[POLL INSIDE] A Case Report of Zoophilia in Aceh Where Lack of Education andFamily Supervision can be a Trigger

How was your upbrining?

  • Close

    Votes: 25 6.8%
  • Religious

    Votes: 54 14.6%
  • Strict

    Votes: 29 7.9%
  • Distant

    Votes: 46 12.5%
  • Single Parent

    Votes: 55 14.9%
  • Sheltered

    Votes: 30 8.1%
  • Loving

    Votes: 82 22.2%
  • Abusive

    Votes: 38 10.3%
  • Unloving

    Votes: 10 2.7%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Not sure if anyone has seen this. I haven't read it simply because of the title. Though after seeing a recent review, I decided to take a look.
I don't have much to mention, but will quote some parts I read and give an opinion. Also I welcome anyone else, and I also included a poll which I don't think was ever put up. But I think for future surveys it can be useful and I will also add to this in a current Zoophilia Wiki post I'm working on.
This poll is anonymous.

CONCLUSION: Zoophilia is another paraphilic disorder involving disapproving individuals characterized by
a persistent and intense pattern of atypical sexual arousal manifested by sexual thoughts, fantasies, drives, or
behaviors in which the focus of the arousal pattern involves the animal. This case is rarely reported because sufferers
think their actions are not harmful, lack of parental attention and supervision may be one of the causes of this
Given that this report is talking about one person, a patient aged 37 whom only finished Elementary school, and did not have a great upbringing. Personally, I'm seeing this is claiming Zoophilia as a whole.

Relationship with my parents were. I guess so-and-so. Didn't seem like the typical white picket fence style family.

Edit: I made this thread a few days ago, and things got in the way, so opening it up to anyone else.
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I had a very “normal” childhood outside of having lots of sexually intact animals around. My parents were loving, caring, and went above and beyond with raising me. Never was abused or neglected, but I was very curious when it came to the nonhumans in my life. Learned about the birds and the bees pretty early on from watching our critters get frisky during the spring and summer months. Animals and sex has been a fascination of mine for as long as I can remember, but I certainly don’t blame my parents care for the manifestation of my attractions in that regard.
Having just the one case report, and even the can be in the title, who can convince me that this case study is representative for "the zoosexual", and not coloured by socio-cultural attitudes where the case study was recorded.
Having just the one case report, and even the can be in the title, who can convince me that this case study is representative for "the zoosexual", and not coloured by socio-cultural attitudes where the case study was recorded.
No doubt it's not made for zoos. Seems to be one of those "One person experienced this, so that means its the same with all."
Where did this come from? Who funded and sponsored it? Without some sort of provenance, its effectively worthless, although its worth is debateable in any case.
Where did this come from? Who funded and sponsored it? Without some sort of provenance, its effectively worthless; although its worth is debateable in any case.
I haven't looked that deep into it. There is a link to doi.org but was not loading for me. Not sure if its just my VPN, or the site is defunct.
https:// doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2022.9196

No doubt it's not made for zoos. Seems to be one of those "One person experienced this, so that means its the same with all."
Exactly, and if it had been the other way - one case study that shows that zoo experiences aren't the hell and doom we think they are - then it would have been dismissed as "statistically insignificant" because it was just one case study...
I never understand their issue with zoophilia. When you read the ICD and zoophilia is classified as "paraphilia", but when you go to see a therapist, around half of them don't even care and don't consider zoophilia to be a problem per se.

And if your therapist thinks that zoophilia is a disorder, he doesn't even know what to do because there is insufficient research.

It's always sad to see that after 20 - 40 years of research in zoophilia, scientists have only managed to find out that we mainly like horses and dogs.
i was sheltered severely growing up, my parents despised me ever growing up an experiencing sex. And I grew up with dogs, so when I hit puberty I turned to them. No only that, but I grew up in a verbally and mentally abusive household. No; I do not think that zoophilia is a disorder, nor is it something symptomatic. It’s simply a deep desire in my opinion, if I wasn’t so sheltered and shut off from the world, yes i’d probably not like animals. But whose to say or know? It such an odd yet interesting concept.
I usually prefer to get all information directly from people who are involved than second or third hand sources. There are so many things people post online that really comes across as propaganda to promote discrimination against people who are into certain things. Often using "Science" and very specific case studies tailor made to prove a point. But when you talk to people directly about their experiences, or you read between the lines, you get a better understanding of how people really feel.

I actually had a fantastic upbringing, very good parents, moderately wealthy life, well educated (Liberal arts Undergrad degree, and Masters in Robotics), really nothing wrong happened. I'm pretty religious as well but in a spiritual sense, not a bible thumping sense, and I'm doing extremely well now (software engineer for about 8 years since graduating college). Yet I would genuinely love to make love with an animal (namely a Lynx or large dog). From my point of view, the affection I feel comes from the desire to make sex no longer the "Go to sin" for restricting people, but instead allow people to enjoy life and feel more free with their expression. What I see from the fear mongering articles though is that no matter how bad suffering is based on violence or emotional damage, sex is always agreed as the worse of the evils, but these people would argue for literally shooting their dog to death because it was caught licking a person's genitals. Acting like the dog's suffering from licking a slightly salty part of the body is far worse than having a metal hole in it's head. Thus can't let propaganda get to you.

