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Zooromantic identity


I am a zooromantic. My connection to animals is not sexual as i am non/anti contact. How I feel towards animals is one of the purest things i have ever felt. And as an otherkin (african painted dog to be exact) it feels natural to like other dogs. Anyone else experience zooromanticism, whether you are also zoosexual or non/anti contact yourself?
I had to open your profile pic just to see whether the dog's right eye is ok. :D
I am very much zoo romantic, I can feel extreme love for an animal.
Why are you non contact?
His eye is fine, it is a star filter over the image!
I am non contact for a number of reasons. 1. Legal issues which is obvious as my area has strict laws when it comes to bestiality and 2. I am simply not sexually attracted to other dogs. Or humans for that matter considering I am asexual
i am a zooromantic, at least i think i still am... i didn't really feel love ever since my boy died. i mean, i am very fond of the ones i have in my life now, it just feels different. not as pure as it did with him if that makes any sense. maybe i am different, because i know how it feels in the end.
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1. Legal issues which is obvious as my area has strict laws when it comes to bestiality
Fair point. I also avoid certain things and take drastic countermeasures in case shit hits the fan though the situation in my country is less severe.
I am simply not sexually attracted to other dogs. Or humans for that matter considering I am asexual
What are you attracted to then? Only the African painted dog? (There are breed that are similarly painted :p, but dogs have a knot while the painted dog does not :D )
Fair point. I also avoid certain things and take drastic countermeasures in case shit hits the fan though the situation in my country is less severe.

What are you attracted to then? Only the African painted dog? (There are breed that are similarly painted :p, but dogs have a knot while the painted dog does not :D )
I am romantically attracted to human men, some human women (i consider myself homoflexible) and canids if that answers your question lol
i am .. or at least was .. very zooromantic. i am also zoosexual. i had a strong romantic streak that unfortunately is very "human flavored", and not really compatible with the way other animals are romantic with each other, or court each other. i am very focused on kissing, in particular, but the way _humans_ kiss, not the way dogs kiss, for example. not that i don't enjoy dog kisses, but i would REALLY love to kiss a non-human in the romantic way that humans kiss each other. it sucks that it's pretty much impossible. i've heard a few people say they kiss their non-human partner like humans kiss, but it's just really, really rare.
As long as I've know I have been asexual/aroace with people. When I discovered my zoo side it was the first time I had felt any attraction to another thing. As I grew older I experimented with other people just because I felt like I had to be normal in some way. While I could feel some sexual attraction I couldn't feel any romantic attraction to anyone. I did however feel zooromantic attractions. The zooromanticism is what mainly drove me to declare myself a zoo exclusive and I think I am a happier person for it.