Please, dont get me wrong, im not jugding you or the act itself, im trying meditate and go deep to understand the human psyche, to what led x person to do the deed or even search about it, and i dont exclude myself from it.
I would like to hear your story about how eveything began(bestiality interest) and how you deal with it today.
For some, being zoo is a kink. For others such as myself, zoosexuality is a sexual and romantic orientation.
There are those who do it out of selfish pleasure-seeking (or power-seeking) with little to no concern for the well being, let alone the feelings or preferences, of the non-human partner (bestialists and zoosadists) which is despised throughout the zoo community, as unfortunately common as it may be on the internet.
There are those who do it out of pure love, attaction and devotion for our non-human partner.
And there's every grey area in between.
It's the same as any other "normal" orientation, with all the same reasons for the wonderful or horrifying acts that come with it. Though with those of us who truly love and respect our non-human mates as equals, there's a definite shift that happened at some point in life sooner or later, before or after the first zoosexual or zooromantic experience. Many of us feel it's something we're born with. But that shift in consciousness, whether it's a new awakening or a re-awakening, is from my perspective a realization of one-ness, breaking down walls that society builds in our minds from a a very early age dividing "us" from "them", and thereby seeing and embracing the deeper beauty and familiarity on the other side of that wall that most humans don't allow themselves to see.
Other species have much more intelligence and ability to love and understand relationships than most humans are willing to admit to themselves. There's so much specist bias against other species among our so called animal behavior scientists that they've mostly done a disservice to humanity's connection with the rest of our kingdom. That's why I dont call other species "animals", because we're all animals.
With those of us who are zooromantic zoosexuals, our non-human partners are our closest friends, our lovers, our husbands and wives, and for some of us it's deeply spiritual. Personally, I see Spirit, God, in the eyes of my canine mates.
All in all, if it doesn't harm in any way, it's a victimless crime. Because of your and any other outsider's own socially-conditioned mindset toward non-human animals, and thus zoosexuality, it may be hard to comprehend and accept all this. But the eternal unalterable reality is that love is love. There are no barriers to true love, only the false ones humans place upon it.