All in all, people who look for reasons to justify discrimination (calling it a disorder, attaching it to a bad upbringing, etc) need to look at themselves and ask why they feel the need to post articles and promote hate towards other people based on assumptions and accusations. If anything, if you have to dedicate your life to manipulating others and attacking them for doing things you disagree with, you're kind of the one lacking a soul. Most of us are just enjoying life with our pets more intimately than some people would, and that should be perfectly fine. Not let fear get to us. These people only want violence and ignorance to be the answer to life's happiness.
I started to wonder a couple of days after making this if I should have even gave that "report" an ounce of recognition. I was thinking a little bit on seeing how upbringings were, since I don't believe many of the official surveys had a mention of it. Or if it did, I don't remember.

I can't deny that it seems pretty bias. Hopefully if its still good with everyone, I'll leave the poll up. There's no deadline. I'm planning on comparing with a survey from 2000 and making a dedicated section for it (That article posted above in this thread won't be listed of course). This is the source of what I'm mentioning: https://zoophilia.wiki/index.php/Causes_of_Zoophilia_-_A_2000_Survey
I started to wonder a couple of days after making this if I should have even gave that "report" an ounce of recognition. I was thinking a little bit on seeing how upbringings were, since I don't believe many of the official surveys had a mention of it. Or if it did, I don't remember.

I can't deny that it seems pretty bias. Hopefully if its still good with everyone, I'll leave the poll up. There's no deadline. I'm planning on comparing with a survey from 2000 and making a dedicated section for it (That article posted above in this thread won't be listed of course). This is the source of what I'm mentioning: https://zoophilia.wiki/index.php/Causes_of_Zoophilia_-_A_2000_Survey
Sounds solid. I mean it's still good to have a place to talk about it. I don't think most of us really think about why we're into these things but society often will try to make it look like we're the weird ones for liking it or there must be some terrible reason. Still as I learned in college, it's a good exercise to read articles like this and instead of taking it at face value like the author expects, try to count the biases and question why the author would write the article in such a way. Hehe I sound like an English professor, but once the holes in the appeal become more obvious, you'll learn a lot more about yourself and realize you're perfectly fine and they're the one who apparently had "so good" of a life, that they have to shame others who had terrible lives to get their fix. XD These discussions are key to removing the stigma and allowing us to really embrace life, no matter how grand/rough it seemed at first, we're all in this together.
I had, and still have a good relationship to my parents. Sure, my mom is divorced twice, but that never realy affected my, because I could see my dad whenever I wanted, and they never fought over me and my brothers.
I have highly educated parents (mom is a librarian with diploma and was the boss of a library for a long time, my father is museology with diploma and is the boss of multible museums) and I am currently in a leading position as a carpenter.

So zoophilia is defently not an outcome of neglect in the childhood in my case.
I started to wonder a couple of days after making this if I should have even gave that "report" an ounce of recognition. I was thinking a little bit on seeing how upbringings were, since I don't believe many of the official surveys had a mention of it. Or if it did, I don't remember.

I can't deny that it seems pretty bias. Hopefully if its still good with everyone, I'll leave the poll up. There's no deadline. I'm planning on comparing with a survey from 2000 and making a dedicated section for it (That article posted above in this thread won't be listed of course). This is the source of what I'm mentioning: https://zoophilia.wiki/index.php/Causes_of_Zoophilia_-_A_2000_Survey
Keep in mind that being beaten with a Rattan Cane is considered a just form of punishment in Micronesian Nations....not a forward-looking idea. I rather doubt this was a completely neutral study.
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Not sure if anyone has seen this. I haven't read it simply because of the title. Though after seeing a recent review, I decided to take a look.
I don't have much to mention, but will quote some parts I read and give an opinion. Also I welcome anyone else, and I also included a poll which I don't think was ever put up. But I think for future surveys it can be useful and I will also add to this in a current Zoophilia Wiki post I'm working on.
This poll is anonymous.

Given that this report is talking about one person, a patient aged 37 whom only finished Elementary school, and did not have a great upbringing. Personally, I'm seeing this is claiming Zoophilia as a whole.

Relationship with my parents were. I guess so-and-so. Didn't seem like the typical white picket fence style family.

Edit: I made this thread a few days ago, and things got in the way, so opening it up to anyone else.
Not sure if it helps, but On my end, I had a loving family. Mom taught me well and but I've got Asperger's. I'd chock my interest to that, since I've always bonded easier with animals than humans.

People were confusing and still are while animals tend to be far more honest.

Over the years, though, I've learned to understand people better, though I'd say that's more pattern recognition than anything else. I don't understand WHY people feel things, but I can tell WHEN they feel them. Animals, on the other hand, are just honest with their expressions and easy to communicate with.

