Anyone have any advice on

Id say feed him lots of food that he loves but that can make things difficult.

Dogs can get spoiled with food and get picky about what they're willing to eat and refuse to eat anything other than what they feel like at the time, makes it hard to keep their weight up.

My girl won't eat raw meat or even unseasoned meat now because i love too cook for her every night.
Wow what kind of seasoning do dogs prefer?
I don't know if all dogs are the same but her taste was a gradual growth based on what i eat, i just monitor her portions so she doesn't end up eating garlic or too much salt.

Started of simple like salt and pepper or she won't eat the steak but her favourites are chilli lime duck with herbs (because she cant have chicken) and honey smoked ham but only the way my local butcher does it... i don't know why but she has no interest in the standard woolies brand ham.

I was worried about the chilli at first but the vet said she seems fine and it being mild isn't causing stomach irritation (solid turds and all).
Just got to keep an eye on her because she eats full chillies out of the vegetable garden when they start to dry out.
Yeh man ducks the best, i stay away from chicken because the growth hormones they put in the meat agitate her allergies and just straight up aren't even good for most people.

Ever had normal chicken from a coop you keep at home, the meat is pink then grey when cooked like rabbit, something unnatural about that weird white meat.
How to grow our relationship I am exclusive and want to grow become a better lover for him and partner just not sure how

That's wonderful that you're wanting this for him and not just yourself, that's a sign of a true zoo 😘🐺
I would recommend to try french-licking, basically licking his nose, tongue, muzzle, ears as he's licking you at the same time. Find a rythm with him. The more canine style of intimacy you can adapt yourself to the better because they will make the connections much easier mentally, emotionally and in every other way because it's familiar, something they relate with instantly. Zoos seem to always expect them to adapt to human expression of love, few people seem to ever adapt to them other than during sex. I'll try to make a detailed post on this at some point soon.