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A fate worse than death

If you want to believe that you can't be around horses, then you can't. Otherwise you can. Even if you were completely paralyzed, someone could still roll your bed into a stable and you could experience them with all the senses that are available to you. But nobody is going to do it, if you don't want to.

Saying that anything is possible would be a lie, but something is definitely possible, if you believe in it and accept the level of support that is necessary.
An offer that I couldn't take because my back issues prohibit any sort of riding, grooming, etc. Don't listen to this guy, as he was never trying to be helpful in the first place.

I'm not blinded in self-pity, and the only reason I don't have friends is because nobody wants to associate with autistic people like me.
Your not alone I feel the same exact way at times because of autism, see alot of people need to realize that its very difficult dealing with sensory overloads, social anxiety and disassociating that happens with autism, there is times we feel completely detached from reality, and then there's times we are absolutely overwhelmed by our surroundings and certain situations! Sometimes it can be pretty mild, other times extremely difficult! People need to realize, in that mindframe nothing anyone says can convince us that we are not alone or in eminent danger in some form or another, nothing can convince us that anyone is there to help in those moments, even if they are! sometimes a complete loss of self identity ensues and we just go blank and non responsive.. A lot of autistic people struggle with severe comorbid depression as a result, its not that he's ignoring any of you here, its that he truly does feel helpless and has trouble trusting that anyone can actually help him... Please have some patience for this man...
Add a physical disability to that and, god, I just couldn't imagine

If you ever are on here again feel free to message me
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So, I'm pretty much screwed. Got it.

I have autism, depression, and anxiety. So it's no wonder I don't even have friends. But that's not the reason I can't be around horses. It seems my back issues have sealed my fate.
Keep shooting your self down and all your going to do is drown. Stop that!
Keep shooting your self down and all your going to do is drown. Stop that!
Dawg this was posted in 2019. And again he's not trying to seek "pity" the guy was obviously BURNOUT. I understand where he was coming from all to well. Autistic burnout is sorta like depression but its different. It can last days to years where You feel constantly drained and your autistic symptoms get more frequent (anxiety, sensory issues, etc) it's not that he was "choosing" to feel that way. It wasn't a woo me pity thing. He genuinely felt helpless and didn't have any tangible RL support I imagine. Also y'all gotta take into account just how difficult social interaction is at times for people on the spectrum
I'm not blinded in self-pity, and the only reason I don't have friends is because nobody wants to associate with autistic people like me.
No one? Are you sure? I have helped four autistic people find work. And they are all amazing and awesome in their own right. What is wrong with associating with autistic people?
I'm bi-polar, or a manic depressive and I couldn't give a fuck who knows it. People on zv have actually helped and supported me and I am very grateful that I am not put in the corner and ignored.
An offer that I couldn't take because my back issues prohibit any sort of riding, grooming, etc. Don't listen to this guy, as he was never trying to be helpful in the first place.

I'm not blinded in self-pity, and the only reason I don't have friends is because nobody wants to associate with autistic people like me.
Some folks just want to wallow in it
I don't have any personal connection to the OP or anyone else here, but this thread has somehow managed to concisely illustrate one of the core struggles of my adult life: How do I engage with someone who I care about when they're suffering from severe depression?

On one hand, some folks express unconditional love and support. At first, their encouragement is rejected and pushed away, but eventually—after some time passes—they seem to have a positive effect, or at least they manage to weather the worst of the storm. Was their outreach meaningful to the depressed person, or was it simply a matter of enough time passing? Were those initial interactions tolerable, or traumatic?

On the other hand, some folks recognize the futile toxicity of depression as a self-pitying despair that simply cannot be consoled. They recognize the unspoken irony that a severely depressed person—someone complaining bitterly about not having any friends—can't possibly make new friends in such a state. The laments of the depressed are self-perpetuating. Is it better to get out of the way, to disengage, or perhaps to even call out the toxicity for what it is with an unflinching honesty?

I don't have an answer here. One of the symptoms of depression is wallowing in it. It's not a matter of wanting to wallow or not. Reasoning with depression is like reasoning with a cold, or with cancer, or with death. But at the same time, depression causes the afflicted to spew out a vileness that can verge on abuse, and no one should have to tolerate being verbally (or otherwise) abused.

At some point, a depressed person might find themselves in so much pain that they'll either ask for help or attempt self-harm. I don't know why some people choose to do one over the other, or how I might be able to effectively push someone toward the former and away from the latter. In the absence of knowing—whether my efforts would do more harm than good—I usually decide to step back, to detach, in order to protect myself.
Horses are my primary attraction, but I'm physically disabled and can't be around them. I can't imagine how it could get any worse than this.

I also have no friends, and nobody who I can talk to about this. Nobody understands what I'm going through, apparently. I just don't know what to do anymore.
Have you thought about maybe a mini... I know they are just as affectionate as there full sized breeds. I have a friend before he passed that had broken both legs in an accident and couldn't walk with out support. He ended up finding a breed of mini that was honstly no bigger then a golden shepherd let it live indoors just as a k9 would house trained he even built a set of steps for her to climb onto the bed with him... I don't know your condition but it's a thought ? best of luck.
So, I'm pretty much screwed. Got it.

I have autism, depression, and anxiety. So it's no wonder I don't even have friends. But that's not the reason I can't be around horses. It seems my back issues have sealed my fate.
The mind in of it's self is truly a masterpiece my friend believe me when I tell you it has the power to heal what one would think impossible... Don't let the power of today's dark world bring you down inside for it is not your end but only your beginning. It will not be easy God above warned us of this for will will be tested in all ways. I was born 2 months early and had open heart surgery at two weeks old and a hole 3 pounds. 23 years later I was diagnosed with a vary bad blood infection and went again for my second open heart surgery. Shortly after that I was yet again diagnosed with a skin Disease called hydronitis supertiva also know as HS and I don't know if anyone on here is aware of it but it is a living nightmare more pain then I would wish on anyone inflammatory arthritis and cluster migraines know as Suicide head aches make for one amazing life. Please listen when I say I'm not telling you my path to make you feel lesser then anyone on this planet but see I only want to show you how not giving up hope or faith of your dream can be the best thing you can do i promise.