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Bad dragon

They should, my XL Ikra tentacle is a monument as soon as people enter. I get a lot of compliments on it. I am thinking of eventually investing in a custom large one that is purely for shock and awe purposes.
Well, she kinda made me throw them away. She said that we can't have a relationship with you if you're going to be using these things. I have very religious parents.
That sucks did u keep them nd hide them or actually throw away
That sucks did u keep them nd hide them or actually throw away
Well I threw them away just to keep on good terms with my parents. The third time I refused and they understand. I know there controlling but my parents are some of mine really only friends and I know they mean the best even though they drive me crazy.
If it were me, id throw to her and tell her to go fick herself 😂
Why is religion so damn important? Its a bit of silicone, what would they prefer:

A. Go out and possibly get an STD

B. Go out and run into jeffry dammed

C. Stay at home and be safe with your toys?

All for tge sake of the attention of an unproven all powerful angry chap in the sky.
My dad, who had a brief phase of opening my packages (had to make our postal carrier have a chat with him about punishments for opening other people's mail, epically when the other person is a legal adult), opened my Xeno dragon toy from them. Thankfully I was able to play it off as just a replica if an H R Giger statue and he seemed to buy that (thankfully he knew who Giger was, and that Giger is one of my fave artists, plus I already had a couple pieces from him already)
my neighbor saw mine one day when he was over (xxl chance) , i forgot to put it away. He asked 'oi whats this for then?' making a stupid face, so i looked him dead in the eye and said 'yeah its mine, what of it?' he just replied with oh...ok and that was that
Hahaha “what’s this for” as if it’s not obvious 👀
The most awkward experience I had on that front was hiring movers who said that they had to see the contents of every container that I was shipping. Having to open a pelican case full of animal like dildos and pussies for two complete strangers was a truly awkward experience.
Anyone ever found your bad dragon toy who wasn't suppose to find it?
Not bad dragon, but my brother has not only seen me holding my 2nd biggest life cast dog dildo, he's also walked into my room while I was at work and seen a number of animal dildos on my bed including both my life cast horses.

Although I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been leaving them out in the open in my room on purpose cause I had a feeling he'd entering my room at some point for some reason