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27F From Arkansas

Hello and welcome to the forum! :husky_happysmile:

Overcoming the initial guilt and shame is something we've all dealt with around here. I'm glad you found your way to us! Good luck exploring yourself and finding what you you're looking for around here!
Thank you so much. I'm learning so much from this wonderful forum!
So I let my then-pet lick me a couple of times when I was younger, and I'd been feeling all guilty and shit about it until I recently Googled it and found out it was a bit common. I used to feel guilty a lot, but his wonderful community helped me get rid of all that guilt when I found out about it a few days ago. I must admit it felt great when I was doing it, but that guilty feeling didn't allow me to enjoy it as much as I should've, and finding how just how girls enjoy being licked by their dogs has made me want to do it again and enjoy it to the max. Maybe I'd tell you guys how it happened the first time soon.
Love to hear about it. Welcome anday all your fantasies be fulfilled!
So I let my then-pet lick me a couple of times when I was younger, and I'd been feeling all guilty and shit about it until I recently Googled it and found out it was a bit common. I used to feel guilty a lot, but his wonderful community helped me get rid of all that guilt when I found out about it a few days ago. I must admit it felt great when I was doing it, but that guilty feeling didn't allow me to enjoy it as much as I should've, and finding how just how girls enjoy being licked by their dogs has made me want to do it again and enjoy it to the max. Maybe I'd tell you guys how it happened the first time soon.
It is reassuring to know that this experience is not as uncommon as you initially felt. Often, we internalize societal norms which may make us feel guilty about our actions even if they are within a consensual context. I encourage you to embrace this knowledge and enjoy the bond between you and your companion without reservation or shame. Sharing your experience can help others to reconsider their perspectives as well, so do share your story whenever you're ready.🍀
It is reassuring to know that this experience is not as uncommon as you initially felt. Often, we internalize societal norms which may make us feel guilty about our actions even if they are within a consensual context. I encourage you to embrace this knowledge and enjoy the bond between you and your companion without reservation or shame. Sharing your experience can help others to reconsider their perspectives as well, so do share your story whenever you're ready.🍀
Thank you so much
So I let my then-pet lick me a couple of times when I was younger, and I'd been feeling all guilty and shit about it until I recently Googled it and found out it was a bit common. I used to feel guilty a lot, but his wonderful community helped me get rid of all that guilt when I found out about it a few days ago. I must admit it felt great when I was doing it, but that guilty feeling didn't allow me to enjoy it as much as I should've, and finding how just how girls enjoy being licked by their dogs has made me want to do it again and enjoy it to the max. Maybe I'd tell you guys how it happened the first time soon.
So I let my then-pet lick me a couple of times when I was younger, and I'd been feeling all guilty and shit about it until I recently Googled it and found out it was a bit common. I used to feel guilty a lot, but his wonderful community helped me get rid of all that guilt when I found out about it a few days ago. I must admit it felt great when I was doing it, but that guilty feeling didn't allow me to enjoy it as much as I should've, and finding how just how girls enjoy being licked by their dogs has made me want to do it again and enjoy it to the max. Maybe I'd tell you guys how it happened the first time soon.
I had very similar experiences 🥰
So I let my then-pet lick me a couple of times when I was younger, and I'd been feeling all guilty and shit about it until I recently Googled it and found out it was a bit common. I used to feel guilty a lot, but his wonderful community helped me get rid of all that guilt when I found out about it a few days ago. I must admit it felt great when I was doing it, but that guilty feeling didn't allow me to enjoy it as much as I should've, and finding how just how girls enjoy being licked by their dogs has made me want to do it again and enjoy it to the max. Maybe I'd tell you guys how it happened the first time soon.
Welcome to the forum, amazing to hear you're experiences! 🙏🙏