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YouTubers Expressing Discern Towards Zoophilia


Hey everyone, I wanted to talk about something that's been bothering me.

There's a YouTuber whose content I enjoy, but he occasionally makes hateful comments towards zoophilia for the sake of comedy, but with a sense of seriousness. However, he has clarified that he does not have anything against furries despite making fun of them.

I don't know if I want to watch his videos because of that reason. It always bothers me when he says something negative about zoophilia. For example, he recently expressed his disgust towards Twitter for there being a page where people have sex with their dogs. Like, how does he even know it exists? I didn't even know about that...

He also took a dispicable stance towards zoophilia in a video where he scorns a YouTuber for making out with his dog.

What is your opinion on YouTubers like that? Would you still watch someone's content regardless of them obviously being an anti-zoo?
Since he doesn't care anything about zoo's - and is using it for content on his YT page - he probably search the web for those kind of things for new content. To continue watching him depends on how well you like his content and how well you can tolerate the things he says but if he really disturbs you thin if it were me I would just forget about him. There are a lot of YTers that I can totally enjoy watching that don't step on the things I like so if I decide not to watch one it's no loss.
Oh there's this guy i like to watch who made a few videos against zoophilia. I enjoy his content so i keep watching his videos

Now, if you do the same is your decision, maybe just skip these videos?
I avoid anyone and everything that is negative towards me like that. "I like furries but I make fun of them" is an oxymoron. I don't allow nor am I interested in mean snark and making cool ppl the butt of a joke. I just don't watch or engage with negativity.

I used to be into cringe culture, snark and such but when I grew up, I realized it was a mask to hide my true feelings. I've allowed myself to like things honestly and in earnest.
What YouTuber is it?
Personally I wouldn't watch anyone if they're publicly derogatory about a subject I care passionately about.
theres someone i very much enjoy on the tube that also has made a number comments towards it over the years. Considering his genre it makes sense though. I basically just look at it as someone with differing opinions and don't take it too seriously, amongs the things he could talk about its mostly only mentioned in off hand comments for comedy.
By chance.... by small chance is the YouTuber your talking about @Piet1118 Lumo from Kalbus? I find the guy pretty funny most of the time, but his remarks "Burn all the zoophiles" and "Let's start a crusade against the zoophiles" was less than amusing. He's also stated his position about zoos in many videos as well.
@FloofyNewfie No, his channel is called penguinz0.

Even though I enjoyed his sense of humor and his regular upload schedule, I just have to agree with @Kydiell. I can't stand watching someone's video where that someone repeatedly shits on something that I deeply care about and is very important to me. That's why I simply stopped watching his channel.

@chrispbacon He doesn't make videos specifically on zoophiles (except for one that comes to mind). This makes it impossible to avoid his hate speeches and hateful comments towards zoos. For example, how could I have known that he is going to rant about zoophiles in a video titled: "5G Coronavirus Conspiracy Is Insane"?

@RexAndMe he doesn't directly say to people that they should "fight against zoophilia", but there also seems to be barely any backlash from people in his comments regarding this topic. I think the majority of his fans just worship him and agree to his opinions.

@BigKnot I didn't look it up, but according to him, there seems to be one.

Thank you all for your replies! This was my first time posting on here or on the internet in general
he doesn't directly say to people that they should "fight against zoophilia", but there also seems to be barely any backlash from people in his comments regarding this topic. I think the majority of his fans just worship him and agree to his opinions.

I mean i don't see that as a worship thing, people just watch him for the entertainment value, like i watch him everynow and then cause hes funny. Most people don't want to think about things they don't agree with so you probably won't find many commenting about that joke or two he makes about zoo. And most advocates for zoo won't comment as they don't wish to out themselves. Even if they did they'll be drowned out by everyone else. I just see it as an entertainer using it for a few easy punching bag jokes, which sucks but not really gonna affect much. Definitely dont watch if its too upsetting though, personal wellbeing is always the most important thing.
Oh.. :( I really love Penguinz0.. he's so funny otherwise. What a shame that he's made that kinda comments, I've happily missed them myself
As far as Youtubers go, I know a fair amount, given that I once enjoyed cringe content (and still do, though often it's more to cheer people on than cringe at their odd lifestyles). Here's a short list of the ones I know who've commented on sex with animals. Some of these are from years back, so if they've made other statements, I may be wrong about how they currently feel.

