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  1. gatomontes

    ¿Centro Americanos?

    Hola, thread para hacer amigos y conversar sobre nuestras pasiones y fantasias
  2. doggylover2006

    Quiero que me culee un perro

    Ptm, porque es tan difícil lograr encontrarse con alguien que tenga un perro de buen tamaño y que le guste el zoo, tengo un cuerpazo y no me importa que vean mientras lo hago con el perro, solo con que tenga un perro que me culee ya me basta, no importa si el tipo es feo, igual y no pienso en...
  3. S

    BDSM et zoo

    Bonjour, J'ai 50 ans, passif et soumis sur Marseille et j'aimerais savoir comment est considéré un soumis auquel le Maître ou la Maîtresse impose des saillies? Sachant que tous les protagonistes sont consentants, même si le soumis adore subir ce genre de pratique pour d'autres raisons que le...
  4. ZV_CumSlut

    MX-Monterrey: Busco Perro y Cavallo

    Quien tiene oportunidades para introducirme a complacer su perro o caballo. Soy hombre blanco, pasivo
  5. R

    Men Who Have Been Fucked By Animals, What’s Your Story?

    I’m a lady who finds guys getting fucked by horses/dogs incredibly hot. I think I’ve read every story and watched every porn out there of a man being penetrated by a dog/horse. I’d love to hear your stories! <3
  6. T

    Gay Male now in MO from KS

    I can't remember if I introduced myself when I originally joined, but as I've recently moved since then, I figured a new introduction was in order. I'm now in NW Missouri about an hour from KC to the SE. I don't know if I'll meet anyone here, I didn't when I was in KS. But never know. Don't have...
  7. cbrnth

    What is your sexual orientation?

    There is a much broader spectrum of sexual orientations than listed in this poll (which is limited), so please select any that you identify with and share other sexual orientations in the comments ❤️
  8. ropervto

    People with non zoo partners, how do you handle your zoo self in the relationship?!

    Currently I’m in a relationship with this guy and I really do love him, but i can’t deny my zoo self. Part of me just wants to keep this to my self but sometimes I feel like I’m doing him wrong…I just don’t want to loose him tbh. How do y’all handle these feelings/situations?
  9. alisacolato

    Gay men goes straight when it comes to zoo (mare/bitch pussy)

    Disclaimer: I don´t want to sound hutrful with this thread, I just don´t know how to describe it. But I want to know if anyone here identifies as gay man but likes females animals. For example if you don´t like women but you are into bitches and mares pussy. It´s weird for me to think about it...
  10. dgmtb

    Soy de Murcia y busco gente

    Hola a todos soy de Murcia y me gusta mucho el rollo de sexo con animales, busco gente con perros o caballos. No encuentro a nadie por la zona o cerca.
  11. B

    Sex With Animals, Better Than Sex With Humans

    Hi everyone. I’m a 24 year old guy from Ohio. I originally experimented with dogs when I was 13. I had a female German Shepherd named Storm. I’m a gay man (and knew that I was gay and attracted to boys from a very young age) but something about the smell of her pussy and her musk always drove me...