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So... I guess it's a goodbye?


So... I'm planning to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge...

I was thinking about seeing the comments on this post before that...

I never had friends... Ever... All because of my sexuality... My grandparents fighting continuously doesn't help at all...
That is really not a very good idea and I hope you will come to the same realization once you arrive to the bridge.
Both your problems have a solution.
Look for friends outside of your sexuality.
Move out and find your own place to limit your exposure to the fights.
Calm down, take a deep breath, and try to relax.
It may seem like the world is against you, but you are amog friends here. You should feel free to express those feelings here and chat with likeminded people. Accept ypurself for who you are.
There is nothing unnatural about being zoo. Some of us are just born that way, just as some people are born gay. It is nothing to be ashamed of.
Call the hot line.
no friends because of the sexual situation?Well hell, did you tell anyone about?
You have had an account since 2020, there are thousands of people here.
did you bother to reach out at all?
I knew two people that committed suicide. Aways hard to understand. I am not in your brain, but your sexuality does make you unique and you too are unique person. If there is a way for you to change your environment by moving to a diffeent place, getting a different job etc, I think that could help, and in the long run perhaps seek some help. There is always the suicide help line too 800-273-8255
Please don't do that. There is so much to live for, there are dozens of nice people who would take honor in being your friend. There are solutions for problems like that, please, let others help you. Please, reach out to help line, they will be able to help you. Your life is valuable! You posted a pictures of lovely beautiful dogs, they need you and they love you, be there for them, they will be there for you too.
Hell comes, hell goes. You can’t stop in the middle or you’ll burn.
hope to see you around still.
So... I'm planning to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge...

I was thinking about seeing the comments on this post before that...

I never had friends... Ever... All because of my sexuality... My grandparents fighting continuously doesn't help at all...
You may have problems and you might consider your sexuality among them. But suicide doesn't really fix anything.

There is no afterlife, in which you feel relieved and freed from your pain and if you're religions and believe in an afterlife, then most religions treat suicide as a sin which might condemn you to hell. In both regards your attempt at your life doesn't improve your situation.

Calling a suicide-hotline does. There you get to speak with people, who professionally deal with people, who have no positive outlook on life anymore and they might provide you with serious options on how to improve your condition.

You should owe it to yourself to at least try this option before doing anything drastic. What do you have to lose at this point, when you are willing to end your life? Wouldn't it at least be worth a shot to try something else first, just to get another opinion on your situation?

I get it, relatives constantly fighting is horrible, been there, experienced it. But you'll survive this. At least try to call a hotline for your immediate concerns. And if your sexuality troubles you, you can talk about it in this forum to come to terms with it or at least to understand it better. Those are the first options coming to my mind, that are better than jumping from buildings and/or structures. And I am certain there are even more options that might present themself to you eventually.
Less than two weeks ago you were all ecstatic because you had just gotten a dog. Apparently you still live with mom. How old are you, anyway?
When you jump off the bridge, are you taking the puppy? What happens to him, since hes too young to be out on his own? What's mom have to say about all this?
Or are you just another periodical idiot who's emerging like a 17 year locust to be a pest for a couple of days then disappear?
We may be a rather isolated group, but you are not alone. I'm hardly qualified for this, but I'll be damned if I don't try. There are people who care about you. The fact that so many have been leaving comments to stop you is proof of that. There are resources available to help you. Call the hotline. Find professional help. Don't let your story end like this.
imSoSorry I hope you can read this. I’m a long time lurker first time poster. I don’t of course rely know what your situation is, but I just might understand a little bit of what you may be feeling and would like to talk. I know what it’s like to be in the situation where the grand parents that you have loved and who cared for you throughout your childhood now are now slowly eroding you will to draw breath. I have had to give up having a job, and lost track of about 75% of my friends, had to downgrade my collage an shitty online no name degree, just to name a few off the top of my head. I also know what it’s like to be with fighting old people 24 & 7 hell one grandparent has actually attempted to kill the other one twice. I’m not looking for pity or anything imSoSorry what I getting at is that I have been in this level of Dante's Inferno for almost 4 years now and so far cross my fingers I’m still among the living, so perhaps we can compare notes and see if we can work something out that is half way bearable? Please please fell free to DM me, It’s not like that bridge won’t be their tomorrow.
So... I'm planning to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge...

I was thinking about seeing the comments on this post before that...

I never had friends... Ever... All because of my sexuality... My grandparents fighting continuously doesn't help at all...