YourMovieSucks is a movie reviewer and openly gay furry who also sometimes streams games. During one such stream, he commented on his feelings on bestiality, stating that he's not at all into it himself, but doesn't hold it against anyone who is, because if animals are killed and eaten without consent and that's alright, he can't be consistent if he condemns sex with animals, which is almost always more enjoyable than that.

The Amazing Atheist (TJ Kirk) was an old YouTube atheist, flirting with controversy and trying to stay relevant. In one Q&A video, he said that he's alright with bestiality if the animal is topping, since there's clearly some measure of consent there. Otherwise, it's unclear, but probably not alright with him. Given his many kinks and controversial takes on many issues, this one is hard to categorize.

MisterMetokur is essentially a Troll King, having spent a decade or more making fun of just about everyone on the Internet. He pretty much thinks bestiality is cringey overall, and did a few videos on the zoosadism debacle last years, as well as a commentary on the "Animal Passions" documentary. Actually, I once wrote a fanfiction with him and a German Shepherd (because he spent a lot of time on stream with alt right and neo-Nazi figures).
3/4 of youtube as a whole is garbage so don't take any of it too seriously. Find what you like and if you start to dislike it, bail. No one is forcing you to watch.
There's a YouTuber whose content I enjoy, but he occasionally makes hateful comments towards zoophilia for the sake of comedy, but with a sense of seriousness. However, he has clarified that he does not have anything against furries despite making fun of them.
Nowadays you cannot bully homosexuals so you have to take it out on someone else.
Yeah, no. I'd instantly stop watching my favorite YouTuber if they were against zoophilia. I don't tolerate opposition to zoophilia at all.
Well there is healthy opposition like "its disgusting" and "i dont like it". Then there are people who are insane and try to justify bashing minorities by making shit up like "its rape" or "animals cannot consent". Also they are often loudest while trying to collect attention they didnt get from their mothers. Its how naked monkey brain works.
If it is like a comment, you can ignore it and if you enjoy his content just bare with it.
When they start actively hating on us I can't tolerate it and will move away. You can't fight the horde or retarded haters. I've seen in on comment sections or in Twitter. Nothing to do there.
my guess is if the guy is so abhorrent about it, then he's either had a bad experience with something related to it (e.g. his dog raped by his friend)
or he is actually into zoo, self conflicted, and acting out his confliction and overcompensating trying to appear "normal" especially if he seems to know so much about it.
I mean, I hate vegetables like they are the spawn of Hitler, but I don't go out of my way to call out people eating them vegi-nazis and wishing they'd all die a slow and painful death from having meat stuffed down their throat until they can't breathe.
Like @Gigelina said, there is healthy opposition, and then there is insanity.
Besides, it's youtube... There's going to be lots of hate towards us out there. If it gets you down, remember, there lots of support here.
By the way, YourMovieSucks recently did a stream clarifying his position. Pretty good exposure of the bad faith arguments against bestiality, actually, and all because they throw it at him for being a furry.

By the way, YourMovieSucks recently did a stream clarifying his position. Pretty good exposure of the bad faith arguments against bestiality, actually, and all because they throw it at him for being a furry.

holy shit over an hour long
By the way, YourMovieSucks recently did a stream clarifying his position. Pretty good exposure of the bad faith arguments against bestiality, actually, and all because they throw it at him for being a furry.

Haven't watched the video yet, kinda busy. But watching the first minute the comment that was recited was insightful.

Particularly the part where he mentions that if the person engaging in the activity has sexual pleasure then they are immediately frowned upon. But if they are doing it to breed the animal and collect its semen for artificial insemination then it's normal.

In the end the problem isn't about abuse towards the animal or how much "pain" they precieve it to be in. But rather it's the act itself that they have a problem with/are disgusted by. By that logic, people who engage in BDSM, gay, scat, etcetra should stop what they're doing because I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't particularly be comfortable with those activities.

Thinking more about it I think these people aren't even aware of the kinds of things that are done to these animals in these industries, so the congnitive dissonance isn't really there but rather it is just ignorance.

