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Zoo toys in Russia


Do any of you know which sites you can buy sex toys in the form of animals (dildos, masturbators) in Russia? "Bad dragon" and other foreign brands are very difficult to acquire. You need to buy through an intermediary who will help you pay for and send the toy. It's hard, and I don't want to do it. I know that such sex toys in Russia can be bought from the brand "erasexa". Do you know any other brands dealing with such toys that can be bought in Russia? I'm sorry for my English.
Do any of you know which sites you can buy sex toys in the form of animals (dildos, masturbators) in Russia? "Bad dragon" and other foreign brands are very difficult to acquire. You need to buy through an intermediary who will help you pay for and send the toy. It's hard, and I don't want to do it. I know that such sex toys in Russia can be bought from the brand "erasexa". Do you know any other brands dealing with such toys that can be bought in Russia? I'm sorry for my English.
Не знаю в чём смысл спрашивать не в русскоязычной ветке об этом, ну да ладно.
У эры секса качество так себе, а другие если и есть, то ещё хуже, лучше уж заказать с аллахэкспресса, там и то лучше.
Да и заказать с бд или других сайтов не так уж и сложно, просто ценник будет х1.5, х2, мне пришло чуть больше чем за две недели.
Не знаю в чём смысл спрашивать не в русскоязычной ветке об этом, ну да ладно.
У эры секса качество так себе, а другие если и есть, то ещё хуже, лучше уж заказать с аллахэкспресса, там и то лучше.
Да и заказать с бд или других сайтов не так уж и сложно, просто ценник будет х1.5, х2, мне пришло чуть больше чем за две недели.
If you're going to post in Russian be courteous enough to offer the English translation too OR an English response with a Russian translation, thanks.

I don't know what's the point of asking about this in a non-Russian-language thread, but oh well.The quality of Era Sex is so-so, and if there are others, they are even worse, it's better to order from AllahExpress, it's even better there.And ordering from BD or other sites is not that difficult, it's just that the price will be x1.5, x2, mine came in a little over two weeks.
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