Any logical person would tell it only to a other zoo person.
Any emotional person would tell it to everyone and hope for a best outcome trying to explain others why they are wrong - good luck, it's like trying to change a belief of a zealot explaining him that he is wrong and in a same time hoping he would not tell anyone else so you end up in prison (it's like telling your boss he is wrong and hoping to not get fired).
You see things way too black or white. Obviously sharing such things to a known ''zealot'' is a dumb idea.
I've shared it with my closest friend, he seemed to have no idea that zoophilia existed. Then he joked about it and we have since talked about all that in details. He's totally fine with it and thinks that my private sexual life is none of other people's business.
I've shared it with my GF, who initially had a, I quote "All zoos should be shot" mindset. Now that she knows and has accepted me and talked with me about it with hours and hours, she has a totally different mindset about zoophiles, since she understood that a guy she adores and loves and knows is a good person in general, is a zoo. That showed her that we are not different than most people out there.
I'm also not a fan of outing here and there, I think only the most loyal and close people to you should know, and even then ONLY if they are open-minded, but your stance is a bit too radical.
For a retrospect - I think I helped quite a lot of people in my life and have friends and exc. I would guarantee for most of them that they would help me if I call them today and say I need something in 0:00 h without even explaining why - they would just do it (I'm sure of that).
Now, if that same people knew my little "side story" I'm quite sure they wouldn't bother with me at all, and they would not care how much I helped them and they would not even feel obligated to me any more in any way - that is the sad reality but it's a reality.
That's how I see things.
If these people are so close to you as you are saying, and are open-minded, they would accept you as who you are.
I think that people underestimate true and loyal friendships. If someone would trust you about everything, and they know you for a very long time, and would do anything for you, like you would do for them, what makes you think that such a person would not accept that you have a different sexuality than his/hers?