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Zoophilia legality concerns and feeling the need for change. I hate the zoo part of me.

I'm concerned about the legality of zoophilia porn and this part of my sexuality. Apologies if this post is cringe... I'm genuinely trying to seek advice as I don't know where else to go.

Legality of zoophilia in Washington state as I am aware:
Washington states title 9 does not explicitly state that the posession of zoohilia pornography is illegal however many websites accross the web state that it is a felony. I'm a bit confused and my "leglease" isn't very good, but I think it's still legal if you're not distribuiting it?

My struggles with animal attraction and zoo porn:

This part of my sexuality has been around for a very long time. I recall having some fascination with animal mating as a child (Found this before seeing porn of actual humans) and since then, it has developed into watching zoo porn. I'm not proud of it, I've never actually "acted" upon it, but it does create some complications in my personal life. I am still attracted to humans, but I prefer the look of animal genitalia. I feel this has hindered my ability to become aroused with other humans. It's happened of course, but nothing gets me going like zoo porn.

I feel it is an addiction, but every time I try to drop it completely, I come back to it. I feel that I have screwed myself by viewing zoo porn/animal maiting as I don't feel nearly as sexually drawn to other human beings.

I wish I wasn't like this and society as a whole seems to hate people who are zoo. I didn't choose to be this way. How I wish I would have found porn hub instead when I was first learning about sexuality.

I am coming here because I don't know who to talk to about this without fear of being persecuted and having my life destroyed.

I may be a bit paranoid, but I'm fearful of the state serving a warrant for viewing zoo porn or something. I don't know if an ISP or VPN service has ever contacted law enfourcment about this stuff but it is a genuine worry of mine. I've never had any run ins with the law and I'm an upstanding citizen with a job otherwise.

I apologize for the long winded post, I just don't know where else to turn for this. I feel if I at least knew if zoo porn was legal to view or posess I may be able to ease my mind. If I learn it's illegal, maybe I will try to quit it all again and try and heal my sexuality for humans.

Frankly I feel I need therapy for this but... I am fearful of even bringing it up with a therapist. I'm just not sure where to go other than here... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I'm concerned about the legality of zoophilia porn and this part of my sexuality. Apologies if this post is cringe... I'm genuinely trying to seek advice as I don't know where else to go.

Legality of zoophilia in Washington state as I am aware:
Washington states title 9 does not explicitly state that the posession of zoohilia pornography is illegal however many websites accross the web state that it is a felony. I'm a bit confused and my "leglease" isn't very good, but I think it's still legal if you're not distribuiting it?

My struggles with animal attraction and zoo porn:

This part of my sexuality has been around for a very long time. I recall having some fascination with animal mating as a child (Found this before seeing porn of actual humans) and since then, it has developed into watching zoo porn. I'm not proud of it, I've never actually "acted" upon it, but it does create some complications in my personal life. I am still attracted to humans, but I prefer the look of animal genitalia. I feel this has hindered my ability to become aroused with other humans. It's happened of course, but nothing gets me going like zoo porn.

I feel it is an addiction, but every time I try to drop it completely, I come back to it. I feel that I have screwed myself by viewing zoo porn/animal maiting as I don't feel nearly as sexually drawn to other human beings.

I wish I wasn't like this and society as a whole seems to hate people who are zoo. I didn't choose to be this way. How I wish I would have found porn hub instead when I was first learning about sexuality.

I am coming here because I don't know who to talk to about this without fear of being persecuted and having my life destroyed.

I may be a bit paranoid, but I'm fearful of the state serving a warrant for viewing zoo porn or something. I don't know if an ISP or VPN service has ever contacted law enfourcment about this stuff but it is a genuine worry of mine. I've never had any run ins with the law and I'm an upstanding citizen with a job otherwise.

I apologize for the long winded post, I just don't know where else to turn for this. I feel if I at least knew if zoo porn was legal to view or posess I may be able to ease my mind. If I learn it's illegal, maybe I will try to quit it all again and try and heal my sexuality for humans.

