ZooVille Ignore Feature


Staff member
The mod team has heard your complaints and here is the review.

1. We looked at how other sites handled such events. Twitter has blocking and allows blocklists to exist for this purpose. We will follow that real world case scenario.

2. You are allowed now by moderation to form your own block lists in which users can follow voluntarily. you can use their @ names in a long list in which users can hover over to block them.

Here is how to use the ignore feature. Ignored users will be vanished from your view, including all posts, replys, content and threads started by them.


Just hover over their username and hit the ignore button. In your profile button in the top right hand of the screen, you will see your ignore list if you want to change it.

We believe this is the simplest, cleanest, and ethical towards the protection of everyones right to free speech but that also includes the right to ignore such free speech.
The Block function isn't thoroughly explained. I tried to attempt the Block function, but I'm at a loss as to how and where I need to be on the site to execute that.
I was hoping that there was a separate Block function from the Ignore function.
I am quite happy with the ignore function.

Could you give an example where the current ignore function is insufficient, so that I can understand the need for a block function?
I am quite happy with the ignore function.

Could you give an example where the current ignore function is insufficient, so that I can understand the need for a block function?
To prevent them from contacting me; to prevent them from seeing what I post; to prevent them from even accessing my profile; to prevent them from directly replying to my own comments, and to prevent them from @'ing me.

I'll admit this is also a 2-way-street, so I'm quite content to not being able to see their activity; inability to access their account; inability to directly reply to any of their comments...because of the inability to even see their comments.

I'm basing the Block function off of how Facebook and DeviantART works with that function.
that's actually a lot of good items.

In particular "To prevent them from contacting me " would have been my guess that this IS in the ignore function, if it is so named. hm.
Not quite. I've Ignored some users here, yet I still have the ability to view their profiles. To Block a profile, we wouldn't be able to even see each others' profiles.
I'd love the ability to hide threads. I think there's a grand total of two people I've blocked on other websites I have frequented. Thread hiding/ignoring serves me better as I prefer to avoid topics rather than people. Idk. Might be something to consider but not a big deal
I find it absolutely hilarious that the example user you chose for the screenshot was the user AlphaDog! Lol
It's good that there is such a function, but unfortunately it's useless if the ignored member sees the comments and can reply to them, write troll replies, while I can't see them. This has not only an advantage, but a distinct disadvantage.
This function would make sense if it worked like a Facebook ban, the person I block can't see anything about me. Is there any chance you guys can develop this option?

It would also be a useful feature if an unwatched topic didn't send notifications, since that's exactly why I unwatch it. However, if they quote me in a comment, I will definitely get a notification, even though I don't want to...
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