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56 year old female

Hello everyone, I'm new to the zoo world and looking to make new friends in an environment where I feel at home. I'm new here, I'm a submissive, and I love being dominated. I'm curious to learn about the fascinating world of zoos. I'm looking to explore.
Welcome, I hope you feel comfortable and find the answers to what you're looking for.
Hello all, I'm new here and to the zoo world, looking to create some new friendships in an environment that I feel I belong. Newbie here, I'm a sub and love to be dominated with a curiosity to learn about the fascinating zoo world. Looking to explore
HI welcome enjoy learning, stay safe have fun. Great to see mature people finding ZV. Cheers from Australia LL
Hello all, I'm new here and to the zoo world, looking to create some new friendships in an environment that I feel I belong. Newbie here, I'm a sub and love to be dominated with a curiosity to learn about the fascinating zoo world. Looking to explore
Hello all, I'm new here and to the zoo world, looking to create some new friendships in an environment that I feel I belong. Newbie here, I'm a sub and love to be dominated with a curiosity to learn about the fascinating zoo world. Looking to explore
Hello all, I'm new here and to the zoo world, looking to create some new friendships in an environment that I feel I belong. Newbie here, I'm a sub and love to be dominated with a curiosity to learn about the fascinating zoo world. Looking to explore
Hello and welcome
Hello all, I'm new here and to the zoo world, looking to create some new friendships in an environment that I feel I belong. Newbie here, I'm a sub and love to be dominated with a curiosity to learn about the fascinating zoo world. Looking to explore
I’d love to chat on telegram if you have it dm me !
Hi, lady
Welcome to the zooville community

Zooville is a beautiful garden. But like every garden, Zooville has flowers and thorns. Adorn your heart with the most beautiful flowers and stay away from thorns. Flowers are good friends ;)

other tips:
-read the community rules and build a trustworthy profile
-make good friends and share good feelings
-always protect your privacy and respect other people's privacy,
-learn good things and stay safe on the internet

Enjoy and be happy, lady ;) <3