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Anyone ever just wanna be in a collar nude all day at a kennel and service any dog that wants it?

هذا هو أحد خيالاتي العظيمة ، في بعض الأحيان أود أن أفتح بيتًا لتربية الكلاب أو أن يكون لدي الكثير من الكلاب حتى أتمكن من ممارسة الجنس معهم متى أرادوا ذلك ... ربما يومًا ما ؛ 3
I am a man looking for a girl for marriage, provided that she is a fan of sex with dogs
I have been kinds thinking I wanna pretend to be a dog every now and then and just bee in a kennel with a bunch of dogs and act like them and play like them and service them like it's your daily job?
sounds amazing, definitly with collar
Ive looked for partner interested in this for a long time. In the end no ones seems to be serious about it. They wouldnt have to do it full time but id love to shop for cute collars, leashes, ears, tails, kennels, bowls and toys. Also would like to introduce them to breeding with horses if they were interested.
There must be a book available out there focusing on and explaining in detail this desire that I really really need to read for myself. Not that I'm volunteering for this thread exercise, but I would appreciate a better understanding of compulsion.
I think it boys all excited over the thinking of it?‍♀️
I read a story many years ago about a girl that goes to do a summer job to bail her girlfriend out of an expensive debt. She reported to duty at this small farm on the edge of town, and the next 6 weeks was spent naked in the kennel with the 5 or 6 dogs. She could never resist any of their advances, lest she be whipped. She had to eat out of dog bowls during the day, but was given real meals and shower at night.

I would give my left nut to be her! To be kept in a kennel as the kennel bitch, especially when the farmhands and visitors were there and were enjoying my degrading use by the hounds.
No, because it sounds uncomfortable and boring (other than the sex) and I have other needs and things that I want to do with my life. I do understand the feeling behind the fantasy but it's just that.