Anonymous Drug Use Poll

What types of drugs do you use to get the high you desire?

  • Uppers/Stimulants, , , , ,

    Votes: 131 39.0%
  • Downers/Barbiturates

    Votes: 30 8.9%
  • Pharmaceutical

    Votes: 36 10.7%
  • Natural

    Votes: 195 58.0%
  • Toad Licking

    Votes: 5 1.5%
  • Cross faded

    Votes: 40 11.9%
  • psychodelic

    Votes: 142 42.3%

  • Total voters


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
This Poll is for folks who have used/experienced Illicit Drug use.
If that's NOT you, then Please do not answer the poll itself.
(comments ALWAYS welcome)

Uppers / Stimulants
Downers /Barbiturates
Pharma / Oxy,Xanax,Percocet, adavan, Ect.
Natrural /Marijuana, opiates, toad licking
Crossfaded / Any/all of the above in combination
psychedelic /hallucinogenic
Last edited:
Bud, booze, acid, shrooms, Salvia, cigars. I call that my good time safety zone. With moderation and common sense all pretty harmless.

Crack, Opium, DMT. Drugs I want to try. Try being the key word, I want to experience, not ruin my life.

Meth, Heroin, Synthetics, cigarettes or pills. Danger zone, Avoid, This shit will ruin your life or make you the worst president ever!
Bud, booze, acid, shrooms, Salvia, cigars. I call that my good time safety zone. With moderation and common sense all pretty harmless.

Crack, Opium, DMT. Drugs I want to try. Try being the key word, I want to experience, not ruin my life.

Meth, Heroin, Synthetics, cigarettes or pills. Danger zone, Avoid, This shit will ruin your life or make you the worst president ever!
Isn't Crack just as bad if not worse than Meth?
Did pot/maria-juana brownies once, felt almost no different from taking allergy medication. Made me drowsy and slow and I was sleep soon enough. I did feel some weird delay of reality, like stuff being experienced in the present felt like it had happened in the past. Over all, it was not fun at all, it was not ugly either, but I can't see the fun in doing pot.

I can also see why driving while drugged on pot is dangerous, I can see some one falling sleep while driving and getting killed or killing some one.
I've done Weed, Xanax, LSD, Ecstasy, Speed, Ritalin, 2CB, DMT. LSD and DMT (especially 5meo Dmt) are by far the best in my opinion. Need to try shrooms.
No clue, that's why I want to try. I've done coke and it's never been anything more than, well that's nice.
Trust me
Crack is no good
There's never enough, and the comedown is way too rough.
Ice or meth is much much easier to handle speaking from experience.
Bud, booze, acid, shrooms, Salvia, cigars. I call that my good time safety zone. With moderation and common sense all pretty harmless.

Crack, Opium, DMT. Drugs I want to try. Try being the key word, I want to experience, not ruin my life.

Meth, Heroin, Synthetics, cigarettes or pills. Danger zone, Avoid, This shit will ruin your life or make you the worst president ever!

Grass (and derivatives like hash, etc) - definitely OK. Tried and true, impossible to OD on without taking idiotically over-the-top steps in a deliberate attempt, never heard any BELIEVABLE tales of any sort of horrors, never experienced any worse effects than a screaming case of the munchies and a "morning after droopiness" that doesn't get anywhere near as bad as even a mild beer/booze hangover. And as an extra bonus, it's good for stiff joints and sore muscles (which any actual farm-type can tell you is pretty much "just part of living the farm life")

Acid - Not anymore. Had some good trips, had some bad. Woke up after all of them feeling like I'd been pounded flat, turned inside out, left out in the sun for a day or three, then turned back to right side out and filled with sand. Fun for the moment but not worth the after-effects. (Never mind that nearly all so-called acid these days is nothing more than some speed, usually meth, and something to give you muscle spasms so you think you got the real thing. The vast majority of what gets sold as "acid" these days doesn't even have a nodding acquaintance with honest LSD, forget actually containing any)

Shrooms - Always been "meh" for me. "Acid in small" is the kindest way for me to put it.

Crack or any of the other cocaine variants: Why bother? (Best I ever got from any of them was a numb, runny nose)

Opium - I'm torn... There's absolutely NOTHING I've ever bumped into in the "better living through chemistry" category that *TASTES* nearly as good as crumbling a *TINY* bit - just enough to add the flavor - of opium into a joint. YumYumYumYumYUM! TASTY!!!! But as far as the actual effects? My opinion can be summed up as "<shrug> Big fat hairy deal".

Ritalin - Stay away! Stay far, far far away! Then run further! Then when you can't run any further, steal the first car you can find and drive further than that! When it runs out of gas, grab a horse and ride until it drops, then crawl as far as you can! That shit is pure misery looking for a place to happen! I didn't find out (and did it the hard way) that Ritalin is ranked right alongside heroin, coke, and nicotine for withdrawal nasties until I was past the sweats, puking, shaking, muscle spasms, and drizzling shits (and those are just the "nice" parts) when my supplier stopped coming around. Take it from someone who's been there, done that, and wishes he could find someplace to return the T-shirt: Kicking a Ritalin monkey is absolute screaming misery! Avoid at all costs!

Meth - Years and years ago, me and a chemistry major buddy of mine cooked up two batches. Did it right, too - mass spectrometry (he had access to the college's unit) told us that we'd cooked up better than 93% purity of the real deal in both batches. We both tried some. I wasn't particularly impressed. Neither was he. We sold the first batch to make our money back (and a bit...) and tried a second batch. Got rave reviews on the first one. Tried the second batch. Weren't impressed. Sold it. Spent the next year trying to shake off the guy we sold it to who wanted "more of that stuff - it was incredibly great! All my customers loved it!" before he finally figured out we were serious about not being in the biz anymore. I wouldn't bother with the stuff again if offered.

These days, I'm just a good ol' fashioned pothead, and let the rest pass on by.
What's DMT like? I hear it makes your "ego" dissolve.
It depends on the dose you take. On a low dose, you get visual effects and a bit euphoric. On a large dose, your mind gets blasted to outer space. Your eyes close as your ego is being crushed by the drug (ego death) you feel kinda like in a dream where you can't wake up from. From my experience, the complete loss of subjective self-identity gave me the possibility to learn a lot about myself and my problems in life.
Also, one benefit to DMT is its short duration (when smoked) compared to other psychedelics.

I really recommend DMT if you like drugs especially psychedelics.

If you want to know more or have questions you can PM me.
You can't make more than 3 choices, so I can't choose all the drugs I like.
Psychedelics a lot, I tend to like stuff from 2CB to DMT, dissociatives too, pot, and cocaine.
I also take some pharmaceutical stuff when I got hands on it.
You can't make more than 3 choices, so I can't choose all the drugs I like.
Psychedelics a lot, I tend to like stuff from 2CB to DMT, dissociatives too, pot, and cocaine.
I also take some pharmaceutical stuff when I got hands on it.
You've done DMT? What's its like?
You've done DMT? What's its like?
It's a psychedelic, but way more potent than LSD, and way shorter too.
It's mainly visual, but people have had emotions too, 15 min duration and the first times you can't move so much because of the massive input you got.
Some people report alien abductions, seeing/speaking with entities, living their own death...
I haven't experimented any af that yet, but you can go on forums like psychonaut for example; and read some trip reports, there is good writers, and it's good if you want to really have an idea about that.
If you read I advise you the book "DMT, The spirit molecule", by Rick Strassman.

Then why the fuck did you reply? Is your ego that desperate to be stroked? Is having a false sense of superiority how you get high?
Why so salty?