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Zoo newbie, how’s it going?

Hello everyone! I’m new to zooville.org and new to the zoo lifestyle. Here’s a little about myself. Warning I’m going to bare all, so please don’t flame me.

I’m a 30 year old no sexual male that has always been into the zoo movement (fetish?) since I was rather young. I’ve always been a curious person when it comes to pornography and have explored a lot of different styles from your typical run of the mill to some of the dirtiest fetish’s and fantasies. Over the years I’ve had the amazing opportunity to experience a lot of different sexual fantasies in real life (everything legal). Unfortunately, I’ve yet to attempt anything to do with my zoo fetish. I’m not sure I’m ready yet.

I have watched this community talking about things from time to time and have finally decided to join. Recently I have read people on here complaining about how isolating and lonely a zoo can be, since it’s so taboo. I’d have to agree completely with that. Most places I’ve seen in the past has been dirty raunchy nasty messaging of people talking out their fantasies most likely while masturbating to zoo porn. So I’ve never really actively reached out to a community before. This one has caught my eye however, because this community seems to care about one another’s experiences, and above all most everyone here that speaks of their experiences in the past seem to keep the safety of their animal companions at the top priority, as well as themselves and others. I can greatly appreciate that, and would like to learn more about this lifestyle.

At some point in my life I do hope to meet someone in person with similar interests man or woman, but I’m not looking to rush into it or push someone into it. I’m also not looking for sex with anyone necessarily, but I am looking for someone I can feel comfortable enough to talk about this life without judgement. I’m looking for someone that I can call a friend, and someone that has no expectations of doing anything in person. If one day it happens then so be it, but honestly I’d just rather have someone in my life that just has common interests.

I can’t wait to get to know some of you people, and as I’ve read some people jokingly say that we are all messed up in the head, I’d like to think that everything is mostly alright with us. We just love animals more and differently than most.

Anyways that’s me, I’m very accepting if anyone wants to reach out! Thank you all for reading.
