Human vs animal partner

Personally love both, sexually and emotionally not sure that’ll ever change

My now ex girlfriend and I separated after two years of a mutual zoo relationship (she had two trained male huskys, and we had trained the third female together once we discovered our mutual interests) but over the course of two years she grew from having sexual attraction and being emotionally connected to me as much if not more than her boys, but after two years she had grown to only have desires to be with her boys and we agreed to split. No hard feelings and I can completely understand her feelings
I am zoosexual. While humans play a role in my fantasies (especially with non-human partners), I have no real desire for them and I am almost incapable of feeling loved by them. I do, however, try always to act in a loving manner to all beings.

Non-humans generally express their affections and desires directly instead of symbolically (through words). That is often easier for me to comprehend and I am grateful that those affections have been shared with me in the past.
This one is tough for me. Inside is a constant battle between what I want and what is expected of me. I would love to go zoo exclusive and just live in a van down by the river (couldn't resist) and have a couple dogs as lovers just doing as I please. However society doesn't appreciate that lifestyle so whats expected of me is the wife and kids and a mortgage, living to go to work and paying all those bills just to get old and die.
I've had both women and mares. First time with a mare was 40+ years ago at 12. No matter how crazy a woman can be in bed, they are no comparison to my mares. I've found a few times a mare in estrus can be, "fuck me NOW or i will kill you". Since I'm able to write this means I've always consented.
Do you feel attracted to animals only, in a sentimental or/and sexual way?
Absolutely I do, romantic (instead of mere "sentimental") and a spiritual connection... and sex is a central part of it all.
Do you feel the need to get love (in a romantic way) from another person?
Once upon a time I used 2 think this way... Now I realize that I am a Zoo, and I've decided to embrace who I am. Life is so much better now that I love and accept who I am and who I Truly Love.
I find myself needing a more human touch when it comes to the romantic side of life. Sure, it's amazing to cuddle up against your zoo mate and give them loving kisses and pats. But I personally find that I enjoy talking and responding, or being treated like a pet myself, like being called a good boy. Not to mention that zoo mates are typically incapable of partaking in some hobbies together. I can't quite play laser tag or play video games with a dog or horse.
It's a different vibe for each... Humans can really FUCK you good but good for a human.... On the other hand Daddy is a whole animal😭 they come in much bigger sizes and it satisfies the urges, senses, AND the nut be more than you expect (for the cumsluts out there) both are good it's like comparing sex to a long lasting orgasm
I feel attracted to animals affectionately and in a sexual way, but more importantly also to care and provide for them. My priority is with my animals. I will never show any affection towards humans ever. I have nothing, so I have nothing to loose, but I won't give up on my animals, they are #1 in my life.
This might be weird to say, but I don't see dogs and think to myself "wow, he's hot". Not even slightly.
I sure do. Ever since I was a boy I've looked at dogs and thought to myself, "(s)he is so hot". There are rare exceptions... but. Maybe it's because I'm a true Zoophile?
Humans and dogs are different and relationships have a depth and are rewarding in different ways with both. I live with my German Shepard and I would say he is my primary mate, my partner, my playmate and my lover. However, I still love humans and I do casually date.

Of course when I casually date they have no idea about my other lifestyle. I think it is ok to keep it a secret, not everyone needs to know everything about me.

I love humans and dogs. Just differently and in different ways. But I think I need some of both to be completely happy
Humans? As activity partners in hobbies or as business partners, yes.
But aside this there's absolutely no interest in them on my side, quite the contrary (don't like them in my physical private space).

Animals? They are wholesome relationship partners. Not as much in regards to their housekeeping- or hobbyists-abilities, unfortunately - that's something I have to care for. 🤷‍♂️ But that's fine. At least their pre-dishwashing abilities are top notch. 🤔
I mean definitely into both for sure, having both is amazing, and i think having the ability to combine both and not choose is great
I struggled with that for years. Each has pros and cons.

Humans: pros: the can tell you exactly what they like and dislike without having to read body language, if you want a family you can have children with them, if you are into large breasts that is relatively easy to find.

CONS: They can be very vindictive and some will go as far as exposing you for your habits.

Animal Pros: love you unconditionally for the most part. Can be constant companions. They understand human emotions better than people. Relatively lower to maintain a good quality of life. (Way less expensive than some people I have dated in my life)

Animal CONS: animals don't live too long in comparison to humans. Mostly speaking about dogs. Language barrier unless you are extremely familiar with reading body language.
I'm finding myself struggling with wanting to maintain relationships with humans recently, I see far more benefit in a relationship with dogs. I don't always see them as "hot" but definitely appealing
Personally i feel attraction only for dogs and lost interest in men.
Men could be considered as friends or colleagues but i don't seem to feel love or trust a man anymore.
If I compare men to dogs on a sexual level, my two mixed Lab/Retriever are much better and bigger.
Yes no maybe, I don't know.
Jokes aside, it has affected me in the way that the need to find another human gf becomes secondary, since I can be with a girl dog and be in love, content and satisfied, and every time lean more to the latter to avoid stress, drama, risks of pregnancy, being exposed, etc.