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The Bestia Amore Podcast

Hey folks, this is the blog for the BA Podcast!

We'll attempt to record every Wednesday, 10 PM EST. Our uploads will usually be within a day or two as we need time to edit and proof the pod.

Hope you all enjoy listening and we appreciate feedback.

Remember: we accept questions, comments, and even (possible) guest requests!

Feel free to contact us via DM, a public post here, or via our email.

Our BitChute:

Our YouTube channel is here.

First release
Last update
3.16 star(s) 19 ratings

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  1. New episode hot off the presses!

    Our latest episode is now live! Sorry I didn't post the blog for the special, I'm not sure the...
  2. The start of The Zoo Stories, and no more BitChute

    Our YouTube: Our Email...
  3. Episode 15 is up!

    My Telegram (Winter Green): @wintergreenwolf Red's Telegram: @Struggle_Puppy Our Email...
  4. [SPECIAL] An episode on state of affairs of both the podcast, and the community.

    Our Email: Our YouTube...
  5. Episode 14 hot off the presses!

    Our Email: Our BitChute: Our...
  6. Episode 13 is up, this one's probably going to touch come nerves too..

    This episode is going to touch a nerve or two, it's in regards to some recent controversy in the...
  7. Episode 12 is live!

    Our Email: Our YouTube...
  8. New episode up!

    We got our 11th episode done and I finally got it posted. We talk about veganism, and a few...
  9. A new Plarform.

    There's been a development today folks! I was going to upload the episode to Minds as our backup...
  10. EP. 9 is live, and we're not dead!

    In this episode, we talk about Zoophilia, sexuality, orientation and fetishes. How they diverge...
  11. From the BA crew, happy pride week!

    Stay proud, stay loud, stay defiant! Happy pride week everyone. Show your love, and share your...
  12. New episode coming soon!

    We'll be recording again soon folks! Yes, we are trying to keep a regular schedule. I've been...
  13. Episode 8 is now live!

    We're finally back at it! Ep. 8 is now live. On YouTube: On Minds...
  14. There's so much dust, and so many cricket chirps, sorry... :(

    Wow, been a while hasn't it? Well, let's see here. We are still alive, we're still kicking...
  15. We're on alt tech now, too!

    Hey folks, Winter Green here. We've made, and uploaded our episodes to a second platform. We're...
  16. Episode 6 live!

    Our latest episode is now live! We had some audio issues in this one, we'll be doing out best to...
  17. New Episode now live!

    Episode 5 is now up! In this one we talk to an opponent (respectfully)! Watch here! Also...
  18. Episode 4 is live.

    Episode 4 s now live! You can find it here. In this one, we have an ally guest give a few...
  19. We're back,a nd Episode 3 Part 3 is now live!

    FINALLY, we're back at it after quite a long time. Episode 3 Part 3 of the mammalities theories...
  20. Episode 3, Part 2 is now LIVE!

    Just finished editing, converting, and uploading EP-3, PT-2! You can find the episode here!

Latest reviews

Lame, and very amateurish.
This guy's podcast is a low-quality production and his opinions are very self-centered, pompous, and angry. This podcast sounds less like a Zoophile podcast (or a podcast in general) but rather serves to be a drama-centric series of rants about specific (and named) persons in the community at large. I make this review having only heard three episodes, in order, with the latest being Episode 19 speaking against this site. While some of his complaints are valid, his comments are worthy of KiwiFarms or other Dumpster-fire websites. I do not enjoy this podcast, and am opposed to many of the views presented (especially about specific persons). I find much of it to be libelous as well. If this man presented his viewpoint with less anger and less drama-centric claims that sound like a gossip-mill, I would be more inclined to support his efforts. He seems to like to use the word "Gall", and thinks he is in a place of authority to say he will "let [things] slide". He is against monetization of Zoophile Pornography (which I am not against) as he mentions in the Anti-Zooville Forum episode. He then went into a rant about monetization of animal pornography which could easily be considered a statement against both capitalism and/or a statement against monetization of pornography in general. "Your motives are either hidden or tainted with possibly, you know, unethical intention. And I believe this is the case with Zooville. [...] Some of their motives are based on God Complexes[...]." He then says that if people give him money he will create a non-profit.

The entire production is just one guy ranting and some woman who hardly speaks except to agree with him, with low-production value.
I'm sure his podcast will mention he wanted to talk peacefully with the ones he had an argument with. Wouldn't be surprised if he says he was banned for being respectful. lmao.
What a narcissus.
So how are those baseless accusations and threats to expose ZV working out for you now, punk?
another narcissistic self-proclaimed "zoo savior". slander and doxxing threats are his MO.
advocate noun-
: one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal
ex-an advocate of liberal arts education
: one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause or group
a consumer advocate
ex-an advocate for women's health
He has paid respectful attention to the home schooling movement by meeting with its advocates and endorsing their cause.
It is NOT defending a cause to threaten exposure of its members.
It is NOT supporting or promoting the interests of a group to slander and threaten its members.
This person has, in front of multiple members of the group they claim to advocate for, defamed, threatened, and tried to intimidate via threats of exposure members of the group he had arguments with.
This guy is dangerous. Makes slanderous claims against users with no evidence and threatens to out people and ruin their lives. Best avoid them at all costs.
Love the concept. Don’t love the person behind this. Certainly dispelled a few of my concerns when I commented on a post. Which i appreciated the response. However someone running this threatened to out another member, accusing him of being a zoosadist. Though I’m not the biggest fan of the man who was accused, I think it’s highly suspicious. I hope no one gives out criminalizing information to the podcast unless you don’t mind the risk of being in prison.

I’ll chalk this review up to very bad PR. Hope to see something change

TLDR: Called someone a sadist and wanted to collect black mail. Bad PR.
I saw you threaten to OUT someone who disagreed with you in a thread. THAT tells me ALL I need to know about you without listening to you babble. They SHOULD have banned your ass on the spot. YOU are a CANCER.
Awesome work thank you for your time and hard work .For someone who knows nothing about a lot of things I got educated really quick listening to many podcasts in general zoo also a few furry or so was anti-zoo furry Explained and the owo cast helped like kinks and they love Horse cock and sheath’s but hate zoo’s and Farrell art LOL but are gay and don’t help others whom are fighting for equality wow.