Life is special no matter what man. I had a good friend pass away through disease and all he wanted was a bit more time. Life is hard bud, but thats not the answer.
Hope you come off that ledge friend.
Don't think about that. Take a walk. Call a friend. Practice some sport until be tired...
Everyone is different. That make us specials. Uniques. Give time to the time and you will find people who share the same likes. We are a lot of people in this world and this life. Don't worry if now are not good times, tomorrow will be another day with maybe new friends, new experiences, new interesting things to do. Just move. Be yourself. Be free. In this world we are alone. With others people around but we are alone. So we have to care ourself, love ourselves and accept ourselves as we are. Once you are happy with yourself you will feel comfortable and proud of you, because nobody is perfect and with your fails and qualities you learned to love you.
Dont think about stop with your life, try to think in all the nice things that you have and maybe you dont see. They are there in front of you every moment, everyday.
Good luck and sorry for my poor english.
hi... sorry... sorry about all that... i am so stupid... what is wrong with me? why did I do that? sorry for bordering you all with this... it's just...

Less than two weeks ago you were all ecstatic because you had just gotten a dog.

from "how to show my zoo pride" through "AMAGADIGOTADOG" to "going to jump of a bridge"?

i know... I was so happy about my new puppy that I forgot for one second about all my problems... but they were just forgotten, not resolved...

Apparently you still live with mom. How old are you, anyway?

i am 20 yo... I still live with my grandparents not because I can't live by myself, it's because they look so fragile... I don't want anything bad to happen while I'm not around...
yeah, i know... i am the worst person alive... i sorry... please, forgive me... i didn't want to bother you all with this stupid and selfish post... i just wanted to feel loved and... feel that someone in this world really cares about me...
hi... sorry... sorry about all that... i am so stupid... what is wrong with me? why did I do that? sorry for bordering you all with this... it's just...

i know... I was so happy about my new puppy that I forgot for one second about all my problems... but they were just forgotten, not resolved...

i am 20 yo... I still live with my grandparents not because I can't live by myself, it's because they look so fragile... I don't want anything bad to happen while I'm not around...
If the situation is affecting you this much, YOU need to get out. Find them some help for their situation, but you are not required to drown for them. Get out. now.
i tried... i tried to do it, but... but... in the end... a slimp hope keeps me attached to this world...
I don't want to die... I love my grandparents and I have dreams of even finding someone one day who will do anything for me and even help me with this...

But I can't be strong enough to hold on until then...

I cannot self-harm myself or talk about anything with my grandparents without them being sad... I have no friends... I never had... I always had to keep all this to myself...

Everyone at my school was bullying me because of my sexuality... I never had friends because of this...

No... I not talking about being a zoophile... I talking about being... ah... who cares?

I always lived thinking that I had something wrong with me... "Why don't they even want to come near me?"

Please... I beg to anyone out there that can make this stop... I will give everything... Make this stop... I don't want exist... This is worst than hell...
Call a Hotline....and call social services in your area. No one here can really give you the kind of help you need, Keep us posted, but dont expect miracles from a website. YOU can only help THEM if you arent dead or helpless. But you have to take the action...no one can do it for you.
OP....disregard what the user formerly known as Sam Fox said. He was banned almost as soon as he posted his evil Shuck.

Get some help, kid. Its there if you reach for it
Been through this myself, so if you want someone to reach out to, I'll be here to talk. I can say, therapy and medication can definitely help, so don't think of yourself as hopeless, no matter the things you've already tried.
So... I'm planning to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge...

I was thinking about seeing the comments on this post before that...

I never had friends... Ever... All because of my sexuality... My grandparents fighting continuously doesn't help at all...
I've talked to you before but I'm not sure you remember. There's plenty of people who care about you and your new puppy needs you. Think about all of them and the good people here who have shown you support. I really hope you aren't considering going through with what you mentioned in your original post any longer. Support from friends here and at home can help, but I really think you should take @saddlebum66 advice and get some real help if that support is not enough.

There's good people who have reached out to you and we're serious if you need to talk! Myself included. Please take care of yourself! I too hope to see you stick around.
I won't pretend to have the answers to your situation.
But dont check out mate.....
Life is tough...its challenging and lonely at a times. But its also at times very good n satisfying.

You have your dog (best mate) you'll get through shit if u persevere...
So what if u cant buy a home...so what if ur unemployed....so what if u have a bad habit or two....

My dog got me through ALL of these things and was the best friend I had for 16 yrs.
Step outside the boundaries of ur current situation (I say current cause all life-shit will pass), and be who you want to be or at least more
aligned with who/how you want to be...find a mate or friend who shares same likes or interests as you...

anyways look...having experienced loss of family and friends through suicide I can tell you and its not a cliche..
IT hurts the ones left behind, sometimes for years mentally and emotionally.

You have value. your dog needs you and theres plenty of friends out there that youre still yet to meet.
you say you've never had friends....? well buddy, time to change the direction and directives of your past.
Take care