There are really few things that I can currently think of that people use to justify their stance against zoophilia:
  • Religion: I don't have an idea about all religions but the ones I know have a doctrine that all humans are above animals in terms of purity of creation or perfection or something along those words. But if one is subscribed to Darwin's theory of evolution they would know that all beings essentially came from the same cell. We are ALL animals here, some just evolved differently from others, humans are the only ones who developed the neo-cortex which allows higher functions and language. Putting humans above other animals is just egotistical and ignorant.
  • Abuse: some people do actually abuse their animals and rape them and those are the ones that appear in media as "zoophiles". They put clips of miserable dogs in need of immediate care and go "zoophiles that and zoophiles this". People who abuse and rape their animals are scumbags and I support any legal action against them. But those are not zoophiles, those are rapists.
  • Consent: By far the stupidest argument of them all. They say that since animals can't give consent then you aren't allowed to have sex with them. Well, shit, I guess whenever animals engage in sexual activity with other animals it's rape then? I should immediately stop them! No. Animals can give consent and they can give it clearly as well. If a dog eagerly humps you and clearly sexually excited, you merely get into position and let him satisfy his urges; the dog is the one that started the act and is the one carrying it out, when someone tells me he can't consent I can't help but laugh. Well what about when it's the other way around? In my experience, I've been rejected by my dog when trying anything anal with him. He just walks away when I try it. And since the first few times he's done that I've learned to refrain from it.

So, yeah. That's what came into my mind from 1 minute of that video. Thought I'd share. God am I ranty.
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There are really few things that I can currently think of that people use to justify their stance against zoophilia:
  • Religion: I don't have an idea about all religions but the ones I know have a doctrine that all humans are above animals in terms of purity of creation or perfection or something along those words. But if one is subscribed to Darwin's theory of evolution they would know that all beings essentially came from the same cell. We are ALL animals here, some just evolved differently from others, humans are the only ones who developed the neo-cortex which allows higher functions and language. Putting humans above other animals is just egotistical and ignorant.

The three major religions of the world Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are very much against it. God Clearly lays out the rules. However in Hinduism I believe that there is some cases of zoophilia. I know that primarily pre-christian cultures like the Egyptians for example had it. Many of these practices began to die out with the spread of the three Abrahamic religions.
The three major religions of the world Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are very much against it. God Clearly lays out the rules. However in Hinduism I believe that there is some cases of zoophilia. I know that primarily pre-christian cultures like the Egyptians for example had it. Many of these practices began to die out with the spread of the three Abrahamic religions.
The 3 Abrahamic religions have a common root in Judaism. (Some can argue it goes back even further but that isn't the point here).
Anyway, a lot to the Judaic laws were formed out of necessity at the time: no murder - obvious, no stealing - again obvious. But when you get to some of the more obscure ones: no pork (unclean animal) - well, that isn't so much that the animal is unclean, rather, no one knew about tricinosis and people would get sick and die after eating pork. The same logic is applied to other laws. And sex with animals back then probably carried more risk for disease than it does today. And it was a helluva lot easier to say "God commands it" than to say "we found a strong correlation between having sex with dogs and dieing of rabies"
Unfortunately, logic turned to law, turned to religious doctrine, turned to more laws.
There are many other religions and philosophies that don't shun sex with animals like the 3 above do. Unfortunately, they aren't so popular
Oh and coupled with the fact that men love power, and nothing is more powerful than controlling people's lives. And controlling who one sleeps with might just be an ultimate power. Initial intentions might have been noble, unfortunately we all know where we are today
But when you get to some of the more obscure ones: no pork (unclean animal) - well, that isn't so much that the animal is unclean, rather, no one knew about tricinosis and people would get sick and die after eating pork. The same logic is applied to other laws. And sex with animals back then probably carried more risk for disease than it does today. And it was a helluva lot easier to say "God commands it" than to say "we found a strong correlation between having sex with dogs and dieing of rabies"

I'd agree to a point... without going into a full explanation of the ten commandments and Jewish law I had a similar theory that God banned eating pork and other unclean foods due to illnesses and the fact that pigs eat everything. To my knowledge during the times of the Roman Empire humans discovered the fact that salt and other preservatives to store meat since foods like pork spoil very quickly. That could be why Christians don't have rules about eating pork and other unclean animals. Seeing as the founding of Christianity was during the Roman Empire but that's just a theory of mine.

As for the sex issue. Its forbidden because God considers sex to be sacred between husband and wife. That's why premarital sex, homosexuality, beastiality, etc is forbidden. It was explained to me that a husband and wife shares a unique bond of sharing all 4 types of love (friend, family, romantic, and godly). I'm not sure your religious views but its important to take things in context the way it was written.