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Animalistic insertable stand


Got around to doing a little project I've wanted to for a while now and picked up a 30" tall horse plush with framework for the legs. Found it on Craigslist for $30 and couldn't pass up the offer! Split the seam being enough for the toy to fit, but not so big it goes through, and tbh it worked far better than expected! Still gotta sew a pocket to keep polyfil coming out and a zipper to close it up, but otherwise works great! Currently got the Mary from BD in there, can wait to see how the cheval looks and feels when it gets shipped to me.

What do you all have for an insertable stand, be it a standard stand or something in the shape of an animal?
Got my 2 hole cheval from American meat and it's a much better fit in my little horse stand! Feels 10x better than the Mary from BD as well, very highly recommend getting a toy from them if you are thinking about it, won't be disappointed at all

Holy hell that looks awesome! Would love a guide for how you did it. Should see if I can find a plush of a k-9 at that size