Frankly I feel I need therapy for this but... I am fearful of even bringing it up with a therapist. I'm just not sure where to go other than here... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
To quote an old movie "there's nothing illegal about watching a donkey show you'll be let out worst case I'll get is a fine for animal cruelty by a bunch of ass wipe conservatives who don't understand sexual liberation.... I miss my donkey"

Some places around world it is illegal but nowhere in America is wayching porn a crime to my knowledge (except porn involving minors) but making it yourself is a diff story. Not a felony either. The websites are just covering their asses
To quote an old movie "there's nothing illegal about watching a donkey show you'll be let out worst case I'll get is a fine for animal cruelty by a bunch of ass wipe conservatives who don't understand sexual liberation.... I miss my donkey"

Some places around world it is illegal but nowhere in America is wayching porn a crime to my knowledge (except porn involving minors) but making it yourself is a diff story. Not a felony either. The websites are just covering their asses
I appreciate the reply. Certainly puts me at ease a bit. The quote is great. It's so annoying we have to deal with people imposing their idealism on zoos even though this country was supposedly founded on the idea of personal freedom and liberty. :/
Yeah I think this is a quite normal feeling towards the legal situation. Where I am from it's forbidden to share material, regardlessly if you made it yourself or just reposting it. The reasoning behind that is, that if you share, you are conversing others to fuck their dogs (sound dumb, well yeah it is). In the 2010s zoophila became completely penalised in my state and is now a felony. And now comes the fucked up part: it isn't even legal to talk about your experiences because 1st it's seen as a confession towards your "crime" and 2ndly it's per definition of the law pornografic itself. Imagine talking to a friend about a "normal" ons and some state person comes and puts you into cuffs for sharing explicit material. Sounds hella stupid and it is. The funniest thing is, that it is okay to download and possess any material of animals so this is so fucking retarded that I can't even comprehend it. Even yiff can be critical and there actually have been numerous prosecutions, even though it's not about the real deal. Sorry about the venting.

Don't feel sorry about your sexuality and if you feel unsafe, use tor. And move to Texas ASAP (joking). Good luck for ya.
Yeah I think this is a quite normal feeling towards the legal situation. Where I am from it's forbidden to share material, regardlessly if you made it yourself or just reposting it. The reasoning behind that is, that if you share, you are conversing others to fuck their dogs (sound dumb, well yeah it is). In the 2010s zoophila became completely penalised in my state and is now a felony. And now comes the fucked up part: it isn't even legal to talk about your experiences because 1st it's seen as a confession towards your "crime" and 2ndly it's per definition of the law pornografic itself. Imagine talking to a friend about a "normal" ons and some state person comes and puts you into cuffs for sharing explicit material. Sounds hella stupid and it is. The funniest thing is, that it is okay to download and possess any material of animals so this is so fucking retarded that I can't even comprehend it. Even yiff can be critical and there actually have been numerous prosecutions, even though it's not about the real deal. Sorry about the venting.

Don't feel sorry about your sexuality and if you feel unsafe, use tor. And move to Texas ASAP (joking). Good luck for ya.
What state are you from they banned hentai???? Utah???
I appreciate the reply. Certainly puts me at ease a bit. The quote is great. It's so annoying we have to deal with people imposing their idealism on zoos even though this country was supposedly founded on the idea of personal freedom and liberty. :/
Now that's a mutch better frame of mind Horsevcollector! If what's immoral and illegal do line up, it's always a coincidence. I'm glad you realize that it's not you, but that your world is the problem. That might seem like a small difference, but to me that tells you you're a person with some real critical thinking abilities.
With that, I'd like to give you three little pieces of advice: 1 Is that what happens in your own home behind locked doors, or maybe stable doors in your case is no one's business but your own, not even big brothers. 2 learn what TOR (The onion router) is since you're worried and probably rightly so about what records your ISP keeps.
I'm sorry the world is the way it is. 3 is to listen to this podcast episode about getting therapy as a zoo https://zoo.wtf/s3e3-get-help/ They explain things far better than could.
Love yourself and never
I believe for your state, as long as you didn't film it, partake in it, or commit it (As well as aid, or I guess if they wanted to for shits and giggles, say just for being there.) Watching a video of it is ok. I believe Oregon is the state that doesn't allow possession.
If you're using a VPN, you're most likely safe. I'm not sure which sites showed up to you that its a felony. I know of one that is "trying" to clean up cp accounts and has posted something about reporting ICC. I figure that notice is just from the site itself. So it wouldn't be a DNS filter that would pop that up.

