Complete guide to female dog sex

Sorry @Cozy , but think about what happens if you get a dog that you don't fit in. Unless you are getting two or three dogs to have a sexual relationship with one, it's not a good bet. Go for a giant breed.
Sorry for my English, I use a translator😅

Sorry @Cozy , but think about what happens if you get a dog that you don't fit in. Unless you are getting two or three dogs to have a sexual relationship with one, it's not a good bet. Go for a giant breed.
Do you think a golden retriever or at least a husky would be suitable in this case? I think these breeds are also very attractive
@Cozy A larger golden retriever might fit an average person, a husky is very unlikely. It's all about odds which is why I direct people to giant breeds, but smaller dogs might work. I have experience with mastiff, great dane, rottweiler, lab and doberman female(s).
Do you think a golden retriever or at least a husky would be suitable in this case? I think these breeds are also very attractive
Golden retriever is usually 30 Kg. Huskies are not known precisely, because their weight varies between 20-40 Kg. It also depends on how much of a mix she is, because it is often crossed with a malamute.
The Japanese Akita is around 30 Kg, the American Akita is bigger, 30-40 Kg. These are all hard-to-keep dog breeds, and there is a lot of work to be done with them.
Except for golden retriever.