What do you physically find attractive about dogs?

Pregunta general para los amantes de los perros.

¿Qué rasgos físicos te parecen atractivos en un perro?

Además, ¿qué cosas hacen que te resulten atractivas?

A mí personalmente me encantan los perros oscuros, de tamaño mediano a grande, con fuertes músculos en las piernas y un gruñido bajo...🤤
Definitivamente el nudo, sobre todo el nudo.
My first boy I fell for so hard, I think it's because he looked like the fox from Disney's animated robinhood, which I watched relentlessly as a kid. He was a lot at first, (training wise) because he was literally feral, abused, and an outdoor dog up until I was caring for him. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew we were going to be best friends when he peed on my leg during the meet/threw up in my lap on the ride home. It is hard to make him happy at times because of his past, so I get true joy seeing his face light up at the promise of rides and walks. He was my first knot, and even while that moment has been passed as far as sexual enjoyment goes, there was a lasting romance (at least on my end) that grew into something so beautiful, I already know I will never experience it again... My first brother, my first child, my first real boyfriend, and a true best friend when I moved far away from home... The opportunities I took to better our lives significantly improved everything, and I highly contribute my success in life to the very moment I got him.
My preference is big boys with large wangs. I got all of that and more with my second two rescue dogs.. I got them as puppies, and they just didn't stop getting bigger. My ass got a lot more than it bargained for when my cute little hamsters turned into a 95 lb Beef cakes! The first time the one was old enough to let mount me, he grew so large that I passed out from the pleasure. I ended up having a reoccurring orgasm that lasted 3 days, every 1-3 hours that I honestly was worried wouldn't ever stop. (100 percent true and I was literally cumming dust clouds at work) I love all of my boys so much, because they are all special in their own right. I'm just glad I get to be a part of their lives.
Interesting question. I find my girl more cute than sexy (which she also is). Something about her floppy ears, her eyes, her muzzle expression that makes her look like she's always smiling and pleased. Combined with her playful, cheery and occasionally cuddly attitude. I don't know, I find canine specimens particularly attractive, maybe is because we humans evolved to look after each other?
Don't have a dog right now but I have an ideal type.

My ideal girl is black fur from the tips of her muzzle to the balls of her feet. I like a slender build and a bit of an athletic bounce in her step, I want her to be nimble. I also want a girl who is lazy sometimes, whether its after a long trip or a crowded event I want her to feel like she can lay her head right in my lap and go to sleep. I do like a good tail wag too but if she's a bit of a lazy butt I don't mind if it wags a little less often.

Temperament is always going to be a mixed bag so you just kinda have to take what you can get. I guess I always hope for a velcro dog but I wouldn't mind a girl with a little independence. I work from home so hopefully she's not too distracting. I frequently have fantasies of taking her while I am on my lunch break. That would certainly relax the nerves after a long day at work.

Sexually I would love her to be intact, obviously. I would also like a good licker. Some girls love licking other's do not.

My ideal boy. I am kind of all over the place. Something big like a newfie would be fun. I like black fur obviously. Hopefully I can find a lazy boy with a big fluffy butt that loves to lick as well but occasionally mount. I am generally looking for a very calm and mild to low energy boy. I like sad eyes. But nice, big, fluffy stud who is super warm to cuddle to in the winter time.
I love dogs with beautiful intelligent eyes and I really want the get a female Rhodesian Ridgeback, they are Soo so beautiful with their slender yet strong bodies and absolutely amazing colour and ofc, that sexy sexy ridge ❤️
There are lots of things I love and did very attractive about my dog those things being his physical stature how he just looks so handsome and that he knows he is. I also love how his fur feels against my skin when we cuddle and spend time together. I love he can melt my heart with a head tilt or putting his head in my lap on on my thigh because he wants attention and some pets and ear scratches. I love how he always wants to be around me…. I can go on and on.
There are lots of things I love and did very attractive about my dog those things being his physical stature how he just looks so handsome and that he knows he is. I also love how his fur feels against my skin when we cuddle and spend time together. I love he can melt my heart with a head tilt or putting his head in my lap on on my thigh because he wants attention and some pets and ear scratches. I love how he always wants to be around me…. I can go on and on.
That's incredibly sweet! My German shepherd has the best head tilt too. 💙
My Dutch shepherd's stature is straight up sexy. He carries a confidence with him and shows it in his bitework. I have a picture of him jumping out of my car to catch a decoy (man in a bite suit) he looks so beautiful and picture perfect. The fact that he gets a raging boner when he gets the opportunity to fight bad guys is just a plus. Lol

My German shepherd is definitely a pretty diva. She gets all the attention with her looks. 😂

I love dogs from their heads to their tails. Of course certain breeds more than others. It's the same with horses. They're perfect in every way. And don't get me started on mastiffs. They're body size and shape makes them the best lovers and cuddlers.
My Dutch shepherd's stature is straight up sexy. He carries a confidence with him and shows it in his bitework. I have a picture of him jumping out of my car to catch a decoy (man in a bite suit) he looks so beautiful and picture perfect. The fact that he gets a raging boner when he gets the opportunity to fight bad guys is just a plus. Lol

My German shepherd is definitely a pretty diva. She gets all the attention with her looks. 😂

I love dogs from their heads to their tails. Of course certain breeds more than others. It's the same with horses. They're perfect in every way. And don't get me started on mastiffs. They're body size and shape makes them the best lovers and cuddlers.
I also have a Dutch Shepherd and I find him incredibly attractive. Doesn't help that he has so much confidence during the day and is also a great cuddler at night.

He's lean, athletic and just so damn sexy. He has a large sheath that sways around when he walks and is almost mesmerizing to watch.


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Something about their faces just does it for me, the way they pant, their kissable mouths, their tails wagging happily when they see you, attractive dogs just take me off my feet
I get sooooo turned on by the smell of my dog’s breath.. when it’s about looks: I love their eyes. That’s why I hate dog breeds where their eyes look like they would pop out. That’s such a turnoff..

I also love looking at their paws. Not just in a cute way, I think big paws with lean muscular legs (say; Doberman like) are really sexy.
I also have a Dutch Shepherd and I find him incredibly attractive. Doesn't help that he has so much confidence during the day and is also a great cuddler at night.

He's lean, athletic and just so damn sexy. He has a large sheath that sways around when he walks and is almost mesmerizing to Watch
Nothing better than a good old swinging dog sheath
I get sooooo turned on by the smell of my dog’s breath.. when it’s about looks: I love their eyes. That’s why I hate dog breeds where their eyes look like they would pop out. That’s such a turnoff..

I also love looking at their paws. Not just in a cute way, I think big paws with lean muscular legs (say; Doberman like) are really sexy.
I’m submissive so love how controlling he can be . He’s just so sexy