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Why get a dog neutered?


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
So many people are talking about their neutered dogs and getting their dogs neutered, I'm curious to know why you would want to get a dog neutered?
It is supposed to calm them because it removes their testosterone supply. Really the biggest reason

Edit: The reason shoved down everyone's throats is to control overpopulation. However, in reality you should only neuter your dog if he develops health conditions that would require neutering to treat
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My shepherd partner is unfortunately neutered because I started having issues with him being aggressive at the age of 2 so I thought it would "fix" the problem but it did absolutely nothing and I regret altering him. He still LOVES hand jobs though at the age of 8 and will be obnoxious if I don't give him one. My other dog was neutered at 6 months and I dont regret it at all because she is extremely reactive and aggressive and I can't imagine what he would be like if I didnt neutered him. He loves to mount me too even though he's neutered
There is a massive spay/neuter culture in the US for example.
There was in the UK too but I think that is changing, certainly with the smaller local vets. There were some new studies done in Europe and it found that the so called benefits were over-inflated, and spaying/neutering can stunt development and cause health issues in certain breeds. It also watered down the "your dog will live longer" claim, personally my former Lab boy was intact and outlived life expectancy for his breed.
Too many people do it out of convenience because they don't want to train their dogs. Plus you have so many vets here in the U.S. pushing you to get your dog neutered and you are just supposed to blindly do as they suggest and do no research on your own. I'm totally against neutering unless it's medically necessary.
FR ;
Souvent, les chiens sont castrés/stérérilisés déjà, de un pour la comodités et en deuxième pour ne pas de prolifération excessives et le troisième pour des raisons médicales diverses (cancer, maladie, etc.) et si un chien admétons ne procède pas d'accouplement pendant un temps mais qu'ils ont encore leurs parties Génitales, ils peuvent développer plus facilement un cancer (téticules pour les mâles, ovaires pour les femelles qui vont aussi avec leurs mamelles m/f).
Aussi, dans certains pays, il peut y avoir des restrictions ou des lois qui obligent les maîtres à arriver à ces moyens, qui peuvent être castration (par ablation ou chimiquement)/stérilisation/etc... je ne pourrais tous vous les citer car je ne les connais pas tous.

EN ;
Often dogs are castrated/sterilised already, one for comodities and second for not excessive proliferation and the third for various medical reasons (cancer, disease, etc.) and if a dog does not proceed mating for a while but they still have their genitals, they can more easily develop cancer (nipples for males, ovaries for females that also go with their udders m/f).
Also, in some countries, there may be restrictions or laws that oblige masters to arrive at these means, which can be castration (by ablation or chemically)/sterilization/etc... I could not name them all because I do not know them all.
I'm against it for myself personally because obviously I want to be fucked aha, but I'm also a realist and when I look at countries like Turkey for example with a large number of dogs on the streets I think that ordinary people neutering is more beneficial for dogs as a whole. Also neutering calms dogs down, and I mean what would the alternative be if some people did not neuter? More dogs in shelters? That's hardly a good thing is it?
There are a few valid reasons, a number if "it is easier" reasons and a big flush of propaganda.

To ne, from top to less...

Medical, of course.

When the sexual part is troublesome, like dogs escaping, no matter what you do, when there is a female nearby. Some can even maul themselves trying to scape.

Also, having males and females together can sometimes be very hard for all parties involved.

When dogs are to be free on a property that can't be propperly dogproofed fenced, like guarding dogs in farms, you'd better do somethibg or you'll get some extra puppies.

Then, yes. All the " become calmer and more mellow" usually said together ( without battting an eye) with "it won't change him *at all*", which sounds somewhat oximoronic.

Yes, I agree that may solve some severe issues related with territoriality, etc. But this can likely be solved via work and education first, use castration if the rest is not working.

Neutering is not a miracle, except for boosting commercial breeders sales.
My advise would be, if in doubt if castration is the answer, use the chemical implant for, say a year and see if that works. If it works, and *if* after its effects, starts behaving again as before, you might consider a permanent neutrring.
So many people are talking about their neutered dogs and getting their dogs neutered, I'm curious to know why you would want to get a dog neutered?
For most people, an intact dog is going to either get pregnant or get their neighbor's dog pregnant. It's a good way to make sure your dog doesn't create six new dogs that have to be taken to a shelter or given away. Also, dogs get stir crazy and do dangerous things in the interest of having sex.
Also, dogs get stir crazy and do dangerous things in the interest of having sex.
In the city, with owners being cateful, things can be usually controlled.

This morning I have been mostly hauled 300ft by my 120lb dog cause he was in pursuit of a female toy poddle ?

I let him get near, have some sniff and a couple of licks while I said hello to the lady and that she needn't tell me about the situation.

We split and he kept traking for a bit, and that was all.

I could "de-yolk" him, and I would have avoided those 5 minutes, sure. And some people would do it to avoid those "embarrassing" situations. It is their choice.
Me? I do not mind some exercise and some socialization with other owners ? (and I have plans A, B and C in case things go wild)

Now, you are right. IF my dog got too desperate or aggresive in such situations, or the owner is an elder person who can't control him. Yes, that is an obvious solution.
In the city, with owners being cateful, things can be usually controlled.

This morning I have been mostly hauled 300ft by my 120lb dog cause he was in pursuit of a female toy poddle ?

I let him get near, have some sniff and a couple of licks while I said hello to the lady and that she needn't tell me about the situation.

We split and he kept traking for a bit, and that was all.

I could "de-yolk" him, and I would have avoided those 5 minutes, sure. And some people would do it to avoid those "embarrassing" situations. It is their choice.
Me? I do not mind some exercise and some socialization with other owners ? (and I have plans A, B and C in case things go wild)

Now, you are right. IF my dog got too desperate or aggresive in such situations, or the owner is an elder person who can't control him. Yes, that is an obvious solution.
The problem is the average dog owner in the U.S. basically just keeps their intact dog in the backyard and does not keep a close eye on them. It's very easy for that kind of dog to get out and have sex.