 times every two weeks. Right now it's hard for me to masturbate more than 4 times a month.

Did I have a high/hyper sex drive? You bet. Do I now? I think I still do have it, despite the low numbers.
When I was younger I certainly did (who didn't). I used to masturbate about 3-12 times a day. Now I don't masturbate more than 2-3 times every two weeks. Right now it's hard for me to masturbate more than 4 times a month.

Did I have a high/hyper sex drive? You bet. Do I now? I think I still do have it, despite the low numbers.
Same story lol.
Now I try to jerk off after a month bcz even few times a week can disturb my life routine and give me mood swings.
Maybe it's just my hormones but I currently masturbate for at least 2 hours a day. I have no idea if this is too much or not but it feels good so whatever! Though sometimes it is annoying to have to drop what I'm doing because I'm too horny to focus.
Not anymore - When i was younger i had urges every day all day and no bitch dog to love. Only my hands :(.
Now i have dogs to please but normal sexuality where once or twice a week is enough.