A personal reflection about zoophilia's status in society

I am new in this forum, and new to zoophilia in general. I only recently came to the realisation that I am capable of being sexually attracted to animals.

This revelation about myself has made me reconsider the status of sexual relations to animals in this society. As we are all very much aware, zoophilia is widely regarded as disgusting, immoral, inherently abusive and most certainly wrong. I think about this a lot, knowing that, despite wanting to, I can't speak about my thoughts to my friends and I can never be open about this part of my sexuality - though I am lucky enough to be living somewhere where it is not illegal.

On the flipside, there comes a sense of liberty. I feel liberated from the shackles of a perception of sexuality that is so very narrow and normative, and I feel free in not having to restrict myself to fit into society's norms.
In a certain sense, I feel very appreciative and privileged in being able to regard animals other than humans in that beautiful, sensual way that comes with sexual and romantic attraction.

I'm very curious as to what your thoughts and experiences about this topic are, so feel free to add whatever comes to your mind!
I am new in this forum, and new to zoophilia in general. I only recently came to the realisation that I am capable of being sexually attracted to animals.

This revelation about myself has made me reconsider the status of sexual relations to animals in this society. As we are all very much aware, zoophilia is widely regarded as disgusting, immoral, inherently abusive and most certainly wrong. I think about this a lot, knowing that, despite wanting to, I can't speak about my thoughts to my friends and I can never be open about this part of my sexuality - though I am lucky enough to be living somewhere where it is not illegal.

On the flipside, there comes a sense of liberty. I feel liberated from the shackles of a perception of sexuality that is so very narrow and normative, and I feel free in not having to restrict myself to fit into society's norms.
In a certain sense, I feel very appreciative and privileged in being able to regard animals other than humans in that beautiful, sensual way that comes with sexual and romantic attraction.

I'm very curious as to what your thoughts and experiences about this topic are, so feel free to add whatever comes to your mind!
What specifically is the topic you are wanting thoughts on? Because at first blush it appears that you are just wanting thoughts on zoophilia, which is very open ended.
Great points. If actions truly come from a place of love, then no harm can be done. However, there is always the dark side of everything as well. This forces "other people" to step in and analyze for potential abuse, which we know there's always going to be a potential for. Thing is, that can happen with literally ANYTHING, despite anti-zoo arguments being based off of this principle.

"You're hurting them!"
We can hurt people too. We also eat animals without a second thought. Are you a vegan? No? Okay then.

"What you're doing is gross!"
Ever have sex with another human?

These examples go on and on. There is no valid anti-zoo counter argument. The big thing is that society sees animals as lesser than in general, and that somehow by affiliating with them sexually, it lessens are "human-ness" of that participant somehow. I do believe this is from leftover judeo-christian guilt in western societies, whereas most other cultures have never really had a big issue. Humans and animals have been doing this since the beginning. But I'm just preaching to the choir at this point.
What specifically is the topic you are wanting thoughts on? Because at first blush it appears that you are just wanting thoughts on zoophilia, which is very open ended.
I am interested in personal attitudes to the place of zoophilia in society vs. your own life, which hopefully doesn't sound too abstract lol
Sorry if that wasn't clear!
The big thing is that society sees animals as lesser than in general, and that somehow by affiliating with them sexually, it lessens are "human-ness" of that participant somehow. I do believe this is from leftover judeo-christian guilt in western societies, whereas most other cultures have never really had a big issue
This is such a good point!