Citizen of Zooville
I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or what it is, but it is extremely difficult for me to make friends on here. I’ve gotten so many messages from people who say they want to make new friends and build strong connections. And I’m always open to meeting new people chatting. I love getting to know new people. The only time I have ever turned down someone was when they asked to borrow my dog or otherwise only showed interest in my dogs.
But every single person does the exact same thing. They either never respond(after messaging me first), respond a few times and then ghost, or by far the most common thing, they only respond in short 1-2 word responses and are completely disinterested in the conversation. And this is after they messaged me first stating that they were “looking to meet like minded individuals” or something similar to that effect.
For example, anytime I ask this one person (who shall remain nameless) about their day, weekend, job, whatever it may be, I get the same response everytime...”mostly ok.” And that’s it. The conversation never goes anywhere from there. I asked them if I was bothering them or if they didn’t want to talk to me. The said no you’re totally fine. But they never message me, and only respond with 1 word responses.
Maybe I’m just overthinking but 95% of the conversations I have are ridiculously one sided and it’s fucking exhausting. Why should I put in all the effort to keep a conversation going with someone(who wanted to talk to me first) when I can’t even get a full sentence out of them?
Not to mention all the people I get asking to fuck my dogs, do you have any pics/videos, can I come get fucked by your dog, blah blah blah. It’s all the same. I see so many of you on here talking about the amazing friendships and memories you’ve made with people on here and I want that but it doesn’t seem to be possible for me. Am I crazy?
But every single person does the exact same thing. They either never respond(after messaging me first), respond a few times and then ghost, or by far the most common thing, they only respond in short 1-2 word responses and are completely disinterested in the conversation. And this is after they messaged me first stating that they were “looking to meet like minded individuals” or something similar to that effect.
For example, anytime I ask this one person (who shall remain nameless) about their day, weekend, job, whatever it may be, I get the same response everytime...”mostly ok.” And that’s it. The conversation never goes anywhere from there. I asked them if I was bothering them or if they didn’t want to talk to me. The said no you’re totally fine. But they never message me, and only respond with 1 word responses.
Maybe I’m just overthinking but 95% of the conversations I have are ridiculously one sided and it’s fucking exhausting. Why should I put in all the effort to keep a conversation going with someone(who wanted to talk to me first) when I can’t even get a full sentence out of them?
Not to mention all the people I get asking to fuck my dogs, do you have any pics/videos, can I come get fucked by your dog, blah blah blah. It’s all the same. I see so many of you on here talking about the amazing friendships and memories you’ve made with people on here and I want that but it doesn’t seem to be possible for me. Am I crazy?