Would you EVER???

that would be inviting a shot in the back

Would you ever shout in the middle of a store "Hey, get the bottle return machines working, now!"
assuming you have a loud voice and everyone in the store would hear you
no, that's just rude and bad manners. Manners maketh man.

WYE verbally discipline the child of someone else?
Very likely. But it is more likely that I would discipline the parent of that child.

WYE "turn the other cheek" instead of speaking up about something you see and know is wrong?
I’ve actually done it but quite a lot of years ago when the last adult theater closed. I have head and fucked one guy with the guy who brought me there.

Woukd you do a video if so with it without a mask.
I've been recorded in some session taking the face away from the camera but it's not my thing, i prefer enjoy the moment . (you look sexy btw 😉)

would you serve sexually an owner and his dog the first time you meet them? (no previous long chat)
I would if there was a physical attraction to the owner.

Would you ever refuse an offer to train a dog who’s never been known to mount a human female?
Hell NO!, Cause what Im usually attracted to is Bigger and more masculine than me and I don't need my ass kicked.

WYE wear full womens drag, if your a straight male?
Well, I'm a woman, so....there's that. I do think having professional drag style makeup done would be fun though.

WYE wear a collar in public? (Not a discreet day collar)
I don't think I would, collars aren't my thing. Lol

WYE walk up to a stranger, tell them you like there shirt and ask them if you could have it?
Already checked that box, would check again!

WYE do random acts of kindness for your own happiness?
Depending on how much a bunch is, I may and or may not have already done that lol.

WYE enjoy a leisurely stroll through the woods naked?