When I was younger, I got into watching zoo porn a good bit myself. Almost to the point it was everyday. I'd follow Zarky's advise, and take a look at the Zooier than thou podcast. You may also be interested in checking out more of them.
I feel really similarly. It's hard out here, man.
I'm still a new account, so I can't DM yet, but if you have an encrypted chat site/app you like to use, I'd be interested in talking with you about it there ^^
Thank you for your bravery in sharing this with everyone.
It lives as a fantasy in your mind that is manifesting as an addiction. If you went ahead and acted regularly on it you may not have be so inclined to fantasize about it because it will be normal.

Washing state is the face of hypocrisy when it comes to their societal framework. They banned delta 8 because it's so dangerous but never put anyone in jail for selling meth or heroin. They are just compisating for the mr. Hands legacy.

The fact is no one knows what goes on behind closed barn doors. Do a little research you'll see like 5 people in each state that were actually charged with sex with animals in the last 15 years. It's just so low on the totem pole of urgency.
I've heard this from other folks that never had other common addictions. I was on pain pills for years , that's addiction lol. You watching too much porn just put it down and go outside. Later in life you won't give a dam about sex with humans I guarantee it ;)
My wife is very torn about the legal stuff also. I support her is her desire thats why I came here to try and find her some reassurance. Does anyone know if it is illegal to just view content in the us?
I'm concerned about the legality of zoophilia porn and this part of my sexuality. Apologies if this post is cringe... I'm genuinely trying to seek advice as I don't know where else to go.

Legality of zoophilia in Washington state as I am aware:
Washington states title 9 does not explicitly state that the posession of zoohilia pornography is illegal however many websites accross the web state that it is a felony. I'm a bit confused and my "leglease" isn't very good, but I think it's still legal if you're not distribuiting it?

My struggles with animal attraction and zoo porn:

This part of my sexuality has been around for a very long time. I recall having some fascination with animal mating as a child (Found this before seeing porn of actual humans) and since then, it has developed into watching zoo porn. I'm not proud of it, I've never actually "acted" upon it, but it does create some complications in my personal life. I am still attracted to humans, but I prefer the look of animal genitalia. I feel this has hindered my ability to become aroused with other humans. It's happened of course, but nothing gets me going like zoo porn.

I feel it is an addiction, but every time I try to drop it completely, I come back to it. I feel that I have screwed myself by viewing zoo porn/animal maiting as I don't feel nearly as sexually drawn to other human beings.

I wish I wasn't like this and society as a whole seems to hate people who are zoo. I didn't choose to be this way. How I wish I would have found porn hub instead when I was first learning about sexuality.

I am coming here because I don't know who to talk to about this without fear of being persecuted and having my life destroyed.

I may be a bit paranoid, but I'm fearful of the state serving a warrant for viewing zoo porn or something. I don't know if an ISP or VPN service has ever contacted law enfourcment about this stuff but it is a genuine worry of mine. I've never had any run ins with the law and I'm an upstanding citizen with a job otherwise.

I apologize for the long winded post, I just don't know where else to turn for this. I feel if I at least knew if zoo porn was legal to view or posess I may be able to ease my mind. If I learn it's illegal, maybe I will try to quit it all again and try and heal my sexuality for humans.

