I was going to pass this over then I got to thinking. Zoo porn is fun, however it will make it a bit harder to preform in bed with your loved one over time if you are constantly jerking to it. Its a weird chemical thing that your brain does to you. I try and limit myself as much as I can to be honest but we all need to have fun. So not sure to be direct in answering this. Maybe, there are a lot of factors for me lol. First, I am going to watch some TV, after that I might be exhausted and just want to go to sleep. Also, if my girl wants some then she is going to get it. Doesn't matter if I'm tired. The shoe could be on the other foot as well... She might not want any and I might be horny and then well that's why we have porn XD. So great if you don't have a significant other but okay/ good if you do!