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  1. Beau.Smile

    Story Time! Tell us about your best/worst date experience.

    This can be zoo or non-zoo. Tells us a story about a memorable date and what made it great or absouletly miserable, it does not have to be spicy. I'll go first. Early date with my now wife. Went out for dinner and drinks and somehow ended up at an old aracade. We have a long standing...
  2. wmzio

    Dating Non-Zoos?

    Hello everyone! For those of us who date non-zoos or plan on dating, how do you handle disclosing your zoo identity? Do you avoid mentioning it altogether? Do you try to gauge their reaction before revealing anything (and how)? Do you just tell them with hopes they will be accepting and, if...
  3. redstarlight666


    There's a lot of goofiness that led to this convo but I was talking w my bf about this one hentai collection I own and how I was upset that they didn't make the 4th part. I mentioned it left off on a big cliffhanger and a doberman had just walked into the room and was making jokes about the show...
  4. redstarlight666

    Dating and Zoophilia

    So I've got a boyfriend. I know he loves me more than anything and that there's nothing I couldn't tell him. Well, almost nothing. See the older I get, the more constantly obsessed with the idea of being an animal whore drives me crazy. For the longest time I was really ashamed of my tastes, but...
  5. incubusyiff

    Wouldn't deplatforming us be a violation of First Amendment Rights?

    Simply put everybody has the right to peaceful assembly, am i right or wrong?
  6. D

    Finding Someone I Can Be Open With

    Just making this account and the few comments and posts I’ve made feels great. This is something I’ve been into for a long time. Hiding it from the women in my life sucks to put it simply. Kinda just been hoping I’d find a chick that springs it on me so I can fake act surprised. It would feel...
  7. PhinGuy

    Identifying Zoo's

    Hello all, for a fair bit now I've been looking to hopefully date a fem zoo. Very quickly as I've picked through communities I've noticed we're pretty heavily male dominated. However I've also noticed there's still couples on here so there's definitely some sort of connection happening...
  8. Hassathra

    How do you meet people who are into bestiality?

    Do you know of any ways to make it easier for bestiality lovers to find each other and reunite? And by what signs could you find out whether a person is a follower of bestiality or is at least interested in it? And also techniques that would help persuade a non-bestiality person to this side?
  9. privatemiller5

    Request Dating Help/ Vent

    Ive known that im slow to pick up on girls signals, but i got to thinking recently and found how fucking dense i am. So im venting/ranting but also seeking help to hopefully combat me being dumb af lol. So im away from home for work rn, and it doesnt really give me time to rub one out, so...
  10. B

    Hi Forum

    Hello everyone,I would like to remind you about myself once again,the newcomers also have a big hello,and by the way,my name is Larisa,if anyone is interested in personal messages,I can say my last name,I'm looking for friends,gender,country and nationality does not matter,I'm a simple woman and...
  11. Makuu

    Москва МО, знакомства

    Привет, ищу знакомства по теме :3 Надеюсь в Москве или в московской области найдутся те с кем будет приятно~ 20 лет (почти) 1.74 рост. 56 вес. Есть небольшой опыт с кабелем Иногда бываю в СПб Буду рад общению! :3
  12. A

    Всем Hello!

    Привет всем,все стесняются это делать,покажу пример Мое имя Анжелика,можно Лика или просто Анжела, Страна Украина-Россия Возраст 28 лет(на момент создания поста) Рост 174 см Вес 63 кг Размер груди-3 Цвет волос -темный Глаза -голубые Характер общительный(в меру и смотря с кем) Опыт секса с...
  13. Scurge

    People in zoo relationships, how does it work?

    For those couples into zoo, how did you two find out you were both into it, if you met online how were the first few months of dating? When did everything become comfortable?
  14. A

    Has anyone found love or a partner on this site?

    Having such a unique kink can be isolating when only a very small percentage of people around the world are into it.I would love to hear of some success stories of people finding love with a mutual desire for beastiality. I'm a straight male but from what I can see it's more a sausage fest on...
  15. C

    How would you feel about a zoo dating game?

    Has anyone ever seen or thought of a zoo dating game? Like, one where you could romantically bond with various animals and have a partner? Like, mostly wholesome of course since, y'know, sex isn't everyone's idea of romance. I think it'd be really cute to have that, maybe even something about...
  16. K

    I think my bf is dropping hints?

    …Okay, before you say that’s it’s obviously either of the options, let me just state that I’m autistic, so it can be easy for me to miss obvious things. Anyways, I’ve been with my partner for over 4 years. I’ve had a thing for being eaten out by dogs ever since I learned about sex…. It’s...
  17. K

    Best places to find someone who’s Zoo?

    I know there’s no guarantees when it comes to finding someone compatible in normal circumstances when it comes to dating, and finding someone zoo-approving just makes things more difficult and unpredictable, so I have my doubts if there are any ‘better’ places to find a zoo significant other the...
  18. C


    Anyone else feeling lonely? Wish i had a partner to enjoy with... Sorry, not complaining, just wondering if anyone is feeling the same?
  19. SadSatania


    cring e
  20. Z

    Issues with human relationships (how to date a zoo?)

    There are several issues with human relationships that are worth discussing (specifically, humans who are into animals sexually). This thread is about people who want to have a sexual relationship with a human AND have a sexual relationship with an animal (at the same time). The first issue is...