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An unexpected acoustic indicator of positive emotions in horses
Indicators of positive emotions are still scarce and many proposed behavioural markers have proven ambiguous. Studies established a link between acoustic signals and emitter’s internal state, but few related to positive emotions and still fewer considered non-vocal sounds. One of them, the...journals.plos.org
Preference of beef cattle for feedlot or pasture environments
Intensive feedlot finishing is perceived to affect welfare because cattle cannot perform normal behaviours evident in pasture environments. The object…www.sciencedirect.com
This paper is the embodiment of Scientist discovers the obvious, but if for some incomprehensible reason you needed proof that cows do not like overcrowding and standing around in a wet manure pit, here it is.
Opportunities (and challenges) in dairy cattle cognition research: A key area needed to design future high welfare housing systems
The ability of dairy cattle to adapt to husbandry systems and management routines is crucial for ensuring higher welfare and efficient production. How…www.sciencedirect.com
Female horses spontaneously identify a photograph of their keeper, last seen six months previously - Scientific Reports
Horses are capable of identifying individual conspecifics based on olfactory, auditory or visual cues. However, this raises the questions of their ability to recognize human beings and on the basis of what cues. This study investigated whether horses could differentiate between a familiar and...www.nature.com
Cross-modal perception of human emotion in domestic horses (Equus caballus) - Scientific Reports
Humans have domesticated many kinds of animals in their history. Dogs and horses have particularly close relationships with humans as cooperative partners. However, fewer scientific studies have been conducted on cognition in horses compared to dogs. Studies have shown that horses cross-modally...www.nature.com
Dogs recall their owner's face upon hearing the owner's voice - Animal Cognition
We tested whether dogs have a cross-modal representation of human individuals. We presented domestic dogs with a photo of either the owner's or a stranger's face on the LCD monitor after playing back a voice of one of those persons. A voice and a face matched in half of the trials (Congruent...link.springer.com
Seems like a fairly poorly written abstract making a lot of big assumptions like mental image formation from watch times that would need to be backed up by more evidence, but an interesting read.
Only relevant because it shows that no training is required for dogs to be decent at learning human facial expressions with very limited exposure. Other than that similiar to every other dog cognition article![]()
Dogs recognize dog and human emotions | Biology Letters
The perception of emotional expressions allows animals to evaluate the social intentions and motivations of each other. This usually takes place within species; however, in the case of domestic dogs, it might be advantageous to recognize the emotions of ...royalsocietypublishing.org