X action means X reaction.

History can easily influence that, but that's besides the point. They don't obscure things and make things difficult for me.
Single Parent

These are not mutually exclusive.
A person could grow up in a Strict loving Religious Single Parent household... or they could grow up in a distant abusive sheltered double parent household.
But with so many variables it's not possible to even begin to claim that there is a link between any of them and the outcome.
need more options
like the ho hum option
both parents worked, not real invloved in my life, mom tried to give us a bit of church occasionally, so we at least had some basic ideas on god, from the baptist perspective. No abuse. Little love type expression.
My biggest influence was likely being small town rural in the 80's .... no kids within miles for me to hang out with.
Farm kid .... so those puberty thoughts pop up with no clue why or what ... animals around to cause those thoughts.
Dogs caught my sexual interests, and was fascinating enough to focus all those thoughts on, and were very happy eager participants in my studies and sexual learning.
For me, nothing was ever planned or thought about before hand. Some thing happened to direct my thoughts some where or thought just popped up at the right time and poof, most if not all experiments for me happened spontaneously. Never a real thought about what i was doing doing or why, just the why not thought and go for it.
Sitting on the back porch which is a step higher then the ground, dog likeing scratches and such steps up on porch beside me as i keep it up... hard not to notice a sheath wagging back and forth with a pink tip poking out. Can't stare at it long hypnotized before trying to feel that furry sheath shape. Things just kinda kept escalating from there ....... more fascinated at every step i took. Squeeze my hand around him a bit harder to really feel the shape, and you end up with a dog humping your hand, natural instinct in shock... grab tighter ..... WOW .... end up with a WTF WOW knot in your palm getting bigger as he goes for broke. Instant addiction to jacking dogs off.
Not sure if anyone has seen this. I haven't read it simply because of the title. Though after seeing a recent review, I decided to take a look.
I don't have much to mention, but will quote some parts I read and give an opinion. Also I welcome anyone else, and I also included a poll which I don't think was ever put up. But I think for future surveys it can be useful and I will also add to this in a current Zoophilia Wiki post I'm working on.
This poll is anonymous.

Given that this report is talking about one person, a patient aged 37 whom only finished Elementary school, and did not have a great upbringing. Personally, I'm seeing this is claiming Zoophilia as a whole.

Relationship with my parents were. I guess so-and-so. Didn't seem like the typical white picket fence style family.

Edit: I made this thread a few days ago, and things got in the way, so opening it up to anyone else.
Boy are they in for a shock should they ever dip there to 1 fentometer into the water! never mind when they break the surface tension
The academia's recurrent insistence that the entire zoo population can be extrapolated from one sensational case report has made me lose my faith in the academia. Is it really that impossibly hard for a self-described scientist to type zooville.org into the address bar? Or maybe they don't like to think about what they could find...
I feel like my sexuality was set in stone from birth. I very vividly remember being in elementary school and I’d think about dating girls, boys, and animals. There was no event that made me think about it or that “traumatized” me. I was just chilling in first grade and i remember thinking that i couldn’t wait to start dating someone. Whether it was a girl, a boy, or even a dog. When i got older and started thinking about/learning about sex, I effortlessly thought about girls, boys, and dogs (typically boy dogs).
My parents were pretty meh growing up. Mom was an emotionless robot and dad was a know it all moron who drank every night. Both were extremely religious though. So I don’t know. Maybe being religious and up tight has something to do with it. But I really feel like being attracted to any sex/gender and any animal just came natural to me.
Not sure if it helps, but On my end, I had a loving family. Mom taught me well and but I've got Asperger's. I'd chock my interest to that, since I've always bonded easier with animals than humans.

People were confusing and still are while animals tend to be far more honest.

Over the years, though, I've learned to understand people better, though I'd say that's more pattern recognition than anything else. I don't understand WHY people feel things, but I can tell WHEN they feel them. Animals, on the other hand, are just honest with their expressions and easy to communicate with.

X action means X reaction.

History can easily influence that, but that's besides the point. They don't obscure things and make things difficult for me.
Autistic here too. I believe zoophilia is a orientation! Not a "disorder" directly caused by any outside influence. May we (autistics) be inclined to be social with animals moreso than people, maybe? I'd say from observing others in the autistic community, yes. However people don't just get insulted and think we'll I'm just gonna go and be gay when they're inherently straight. It's ridiculous to assume someone who isn't born with, or predisposed in some way to a stronger than usual attraction to animals would just suddenly become zoo due to "parental truama" that isn't how sexual attraction works. Not to mention most people wouldn't even consider "crossing that line" because it's taboo which would cause even more social out casting if others found out. I mean. Come on. It goes against their entire escapism rhetoric. Someone avoiding truama wouldn't find more ways to potentially get ridiculed. This article is a joke. There's so many reasons a typical person isn't gonna just convert over to zoophilia solely because mommy/daddy didn't give them enough hugs :poop::gsd_eyeroll:
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