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Anyone ever feel…

I used to. Especially in my 20s and early 30s, I'd go through phases of deep shame where I wanted to be like other "normal" people. But now, I just accept that it really turns me on and I couldn't change it if I wanted to. I don't deny myself anything, though I don't have any pets either. But I'm free to look at as much content as I want without the annoying feelings of guilt.
Listen up to anyone who needs some tips on accepting yourself then listen here.

Remember this... you are who you are... human... curious creatures that if we weren't we never would of evolved so far.... imperfect... and unique....

Everyone is wired differently.. unique. One person may have severe mental disabilities.. another doesn't... one likes tea... the other doesn't.... one likes zoophilia and another doesn't.

And for anyone with anxiety issues this will help too....

We can't change the past.. but we can change today and tomorrow.

We all have things in our lives that sometimes we wish we didn't have... some being major events and others smaller... but it is past and nothing can be done...

So it's part of you... part of you that makes you who you today. Have you made progress? Have you learnt and become wiser?

Then be ok with your past... be ok that its part of you... we all have them so your surely not alone... and we can all in some way relate... finding others into the same interests means your not alone.

We all thought there must be something wrong with me thing in this life... but we assure you are totally fine... you just have different tastes to some... like any other thing

Be ok with who you are.... be ok with your past... be ok with everything... be ok with whatever comes that day.... as you never know what it could be.

Once you can just be ok with everything it becomes easier... you accept yourself in time and you feel better.

If you feel anxious a lot of people will concentrate on it.. the actual feeling in your tummy... by doing so you atune yourself to the rythyms of the body and start to feel everything else you normally don't notice... you will get heart palpitations (when you notice your heartbeat more) which in turn causes you to breathe heavier. Panic sets in and boom you have an attack. So when you get the feeling just be ok with it being there knowing its normal.... it would be abnormal for people to not feel badly for things they didn't like.


Be ok with everything

Don't worry too much as you never know what's gonna happen... so don't worry about what ifs either... if it's bad then you will just deal with it at the point as its never has hard as we believe it to be.

Love to all
Like others have said it definitely comes in waves… usually when I come across harmful things or see the negatives. But it is reassuring to know that there are plenty of other people out there struggling with the same thing!