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5th Anniversary Zoo Pride Week 2023! - July 1st to July 7th

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Word! Personally I would never take the risk and expose myself like that. Except, maybe if I joined a zoo cult or something like that ? but that's not going to happen...
I wonder how many of our members here will get their life totally destroyed during the first week of July

It has already been done successfully as a private event for some people, but this was my initial reaction as well. It can work, but I shudder to think of doing this in any public way. I love the idea of good friends coming over as a celebration of pride and love for your eachother and furry loved ones, having a simple special dinner and cake and potential sleep over and games ❤️

After the initial get together, I would hope that discretion and prudence is encouraged and expected among themselves through proactive discussion, so that the individuals who bring new members for future gatherings are capable of vetting others thoroughly in their private 1to1 interactions with these individuals that way everybody stays safe. These keeps the leadership decentralized, and people can even take turns hosting, cooking, or thinking of ideas that don't involve people's personal addresses but keep things private, etc.. I love the potential of bonds being made, it's important we feel loved and seen by others, even better if we can do it in person.
¡El equipo de moderación y yo deseamos darles la bienvenida a todos a la próxima celebración de la semana del orgullo del zoológico (ZPW) 2023! Esta será la quinta vez que se lleve a cabo y se inició aquí mismo desde Zooville y se ha vuelto muy popular para los zoológicos de todo el mundo.

Años anteriores - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022
¿Qué es la Semana del Orgullo Zoológico y cómo me uno a la celebración? ¡La Semana del orgullo del zoológico es un momento para agradecer a nuestros compañeros animales y amigos del zoológico que tenemos, para tener tiempo reservado para pasar tiempo juntos en compañía de nuestros animales también!
Después de haber estado en varias celebraciones de la Semana del Orgullo del Zoológico en los últimos años, puedo decir que existe una tradición que tiene un formato establecido.

1. Se aloja localmente, generalmente durante toda la semana si es posible, en la casa de un amigo o en una ubicación descentralizada de confianza como un alquiler.
2. Se prepara una cena ZPW con tus amigos, similar a la acción de gracias, uniendo así a todos.
3. Se hace un brindis por un año más que seguimos aquí con nuestros compañeros animales y con nuestros amigos y comienza la fiesta.
4. Recuerdos habituales de aquellos perdidos, desaparecidos o que no pudieron hacerlo y luego se corta el pastel ZPW.
5. ¡Disfruta de la diversión con una fiesta, bebida u otras cosas para compartir con tus amigos! ¡No te olvides de darles un poco de pavo a los perritos también!

Les agradecemos a todos por continuar apoyando a zooville, nuestra comunidad de zoológicos y nuestra pequeña porción de Internet aquí para ser nosotros mismos.


*Si desea enviar un logotipo para ZPW, envíeme un mensaje privado.*
Me and the moderation team wishes to welcome you all to the upcoming zoo pride week (ZPW) 2023 celebration! This will be the 5th that this has taken place and was started right here from Zooville and has become very popular for zoos everywhere.

Previous years - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022
What is Zoo Pride Week, and how do i join in to celebrate? Zoo Pride Week is a time to give thanks to our animals mates and fellow zoo friends we have, to have time set aside to spend time with each other in the company of our animals as well!
Having been to several Zoo Pride Week Celebrations these past years, i can say that there is a tradition that is set format.

1. It is hosted locally, usually all week if possible, at a friends house or trusted decentralized location like a rental
2. A ZPW dinner is prepared with your friends, akin to thanksgiving, thus bonding everyone.
3. A toast is made to another year that we are still here with our animal mates and with our friends and the feast begins.
4. Usual remembrances of those lost, gone or couldn't make it and then the ZPW cake is cut.
5. Enjoy fun together with a party, booze or other things to share with your mates! Don't forget to give the doggy's some turkey too!

We thank you all for continuing to support zooville, our zoo community and our little slice of the internet here to be ourselves.


*If you want to submit a logo for ZPW, please DM them to me.*
What happens on that date do we all get together in a secret location have a zoo orgy party ? lol
Bonne fierté du zoo les amis?

Pour les français :
Y at-il une célébration à Paris ou ses alentours ??
Slut je suis un nouveau zoo mal grès que j’lui une une relation jeune ado avec le dalmatien de mon oncle .j’aimerai adopter un chien ´pour une belle relation durable (y compris sexuelle.veux tu échanger avec moi et pourquoi pas un jour de rencontrer .amicalement franck
I find it poetic justice that Xtian hate monger Pat Robertson kicked the bucket during Pride Week
Me and the moderation team wishes to welcome you all to the upcoming zoo pride week (ZPW) 2023 celebration! This will be the 5th that this has taken place and was started right here from Zooville and has become very popular for zoos everywhere.

Previous years - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022
What is Zoo Pride Week, and how do i join in to celebrate? Zoo Pride Week is a time to give thanks to our animals mates and fellow zoo friends we have, to have time set aside to spend time with each other in the company of our animals as well!
Having been to several Zoo Pride Week Celebrations these past years, i can say that there is a tradition that is set format.

1. It is hosted locally, usually all week if possible, at a friends house or trusted decentralized location like a rental
2. A ZPW dinner is prepared with your friends, akin to thanksgiving, thus bonding everyone.
3. A toast is made to another year that we are still here with our animal mates and with our friends and the feast begins.
4. Usual remembrances of those lost, gone or couldn't make it and then the ZPW cake is cut.
5. Enjoy fun together with a party, booze or other things to share with your mates! Don't forget to give the doggy's some turkey too!

We thank you all for continuing to support zooville, our zoo community and our little slice of the internet here to be ourselves.


*If you want to submit a logo for ZPW, please DM them to me.*
Any Texas residents want to meet and celebrate our relationships of a different kind.
Eu e a equipe de moderação desejamos boas-vindas a todos vocês para a próxima celebração da semana do orgulho zoológico (ZPW) 2023! Este será o 5º que isso aconteceu e foi iniciado aqui mesmo em Zooville e se tornou muito popular em zoológicos de todos os lugares.

Anos anteriores - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022
O que é a Zoo Pride Week e como posso participar para comemorar? A Semana do Orgulho do Zoológico é um momento para agradecer aos nossos companheiros de animais e amigos do zoológico que temos, por ter tempo reservado para passar tempo uns com os outros na companhia de nossos animais também!
Tendo participado de várias celebrações da Zoo Pride Week nos últimos anos, posso dizer que existe uma tradição que é um formato definido.

1. É hospedado localmente, geralmente a semana toda, se possível, na casa de um amigo ou em um local descentralizado confiável, como um aluguel
2. Um jantar ZPW é preparado com seus amigos, semelhante a ação de graças, unindo-se a todos.
3. É feito um brinde a mais um ano que ainda cá estamos com os nossos companheiros animais e com os nossos amigos e começa a festa.
4. Lembranças usuais de quem se perdeu, se foi ou não conseguiu e, em seguida, corta-se o bolo ZPW.
5. Divirta-se com uma festa, bebida ou outras coisas para compartilhar com seus amigos! Não se esqueça de dar um pouco de peru ao cãozinho também!

Agradecemos a todos por continuarem a apoiar o zooville, nossa comunidade de zoológico e nossa pequena fatia da internet aqui para sermos nós mesmos.


*Se você deseja enviar um logotipo para o ZPW, envie-o por DM para mim.*
Se tiver alguém do Brasil, interior de SP que queira comemorar é só chamar que eu e o meu cachorro topamos passar um tempo juntinhos !!!
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