How Many People do You Chat With

I talk to almost no one. Mostly because I have real life things to take care of, so I'm just not on here very much. There is one girl that keeps messaging me, and I feel bad because she wants to meet, but I won't see her messages for weeks at a time.
I have a group of regulars, mostly the og members, but a few newbs. I look for sarcasm first, similar political views second, and just generally people who are not thirsty. I am not here for the porn, so I tend to ignore 70 percent of the people here
Due to social anxiety i do not talk to a lot of people. But i am always up for a chat of anyone need to lend a ear
I post a lot on threads, but I don't really initiate conversations in DMs to be honest. Not because I wouldn't like to, I'm just pretty anxious I suppose.

Ironically I'm a pretty antisocial person. I do good in situations where I'm given a prompt or there is a specific expectation , but I clam up quite hard if I feel like it's more "personal". It's kind of hard to explain.

People message me from time to time which is appreciated but otherwise I'm really just here spamming the music thread or responding to threads I think are interesting.
hardly any.....def not the experience I was hoping for, because of this, I'll probably become more of a lurker than interactive here. if there are other more engaging communities, please let me know.
How many different people do you chat with on a daily or semi daily/regularly basis on here? Are you a guy that only talks to women? Are you a woman that only talks to guys? Is there a decent mix? How many messages do you end up ignoring usually because of dud conversations?

I’m just curious what people’s chatting habits are on here. It feels like most of the time I message someone, they respond so quick I can’t get to my other messages.

I’m a woman and the vast majority of my conversations are with guys. I have about 15 people that I regularly chat with on a daily basis. Only 2 are women. Only 3 of them have I really gotten to know very well and they know me very well. I have maybe 10 or so dud conversations each day that I can’t commit the energy to reply to the same questions over and over again or that are just “hey how are you” copy pasted every day.
I have chatted / traded messages with a handful of people. Mostly I get lots of messages I don't really have any inclination to reply to, as I'm not seeking out meetings with single men, i like to chat and share experiences not hook up. Doesn't mean I don't like getting messages, but I'm not a widespread chatter.