Frankly I feel I need therapy for this but... I am fearful of even bringing it up with a therapist. I'm just not sure where to go other than here... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Send me a message whenever you get the chance.
My wife is very torn about the legal stuff also. I support her is her desire thats why I came here to try and find her some reassurance. Does anyone know if it is illegal to just view content in the us?
Perfectly legal to view in us. Just google ur state
Yeah I think this is a quite normal feeling towards the legal situation. Where I am from it's forbidden to share material, regardlessly if you made it yourself or just reposting it. The reasoning behind that is, that if you share, you are conversing others to fuck their dogs (sound dumb, well yeah it is). In the 2010s zoophila became completely penalised in my state and is now a felony. And now comes the fucked up part: it isn't even legal to talk about your experiences because 1st it's seen as a confession towards your "crime" and 2ndly it's per definition of the law pornografic itself. Imagine talking to a friend about a "normal" ons and some state person comes and puts you into cuffs for sharing explicit material. Sounds hella stupid and it is. The funniest thing is, that it is okay to download and possess any material of animals so this is so fucking retarded that I can't even comprehend it. Even yiff can be critical and there actually have been numerous prosecutions, even though it's not about the real deal. Sorry about the venting.

Don't feel sorry about your sexuality and if you feel unsafe, use tor. And move to Texas ASAP (joking). Good luck for ya.
Is this in Germany? I thought those guys were more zoo lenient than most places in the EU...
There are 2 types of people into animals in my opinion. 1st you have the actual zoo's who love and care for their animal companions as much as any human partner. They treat their pets better than most people do. Then you have the people just into beastiality, those people only see animals as sex toys and they don't care if the animal likes it or if they are uncomfortable at all. They are the ones who force themselves on anything with legs. If you fall in category 2 yes you should feel ashamed and you should get in trouble. But if you are in the first category just live your life, get a lover, treat them like they deserve to be treated. Just keep your mouth shut, mind your own business and you will be fine. Like someone else said it's so low on the crime meter you have to be doing something stupid to get caught.
I'm concerned about the legality of zoophilia porn and this part of my sexuality. Apologies if this post is cringe... I'm genuinely trying to seek advice as I don't know where else to go.

Legality of zoophilia in Washington state as I am aware:
Washington states title 9 does not explicitly state that the posession of zoohilia pornography is illegal however many websites accross the web state that it is a felony. I'm a bit confused and my "leglease" isn't very good, but I think it's still legal if you're not distribuiting it?

My struggles with animal attraction and zoo porn:

This part of my sexuality has been around for a very long time. I recall having some fascination with animal mating as a child (Found this before seeing porn of actual humans) and since then, it has developed into watching zoo porn. I'm not proud of it, I've never actually "acted" upon it, but it does create some complications in my personal life. I am still attracted to humans, but I prefer the look of animal genitalia. I feel this has hindered my ability to become aroused with other humans. It's happened of course, but nothing gets me going like zoo porn.

I feel it is an addiction, but every time I try to drop it completely, I come back to it. I feel that I have screwed myself by viewing zoo porn/animal maiting as I don't feel nearly as sexually drawn to other human beings.

I wish I wasn't like this and society as a whole seems to hate people who are zoo. I didn't choose to be this way. How I wish I would have found porn hub instead when I was first learning about sexuality.

I am coming here because I don't know who to talk to about this without fear of being persecuted and having my life destroyed.

I may be a bit paranoid, but I'm fearful of the state serving a warrant for viewing zoo porn or something. I don't know if an ISP or VPN service has ever contacted law enfourcment about this stuff but it is a genuine worry of mine. I've never had any run ins with the law and I'm an upstanding citizen with a job otherwise.

I apologize for the long winded post, I just don't know where else to turn for this. I feel if I at least knew if zoo porn was legal to view or posess I may be able to ease my mind. If I learn it's illegal, maybe I will try to quit it all again and try and heal my sexuality for humans.

Frankly I feel I need therapy for this but... I am fearful of even bringing it up with a therapist. I'm just not sure where to go other than here... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Do you have issues with any other addictions? If you don't then it may be this attraction or interest is more of an orientation than an addiction. Which is not to say that if you do have other addictions that your zoo attraction is an addiction, only that the absence of other addictions makes it less likely that this is also an addiction.

For instance, as a straight man my attraction to women is not an addiction, while compulsive consumption of porn would be, since there is a dopamine response involved.

What sort of regularity of viewing zoo-porn are we talking about in your case?