What/when was your first time doing zoo.



Please regeal us with the wonderful details as to how you discovered you were a zoo. And what was your first time like being in love with your SO.
I don’t remember what order these happened it, but I remember 2 specific events. One was the first time I saw a video of dogs mating. I was so fascinated by it. How they got stuck together, how vigorous the male got. It literally unlocked my mind.

The second was when I was sleeping over my aunts house. I was chasing and her boxer mix came in and started sniffing around. Sniffing became licking, and licking became cumming. He enjoyed licking my cock so much and it felt so good. He quickly learned that even my touching my pants button meant fun time and would get so excited. I don’t remember what order these events happened in but they both changed my life
No doubt I've always been zoo, I realized something may have been up when in early middle school, from the pressure of my friends I tried to watch some 'normal' porn, and felt nothing. It was like watching a commercial, just boring. I figured maybe I just hadn't come around yet. A bit later, still having never been aroused by anything in particular, I saw the ass end of some cows at the state fair, and I felt something I'd never felt before. I figured it was random, and ignored and suppressed it for years. Finally after seeing some zoo stuff in online compilations, I looked up some zoo porn and it was great. I had phases of forcing myself off it from guilt, but not anymore. I still have guilt, but I know I can't stop. For years after I had that initial feeling, I finally realized we had a family dog. I tried to mess around, and nothing really happened. Over a year later I went back and tried that and really enjoyed it. Still so that about once a week, I used to force myself to stop doing that
As everyone probably knows by now I'm new to the lifestyle but I'll never forget the first time. It was almost 4 months ago and my girlfriend had been out of town for a couple of weeks staying with her mother who had been sick. I was lying in bed naked and watching an old Monique Parent softcore movie on Cinemax when my 120 pound female Rott, Sadie crawled up on my bed and began to rub herself all over my naked body. She crawled up on top of me and just splayed out, leaving her full weight on top of me. She wasn't excited or anything like that, she just lay her head on my shoulder and slowly licked the side of my neck every now and then while I gently stroked my hand back and forth on her back.

At some point I suddenly realized what a sensuous feeling it was as the two of us cuddled together and I eventually became erect. A wicked thought popped into my mind and I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of honey out of the fridge before returning to my bedroom and gently applying some to my cock. I laid back down and Sadie immediately lay down beside me and not hungrily or ravenously but gently, licked my cock until I ejaculated and she cleaned me up.

Shortly thereafter I quit applying honey to my cock and now she eagerly licks my cock and brings me off all the time. She's my sweet baby and while I fully intend to consummate our relationship next month when she comes in heat, I'll never forget the first time because it was so surreal.
Please regeal us with the wonderful details as to how you discovered you were a zoo. And what was your first time like being in love with your SO.
I didn't, she introduced me. Don't rule out the possibility that horses, dogs, sheep and whatever may have their own tastes.
Grew up on a farm so knew what went where pretty early. Was always super curious sexually. I was mucking about with the dogs from a young age but never considered the idea of being fucked until I was an older teenager. That wasn't one of our dogs though. It was a mean old black mongrel working dog on my uncle's farm. Max growled at everyone (except my uncle) who went anywhere near him.
On one occasion, I was sitting outside on a step having a sandwich. Max came over and just sat down waiting to be given something. He didn't growl because I hadn't approached him. I gave him some of the sandwich and he let me stroke him between feeding him pieces. When there was none left he licked at my face and started licking inside my mouth for the taste of what I'd eaten. I barred up immediately and VERY CAREFULLY felt my way around to his cock. He wasn't at all concerned. As I gripped his sheath, his cock started to swell and he soon started doing hip thrusts. It was too exposed where we were so I got myself under control, went back to the house and got some sandwich ham for encouragement and then went under the shearing shed with Max. I hadn't really thought about being fucked but it seemed like the obvious thing and God knows, it was definitely on Max's agenda!
I had no idea what to expect and those first few clumsy thrusts definitely made me yelp!
It was a real shock to begin with but I adjusted my position and found the way to match his rhythm. Looking back, the pleasure of the situation made me forget the pain. There was no knotting. I didn't know that was a thing then. I had a few more fucks and lots of kisses with Max when I'd visit my uncle's farm.
Max's reputation was for being a good work dog but super unfriendly. That wasn't my experience though!
if it counts as zoo, giving a dog an orgasmless handjob and taking his cock knot-deep into my mouth as he's laying on his back before he pulls out to a stray dog.
I was 13y ,my neighbour german Sheppard dog jump on my back as i walk by him n he strated humping my ass n i just bend over alittle n let him finish since i was confuse at the moment, after i went back home n thought awhile wat just happened n wanted him to fuck me, later that night i went outside n took him off his leash brought him into my room n i got dress in mini skirt ,halter top n got on bed in doggy postion with my ass in air n he jump on my ass n pokeing me n i grab his cock n got tip of it in my butthole n he just ram it in me as hard he can n it was took much for me n he knoted so i couldnt get him off me ,i was screaming in pain n crying but eventually i just took it n fell in love with dogs since
Please regeal us with the wonderful details as to how you discovered you were a zoo. And what was your first time like being in love with your SO.
I think my first time was with the family dog. She was a black lab, she had been spayed, and she had very little interest in anything sexual. She did enjoy a small amount of spade rubbing and some light tongue action, but that was about it. After that was a beautiful mare, but we didn’t get very far. I was scared as fuck, and unfortunately, cancer took her before we could get into anything really fun.
Was in my teens and saw a video online that i could not get out of my mind ( stray-x the record ) and always thought about it. Luckily had an intact golden .. finally got the courage to play. It all started with just stroking and playing with his cock .. that lead to it coming out of the sheath and i jerked him to completion a few times. Once it got on my face and i didnt know how to feel about it. After a few more times i decided to suck it a little. After multiple blow jobs for my good boy i wanted to cum and didnt want to just jerk myself off anymore. That lead to me fucking his sheath.. after a few rounds of that i felt bad and figured he would want to penetrate a tight hole so i offered up my 🍩.. it took a few times to figure out the best way to let it happen... eventually it got to the point wherw i would get his 🍆 out and slide it into my ass while it was still soft so that the knot could swell inside me. It felt so good to have it throb and squirt, thrusting inside me as his cum squirted out of my hole past his knott and my cock throbbed and shot cum all over with out even touching myself