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Zeta Principle as Community Standard (Discourage Fetishists)


  • Discourage the practice of bestiality in the presence of fetish seekers.
This principle builds off of the education without promotion axiom imbedded within the ZPs.

As a community standard, I feel this is non-negotiable. The human component of human and animal sexual interaction cannot be ignored. If the human's motivations are put into question, then the moral basis for the first three principles (bestow kindness, put their wellbeing as equal to yours, put their wellbeing above sexual gratification) will necessarily be put into question. How? Expected performance (meets, training, baiting, professional porn production), objectification (the animal becomes the focus of the activity, because they are an animal, not because of its status as a being and moral agent), the human wants something other than establishing agency (kindness, emotional/physical wellbeing) of the animal participant such as orgasm, profit, social connections)

There are two big ways I see this being violated here and it's puzzling to me: the personals section, the porn section (glorification of the fetishization of certain sexual acts and monetization). There's also a fine line between objectification of animals and those who just want to have hot lusty sex with an animal. The latter can still care for the wellbeing of the animal before during and after the act. The former, well, it's open to debate. Your thoughts?

For reference:

In common parlance, the word fetish is used to refer to any sexually arousing stimuli, not all of which meet the medical criteria for fetishism.[ This broader usage of fetish covers parts or features of the body (including obesity and body modifications), objects, situations and activities (such as smoking or BDSM). Paraphilias such as urophilia, necrophilia and coprophilia have been described as fetishes. -Sexual fetishism - Wikipedia

bes·ti·al·i·ty: NOUN

-sexual intercourse between a person and an animal.

fet·ish: NOUN

-a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs
There are two big ways I see this being violated here and it's puzzling to me: the personals section, the porn section (glorification of the fetishization of certain sexual acts and monetization).
1. The personals section appears to be far less effective than it may seem. You seem to have a lot of time, so you can go through those threads and make up a little statistics of how successful this way of getting a quick fuck is.
In my opinion the section of utter human desperation should no be here because this is not a dating site anyway.

2. Monetization of porn is actually discouraged to quite some extent even in the rules. Threads offering to pay for content or to provide content for money are deleted and users get banned or warned. Commercial crap - sexual exploitation of animals for monetary gain is discouraged and ridiculed especially the horse content and this content is removed usually either because it is visibly abusive or because it is in the rules.
How? Expected performance (meets, training, baiting, professional porn production), objectification
If you have a problem with that, then congratulations we have something in common.
Feel free to help here:
You can use the resources already available to be a valuable member of the community and get rid of the content that is considered abusive:
1. The personals section appears to be far less effective than it may seem. You seem to have a lot of time, so you can go through those threads and make up a little statistics of how successful this way of getting a quick fuck is.
In my opinion the section of utter human desperation should no be here because this is not a dating site anyway.

2. Monetization of porn is actually discouraged to quite some extent even in the rules. Threads offering to pay for content or to provide content for money are deleted and users get banned or warned. Commercial crap - sexual exploitation of animals for monetary gain is discouraged and ridiculed especially the horse content and this content is removed usually either because it is visibly abusive or because it is in the rules.

1. Why is there a personals section to begin with? Whether or not its successful (I doubt you can even locate this information there) it violates the principle here. It's also a very soft target for law enforcement. There was law enforcement activity on BF because of both the porn and meet up sections of that old site. It's completely unsafe for zoos and animals alike.

2. What about this? https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/how-to-monetize-your-content.672/

If you have a problem with that, then congratulations we have something in common.
Feel free to help here:
You can use the resources already available to be a valuable member of the community and get rid of the content that is considered abusive:

I certainly will if I run across it, but I do not consume porn. Why is there a porn section to begin with? Is it merely educational? Does it promote fetishism and the exploitation of animals?

The existence of this clean-up project seems to suggest that believe there's a problem and that this problem is so large that you cannot as a staff keep up with it. That suggests that there's at any given point in time, probably a number of unreported media you yourself might find objectionable. Is this okay with you?
Hi, thanks for your input, your thoughts on this ZP?
My thoyghs are. I hate the personals section, hell I make jokes about it dying. But also it’s kinda good in a sense. Regulates it a bit but also idiots will be idiots. Weed out the dumbest ones by Law or bad experience. Telling them to not do something will make them do it. Better to live and learn for some people.
Why is there a personals section to begin with?
Who knows. This is not my decision to make.
I certainly will if I run across it, but I do not consume porn. Why is there a porn section to begin with? Is it merely educational? Does it promote fetishism and the exploitation of animals?
The best way you can answer those questions is to go and see.
The existence of this clean-up project seems to suggest that believe there's a problem and that this problem is so large that you cannot as a staff keep up with it.
The forum has 100 000 members of which about 7 are mods that you can regularly see online. The forum bases abuse cleaning on other members reporting it, because realistically 7 people can not manage to review everything that is posted in time.
Is this okay with you?
Does the existence of my cleanup thread suggest that I am ok with it?
There are two big ways I see this being violated here and it's puzzling to me: the personals section, the porn section (glorification of the fetishization of certain sexual acts and monetization).
1. I didn't understand from your explanation why it would be wrong for zoos to invite to personal conversations or for two zoos to meet, which is what the Personal Ads & Meetup section can be used for.
2. Is your argument against porn in general or just against porn involving non-humans? In the latter case: what would make porn involving non-humans wrong that does not apply to exclusively human porn?

My problem is again what I voiced similarly in your first thread. You're basically taking the ZETA principles for granted, calling them axioms. Starting from there you draw conclusions. But the ZETA principles aren't generally accepted, they are not axioms that we would have agreed upon.

If you want to convince by arguing based on the ZETA principles, then you would need agreement on these principles first. I miss a philosophical foundation for them. They sound kinda good and are worth consideration, but they are mostly not self-evident (which you would expect from an axiom, at least in one sense of the word).
you're still missing the part where this forum isn't a community, like in the first thread on the very same subject. and similarly to your first thread, you don't seem to invite a discussion of any kind, you just stated your "truths" as facts.