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All USA zoos interested need to move to one state and become a huge voting block for that state!



So who's in?

It has to be a southern/warm state with descent rainfall so that the livestock owners of us can have grass grow for our beloveds year round.
If a large enough number of zoos move to the same state it would make a huge voting block and we could maybe change legislation in that state over time to not have penalties for non forced sex with animals.

I know there will be nay sayers so lay it on. Why won't this work.
Any progress such a voting block could make would probably end up overridden by a federal law that gets pushed through by the hardcore religious people in power. Secrecy has been our greatest asset for generations, and discarding it by going open would likely only end in disaster.
Any progress such a voting block could make would probably end up overridden by a federal law that gets pushed through by the hardcore religious people in power. Secrecy has been our greatest asset for generations, and discarding it by going open would likely only end in disaster.
There are no federal laws against bestiality.
I will have to look, but I am also 99% sure there are no federal laws on animal cruelty either. Pretty sure states reserve the right to keep law like that completely on a state level.
1. I’m a city gal, and I’m sure there are others here who aren’t fans of living in the country with poor WiFi and a road trip to the grocery store every couple of weeks. Cities are more convenient for me as everything is close by and transportation is provided. More expensive to live there, but that’s my personal preference.
2. Ew, mosquitoes
3. The whole voting thing would go terribly, lol. Political affiliations among zoos ranges from far left to far right, with some of the middle guys in between. Even if we all unanimously voted just to make it legal to have sex with animals, we’d still be politically divided despite living together. And if there’s anything I’ve learned from the DF, it’s that politics reeeeeally gets under peoples’ skin.
4. Sounds like a nice place for anti-zoo hate mobs to target and terrorize. And knowing people, I wouldn’t put it past them to gather a group just to set fire to a state inhabited by zoophiles and bestialists.

It’s a nice concept though. Would be pretty cool if in another world, we could have a place where we could all interact safely, but it’s not very realistic.
Hey there,

A concept was really all I wanted to get people thinking about.

The far left vs far right is what I see as a primary problem.

As to being a city girl, that is no problem. Most southern states have cities as well as countryside. In fact, I would forsee more dog owners living in the cities than livestock owners living in the country simply because there are more dog zoos than livestock zoos.
1. I’m a city gal, and I’m sure there are others here who aren’t fans of living in the country with poor WiFi and a road trip to the grocery store every couple of weeks. Cities are more convenient for me as everything is close by and transportation is provided. More expensive to live there, but that’s my personal preference.
2. Ew, mosquitoes
3. The whole voting thing would go terribly, lol. Political affiliations among zoos ranges from far left to far right, with some of the middle guys in between. Even if we all unanimously voted just to make it legal to have sex with animals, we’d still be politically divided despite living together. And if there’s anything I’ve learned from the DF, it’s that politics reeeeeally gets under peoples’ skin.
4. Sounds like a nice place for anti-zoo hate mobs to target and terrorize. And knowing people, I wouldn’t put it past them to gather a group just to set fire to a state inhabited by zoophiles and bestialists.

It’s a nice concept though. Would be pretty cool if in another world, we could have a place where we could all interact safely, but it’s not very realistic.
Yeah, no.

I'm just fine without anyone holding up a neon sign saying "we fuck animals" thanks.
Agreed, but it does not need to be a sign or even an announcement to the world. Do everything behind the scenes on ZV, and just everyon colabetate on voting against anti zoo legislation. No announcements to the public.
Agreed, but it does not need to be a sign or even an announcement to the world. Do everything behind the scenes on ZV, and just everyon colabetate on voting against anti zoo legislation. No announcements to the public.
Not gonna happen mate, even if every zoo on here participated.

You are a minority amongst minorities who will garner zero support for anyone.

If anything, you would become the one target all those other minority groups can agree to hate.

Nor could you argue against any such legislation without exposing what you are to anyone with a shred of common sense
There were no FEDERAL laws against being a Mormon either, but check your history books. After getting run out of a number of places at gunpoint and noose-end, they settled in Utah, because it was the least-hospitable area in the known US, and no one wanted it. Eventually, after a lot of struggle and Deaths, Utah became most of what Smith and Young had envisioned...."The Beehive State".
The concept has been breached before. There is no place on Earth that some Government or other doesn't claim possession of.
A "Beast-hive State" will just get a lot of people killed, along with their animals. It might be possible, but not by voting with your feet.
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Not gonna happen mate, even if every zoo on here participated.

You are a minority amongst minorities who will garner zero support for anyone.

If anything, you would become the one target all those other minority groups can agree to hate.

Nor could you argue against any such legislation without exposing what you are to anyone with a shred of common sense
No arguing, just the circle in the voting blocks
BTW, as to climate...Rainfall sufficient to grow grass limits your concept to east of the 100th Meridian. Beyond that demarcation point, rain becomes increasingly less common, and even grass requires deep wells and irrigation.
Practically this means Southeast of the Arkansas River, aka the dirty South. Since those lands are largely occupied on either side of The Big River, who are we seizing them from? We wouldnt even have the opportunity that Young had, to settle unwanted lands. Even the area's Ute people didnt fight much for those.
Maybe try Louisiana and get a law passed where its legal to marry an animal. You cam walk into town with your AK, black slave, and bitch wife.
See the only thing I have issue with is location. I understand the need for said location; however livestock can be in places with some cold weather. Use to work on a farm up in new england. If this were subject to be in new england I'd absolutely be down!
Maybe try Louisiana and get a law passed where its legal to marry an animal. You cam walk into town with your AK, black slave, and bitch wife.
I'll take the ak and the dog. No interest in the slave, black, white or green.
See the only thing I have issue with is location. I understand the need for said location; however livestock can be in places with some cold weather. Use to work on a farm up in new england. If this were subject to be in new england I'd absolutely be down!
Problem is there, you have to either have equipment to bale hay, or rely on someone that does. I don't have the equipment and if word gets out you fuck animals, even if not illegal, not much chance anyone will sell you hay.
Security is always an issue. As I said, this isn't the Concept's First Rodeo. It was bandied about for years on BF, with a lot of negatives and very few positive points. 200 years ago, it might have worked, but unless the World hits one or the other reset buttons, it isnt happening today.
Security cameras? I have them on my place for intruders and to make sure I don't have horses get caught in a fence or cast as is.
I have them. Don’t stop persistent people. Besides, a .308 works better.
PS: what stops Tom from putting on a mask and saying it’s Tim that did it? Lot of bees in that hive at that point to blame.
Problem is there, you have to either have equipment to bale hay, or rely on someone that does. I don't have the equipment and if word gets out you fuck animals, even if not illegal, not much chance anyone will sell you hay.
We can work around that lol. Worst case just don't get the word out. I know it defeats the purpose of part of this thread but I'd help man your farm if it were this way
So who's in?

It has to be a southern/warm state with descent rainfall so that the livestock owners of us can have grass grow for our beloveds year round.
If a large enough number of zoos move to the same state it would make a huge voting block and we could maybe change legislation in that state over time to not have penalties for non forced sex with animals.

I know there will be nay sayers so lay it on. Why won't this work.
May I suggest Rhode Island??
The far left vs far right is what I see as a primary problem.
He or she who point fingers and says, "Thus, I have found the problem!" has failed to look in the mirror to see the real problem.