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  1. mikeymoop

    does anyone have any tips for giving a blowjob to a male cat?

    also, can i suck off a neutered cat? any tips appreciated!!
  2. OmgAiOne

    Im new and i have some questions :3 (give me your attention please, i want be dog owner and his cock sucker)

    Hello guys, I'm new here and I hope you don't mind my message. I would like to briefly tell you about myself. I'm 22 years old/ M, I used to love furries and the like, but recently , I started watching a video where a dog fucks someone(human) I would also like to point out something - I've...
  3. P

    Good female dogs for big guys

    Hello everyone! I’ve always wanted a dog, but because of circumstances it wasn’t in the cards. I got into zoo a couple years ago and I’m finally able to get a dog, unfortunately from what I’ve heard my opinions are a little limited because of my size. I’m a little over 8 inches and thick...
  4. S


    Hi I'm m 22. Me and my wife got a good girl a beautiful grate dane she's about 5 now. Last night I tried to have sex with her considering me and my wife haven had sex in like 3 months considering shes pregnant. Well our dane she let me eat mer out and finger her well when I was fingering her I...
  5. CranBerryZaus

    Teaching him to mount properly

    Hi y'all. I'm a 22F, my male GSD finally learnt how to mount things n thrust to have sex! Unfortunately, he ain't know where to mount. He is going crazy lately cuz a dog nearby is in her heat cycle, and hes been usin my leg/knee as a sex toy a couple times a day.. He don't like being moved...
  6. Brown Baggy!

    What should I do?

    Hello guys, first post here I always been into zoo, so when i moved i got myself a female dog. I never forced anything, never even touched her or anything. She is growing up and she already has 4 years and i dont know what is happening lately but in the last month, she is always smelling and...
  7. ummmm1234

    How to post home videos

    Trying to post a couple of videos in the non-zoo section. How do I do so and am I able to post kink videos like engaging in watersports?
  8. 1Ostwind1

    Need advice about mare

    Perhaps someone can tell me how to solve our problem. I have been in a relationship with a mare (mу arabian love) for more than 8 years (she is now 10), I took her when she was 1.5 years old. Of course I was her first and only. so our problem is that she doesn’t want to cum when I’m in her...
  9. Curiosa22BR

    my first time, I count on your help and support

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you my first experience with a dog. I found this site this weekend, although I had already seen and read about it on other forums. I never got to talk to anyone about it, but now I'm determined to continue. I get really wet when I think about a dog's dick...
  10. Anus Addict

    I need help!

    Hello, I have a question about playing with my male labrador. Recently when I wanted to play with my tongue under his tail. And twice he turned around and started looking at me. The question is, should I be worried about a bite from him, or was he simply not in the mood because he is quite an...
  11. Anus Addict

    Tips & tricks for everyone!

    Welcome! Do you have any tips or advice for both beginners/experienced and men/women who own any pet(s)? If so share them with everyone and I will start the first one! ? A friend of mine who owns his stallion-lover once told me not to try to make love with him when he is in an open field...
  12. Anus Addict

    I have an important question!

    Hello, I have a question for experienced active men (or women), because I would like to try something new for a long time. Do you have any idea how I could get access to some male dogs or stallions? Not including the idea of adopting or buying, as I am relatively young (19) and would have...
  13. The Fur-Type Ace

    Login issue - site won’t load - pls help

    Hey everyone! I’m asking for friend of mine. He has been a member longer than I have and he recently had the issue where he could not login, eventually the issue became that the ZV forum page would not load at all. He is using TOR and a VPN. He has also tried logging in on other devices, still...
  14. bruhmoment64

    (Complete newbie) How do I get things started with a sexually mature dog?

    I’ve spent the last few days learning and studying with all the resources that are on this website, reading through everything I see. By no means am I done with my research, I want to be as well informed as I possibly can be before making any decisions. So be it choosing what breed of dog I...
  15. peanl

    Might be getting a mare for the farm. Advice?

    So, I may be getting a mare here in the next couple days for the farm. I’ve always wanted to feel what that winking pussy feels like. I haven’t spent much time around horses so I’m going to be treading very lightly obviously. Anyone experienced in mares and have advice/guide to getting to that...
  16. S

    Can people with no experience really be called Zoo?

