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  1. bitchlover97

    breed if dog

    Just curious to know what breed of dogs you all have ??
  2. bitchlover97

    top 5 dogs you would have sex with

    As you know I'm a donkey lover but I love dogs I find certain breeds sexier than others to me Dobermans and Danes are the sexiest dogs I like, if you had 5 dogs you would fuck what breeds would they be?? mine would be 1, Great Dane 2, Doberman 3, Mastiff 4, Rottie and 5 a German shepherd...
  3. FloofyNewfie

    Things your dog should NOT be chewing on

    I initially posted this as a reply to a user on here, but I figure that that this information should be in a thread of it's own. Here are some things that your dog should NOT be chewing on nor playing with... 1) Rawhide - Dogs can chew off large pieces and swallow it whole. Leading to it...
  4. HoundDogRuffDog

    Paleo dog (short video essay on dog domestication)

    Just going trough some documentaries while I work and found this one :) It's an amazing thought that dogs could've been with us for 20,000 years!
  5. DogSweden

    A Dogs Guide to Sex With Humans

    Dogs like most creatures, are innately, naturally sexual beings. But their sexuality is naturally oriented towards other dogs. They may not see us as sexual beings, however. This is something they have to learn. So, I want to talk about sexuality. His. Humans and Dogs have been living together...
  6. HoundDogRuffDog

    Celebrating you having a dog, but not honestly the dog..

    I'm a bit peeved and annoyed today.. I follow a lot of dog forums, blogs etc.. and I see this one thing SO often and I'm SO annoyed of it. Usually it's the dog's birthday and the owners are posting like "George is 1 year old today!" or even something more self-serving like "I saved poor George...
  7. D

    French kissing dogs. Sexy or not?

    I love french kissing dogs, but I know there are people who'll take a doggy cock in any hole but not his tongue.... Given how good it feels to kiss a dog, this seems inconsistent? Would love to hear more about this subtle difference in personal preferences. In my experience most young healthy...
  8. FloofyNewfie

    Women of ZV, what's your opinion on men fucking female animals?

    Hello women of Zooville, So I'm a bit curious what a lot of women's opinions are on men having sex with female animals? I've seen seen reactions of "I think it's hot" to "I think it's nothing but rape, no matter what." So for the women of ZooVille, how do you feel about it? This is of course...
  9. FloofyNewfie

    Fucking Female Dogs - Fast or Slow?

    Fucking Female Dogs? Do you fuck them fast and rough (not too rough now!), or slow and gentle? What's your preference? I used to go fast and rough, but with my newfie I've found that slow and gentle actually feels more pleasurable to me. To her sex is sex and she always has a smile on her face...
  10. Z

    Anal sex with dogs

    This is a thread for general discussion about anal sex with dogs (both giving and receiving). I searched for a thread like this, but couldn't find it. (There's already a thread about anal with animals in general, but that thread is about all non-human animal species: dogs, horses, cows, sheep...
  11. VulgarframeMN

    Hints from significant other?

    Hey all, longtime lurker, first post. A bit of a story-time and simultaneous inquiry. So, my ex and I once were playing World of Warcraft together when the subject of the "hottest race" came up. To my surprise, my then girlfriend told me she found the Worgen race (essentially werewolves) to...