    This question has been going through my mind for a few days now. I spoke to many people since I've joined this forum and I really wonder. At least 90% or more here just have fantasies without actual experience. I wonder how many would actually like it when their fantasies become reality. How...
  17. S

    What does it mean if someone is following me?

    I keep getting messages that someone is following me... (No.. I am not looking behind my back every time I see such a notification... Hahaha) What does it mean and what does it do? Does it give them benefits or me? I am clueless.
  18. D

    Sex Breaks

    How do you other males deal with sex breaks? At the suggestion of another zv member, I am taking a two day break from sex with my husky, and it has been harder than I thought. I am not having sex with my GSD right now as she has a vet exam soon, and my other GSD doesn’t like sex unless she is...
  19. D

    Finding Someone I Can Be Open With

    Just making this account and the few comments and posts I’ve made feels great. This is something I’ve been into for a long time. Hiding it from the women in my life sucks to put it simply. Kinda just been hoping I’d find a chick that springs it on me so I can fake act surprised. It would feel...
  20. Hassathra

    How do you meet people who are into bestiality?

    Do you know of any ways to make it easier for bestiality lovers to find each other and reunite? And by what signs could you find out whether a person is a follower of bestiality or is at least interested in it? And also techniques that would help persuade a non-bestiality person to this side?
  21. ZephyrZoo

    What are these little spots on my dog's skin?

    Hey everyone, So this is my girl, she's a young, female pitbull and she's always had one or two little bumps on her skin (she's always had sensitive skin issues) but lately I'm noticing more and more and at the moment it looks like she's been bitten by a thousand mosquitoes. I edited the...
  22. G

    [HELP NEEDED] convincing an anti open to discussion

    TLDR a friend of mine who’s an anti found out I am a zoo but she’s willing to listen to what I have to say about it, not excuses why I am into it but actual arguments as to why it isn’t morally wrong I more or less got till tomorrow evening (bout 24 hours at the moment of posting it) to discuss...
  23. N

    First time gone bad (?)

    Hi, "i'm asking for a friend", let's say he's me (male). So i have a mild allegry to dogs - after they lick me or brush their fur on my skin i get a little rash, but nothing to be woried about. Sometimes i also sneeze a few times and thats it. Some time ago i tried my first time with dog (male)...
  24. hiddenhorse69

    Tips for pleasuring my gelding

    I have a gelding and we love each other very much. He's a retired riding horse, nearing 25 years old. I've only known him for a couple months but we've already formed an unbreakable bond and I want to do something nice for him. No matter what I try, I can't seem to get him to drop and maintain...
  25. SkinnySubBitchSissy

    Any tips for a beginner sissy taking a large breed?

    I'm 50kg and my bernard is 72kg we have a great connection but I have never tried anything with him but he's becoming very sexually active recently and we are both ready. If you have seen my videos I can take a big knot dildo but his knot is even bigger than my toy!! He's very friendly until...
  26. SnakeLover

    How to initiate with a bitch?

    I have a smaller female bitch (mini breed), and I’m thinking about ways to initiate with her. Obviously, penetration is a no-go due to size, but I’d like to try oral/hotdogging/fingering. Problem is, I don’t know how I’d tell her enjoyment. She’s not splayed/neutered and has given birth once...
  27. SnakeLover

    Can you block member’s replies/is there an ignore button?

    On half of the general discussion threads I open, I always see someone (usually not new people, surprising) just being rude. Can I block these members somehow, so I don’t see their replies? I see there’s an ignore feature, but it sounds like that doesn’t have the intended effect.
  28. Forgottenfox

    Asking for help with white discharge in female dog

    As the title says, I am asking about a pure white discharge of creamy substance from a large female dog that is ten months old and intact. Is this a sign of heat or is it something else? I worry about infection, but there is no redness or strange smell. She isn't licking abnormally, maybe two or...
  29. A

    Drunk question

    Hey I’m drunk and I wanted to ask a question I have when I’m sober sorry for the dumb user name I just want to be anonymous. But how wrong is doing non forceful zoo stuff like jerking off a horny dog. How wrong is it and I know you’ll say it’s not but people say dogs have the intelligence of...
  30. BunnyBoyUsagi

    Metallic taste?

    I just sucked my dog’s dick for the first time (just for a minute, I jerked him off to let him finish) and there was this overwhelming metallic taste. Is that normal, or should I worry? He’s bathed regularly and tbh that taste is making me hesitant to try again :(